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you listening to John Williams' Battle of the Heroes really made this piece one of the best orchestrated OC Remixes I have ever heard in a long time. Ya should be very damn proud of yourself. And an excellent choice in composer.

John Williams is my favorite composer of all time. I recognized the beginning strings and the ending climax just like in the Battle of Heroes. I have been waiting for an orchestrated Remix like this one.

Good form



wow, the intro really grabs your attention. Love it when that happens with songs, and the fact that in is orchestrated really made me happy. Almost right away i pictured the castle from SSBM and kicking ass there with Link. Amazing mix, this one is definatly going to the top of my playlist.


Great first contribution, my friend. Very promising indeed. But don't worry. We're not going to set our expectations of you ridiculously high now because of this. Right guys?


I said right guys!?



Awesome stuff. I love John Williams and I without a doubt hear his influence in the low strings at the beginning and end. This is really nice work. We don't get much symphonic sound around here that's this good. Kudos to you friend. May you future artistic endevors be met with the same apraisal.


It's about time someone made a really good Zelda II remix. Not just the Temple Theme - I love all of the music from Zelda II, and it gets no lovin'.

Anyway. The gradual rising in the Temple Theme was really well done. I loved the fade from it into the battle theme song, then right back in. Very stylish. Would have stuck well to include more of the title theme, but that's just my nostalgia.

Heres to the hopes that you return soon. Good stuff.


I never had the skills nor patience to actually beat that game, so I'm just happy that RH took a theme that I'm familiar with. Dynamic pieces such like these disables my ability to sit still when I listen to it, the strong and powerful strings makes my arms follow the rhytm of it and try to feel the emotions that has been injected into this orchestral creation.

Well, it doesn't necesary has that deep of a meaning, but I really do feel with this remix. This a battle of many battles, and I'm glad that I at least got the soundtrack of it. The length of this remix is a good thing, I'm plenty satisfied with 5 minutes.

Good that you didn't give up about this piece, maybe I should pick up my quest and turn on that game once again. Nice work. :D


Is anyone reminded of Batman Begins during the 4:00+ section, or is it just me?

edit: yeah, totally check out the second half of "Corynorhinus" and "Eptesicus" from the Batman Begins ost.

Not saying it in a bad way. Pretty cool.


My first song on OCRemix. Me So Happy :D. I just want to add one comment: I appologise for the low volume. There is a reason for it though, and thats my inexperience when it comes to mastering. Basically I wanted the part from 4:38-4:45 to be a little to alot more powerful then the rest of the song and sadly the only way that seemed to happen for me was by making it louder then the rest. If I increased the amplitude of the waveform anymore, that section of the song suffers serious distortion.

SO if anyone wants to give me some pointers in mastering (compression, limiting, etc) drop me a line.

BTW, I have a second song (thou this one is an older song with a slightly different style) that should be entering the judging panel soon. Wish me luck on that one. It's called "Pyramids of the Koopahari Desert (Lost in the Dunes)". It's not the same version that was on VGMIX.com :!:


Is anyone reminded of Batman Begins during the 4:00+ section, or is it just me?

edit: yeah, totally check out the second half of "Corynorhinus" and "Eptesicus" from the Batman Begins ost.

Not saying it in a bad way. Pretty cool.

I'll Have to check out the Batman Returns OST. Saw the movie (loved it) but was so into it I never paided a whole lot of attention to the score, which is strange for me!

Edit: Ok I listened to a bit of Batman Begins OST. Nice, I like it. I can sorta here the similarities to parts of BOTHH. But to me the string work sounds a hell of a lot like what he (Hans Zimmer) did later on The DaVinci Code OST. Actually, I am trying to come up with a way to emulate that "bouncy" string arrangment he used in "Chevaliers de Sangreal", within a SMB3 song.. may work, may not.

Random Hero


After a second listen it was quite enjoyable. I could hear all of the counter melodies and background instruments that make it come alive.

Great dynamics and use of the full spectrum of instruments.

It was a medley I guess, but very heavy on the Temple theme.

2:00-10 - What are those clicks? Are they the leftover sounds of the Brass section? ugh

The high ended strings during the 3:09-20 range were annoying and very choppy.

Could've used some dramatic Tubular Bells in the 4th minute IMO

Wonderful overall however. 9.5/10

2:00-10 - What are those clicks? Are they the leftover sounds of the Brass section? ugh

Could've used some dramatic Tubular Bells in the 4th minute IMO

Those clicks.. lol They are apart of the bass strings. You hear the same thing more clearly at 2:29-2:49.

Oh the Bells are in there but kinda (totally) buried.

See, I need mastering help lol.



Generally, when I look at the front page, I only listen to the remixes that are from zelda games, and usually I am unimpressed.

This time, however, I am greeted with something that sounds...pretty decent.

I like the arrangement, and I appreciate the John Williams feel (though, I'm not as much a fan of his recent work as I am of say....the Indiana Jones movies).

My main issues with this arrangement is the string section. While it is probably the best melodic string section sample/soundfont I've heard in my travels, it doesn't sound as though it is particularly variable. This leads to some disinterest at hearing the same sound over and over, regardless of the fact that it's being used differently, and lpaying different notes. Also, it seems a bit too stabby. I think maybe they could have used a little bit more sustain, considering.

But, it is the arrangement which makes this a good ReMix, paired with the relatively convincing orchestral sounds.

Unfortunately, I feel like more could have been done with the arrangement, though, like the adition of perhaps a higher string section playing a secondary melody over top of the main section, which comprises the bulk of the piece. I think perhaps some orchestral percussive elements (maybe more, I didn't notice any) would have helped the driving feel of this song, and helped to create the synchapation(sp?) effect that seemed to be what he was going for around the end.

However, my longing for something extra is only an addendum to the already acceptable arrangement that was put together.

But to me the string work sounds a hell of a lot like what he (Hans Zimmer) did later on The DaVinci Code OST. Actually, I am trying to come up with a way to emulate that "bouncy" string arrangment he used in "Chevaliers de Sangreal", within a SMB3 song.. may work, may not.

Oh man if you made any song sound like that would be awesome. I loved "Chevaliers de Sangreal". After I saw the movie I immediatly downloaded the whole soundtrack to The Da Vinci Code and have listened to "Chevaliers de Sangreal" constantly.

Well much luck to your future remixes Brother Ryan


I was very impressed by this mix - especially that rousing opening sequence. Does anyone know of any more music beside that John Williams piece that have something like that opening? I can't get enough of it.


Wow, I love this! You make great use of the full orchestra here, Random Hero! I cannot get over how amazing the string section is. And you incorporate the piano very well. Yup, this really is a top notch orchestral OCR. Keep it up!

  • 2 weeks later...

For all you guys who said the volume was to low (and i thought the same thing but didn't know how to fix it properly at the time) I have created a Remastered version of Battle of the Hylian Hero.


I will try and contact someone in charge to get the one on this site swapped with this one, if thats possible. (If you know who that is let me know! lol)


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

did any one hear something very familier in the song but something want to me

make me say hello my name is link double O Z... lolll

i wonder what link would drink thats shaken not stured :P

greetings from the netherlands

ps: no i was not stoned when i listend to the song :P

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