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I didn't fall off the planet, though the last month leading up to graduation was busy busy. But, I've finished college now. Hurrah!

Anyway, I'm back, and it's summer, and I have all my musical resources to tap, so expect an update soon. :)


A few questions and suggestions.When a remixer wants to remix a song thats taken,why not have the two duel over it.This way if one of them drops the song or the remixer gets dropped,you still have another remixer working on the same song?

Also,has anyone considderred doing a rock style remix of the sonic one boss theme,sinse all the sonic 3 boss themes were remixed in rock already(except for the 1st act s&k boss theme)?

A few questions and suggestions.When a remixer wants to remix a song thats taken,why not have the two duel over it.This way if one of them drops the song or the remixer gets dropped,you still have another remixer working on the same song?

Also,has anyone considderred doing a rock style remix of the sonic one boss theme,sinse all the sonic 3 boss themes were remixed in rock already(except for the 1st act s&k boss theme)?

1) 2 Remixers haven't wanted to take the same song yet

2) I would love some sonic 1 boss theme action, but thats up to pocketman. Final Boss Battle was easily the best song in the Sonic 1 for me.

EDIT - Oh, and I used to be the-almighty-tallest but now I'm Jimmy Jazz because it's a better username.

Also,has anyone considderred doing a rock style remix of the sonic one boss theme,sinse all the sonic 3 boss themes were remixed in rock already(except for the 1st act s&k boss theme)?

Well, I don't do rock.

At all.

But I was thinking about Sonic 1 final battle, so ya!


Gah, signing in again, after a LONG time. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but school was kicking my ass ( as Avaris would put it). I still have my Sephiroth WIP lying around, but I think I MIGHT have taken a bit of a too ambitious path with it, so I'll have to start working on it soon again ( That is, if no-one else has applied to mix the song during my absence)

Anyway, good to be back :D

Gah, signing in again, after a LONG time. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but school was kicking my ass ( as Avaris would put it). I still have my Sephiroth WIP lying around, but I think I MIGHT have taken a bit of a too ambitious path with it, so I'll have to start working on it soon again ( That is, if no-one else has applied to mix the song during my absence)

Anyway, good to be back :D

Holy shit!


Anyway, since you're back, Tensei-San, could you please help me with the bass part with my mix? My mix is on the actual Crescendo To Chaos forums.

Also, good to see you're gonna be working on your Jenova mix again after half a year.


Jeez, this sucks and rocks at the same time...

I just moved across town, and I don't even have a phone line hooked up yet. None of my neighbors have wifi, either. I'm posting this from my library, to say, for the next week or so, I still won't be around.

The good part? High-Speed Internet. Oh yeah. ...In a week or so... *Cough*

Anyway, what I would want from my co-coordinators, who both have to learn to share their temporary status as a duo, try and work out contacting The Minibosses, The Advantage, The NESkimos, MegaDriver.... bla bla bla... whoever else, too. Too many VG music cover bands to count. I haven't listened to most of them, though. I mean, if we're looking for someone to get on the project... might as well go for the big dogs. No point in not trying.

Maybe the public forums themselves weren't the best place to post that... oh well...

Too bad no one from the minibosses' forums ever really got back to me.

Anyway, point is, I don't really know how to get home from the library yet, and I'm walking... so... I've got an hour ahead of me to find my way around town, I guess. But for the most part, I can't do this every day. See everyone in a week or so!


Aaaaaaaaand... I'm back. Still on dial-up, but high-speed's coming Saturday.

I can see my cohorts have done their job... or not. I think, rather than go do it myself, I'll dump that small bit of responsibility on them. It's not hard, really.

POCKETMAN, you should now have access to the forums.

Good to see everyone returning after absences, too. How's it going, everybody?


I would like to announce that I am still alive. Through a series of unfortunate events I haven't had time to post lately, but that changes...now! Or tomorrow. I'm actually going to bed now.

I believe I have actually emailed a couple of those VGBands, without response, but I'd have to check my outbox to confirm which. Anyway, tomorrow. I am still getting over a cold. I need sleep.

Also, with everyone springing back out of the woodwork, do you all remember what you're working on? I'm still doing the Stage 2-2 boss from Hello Kitty World, right?


At this point I think I'll just do the right thing and officially drop from this project. Sorry I couldn't finish a whole track for you guys. I really haven't felt the love or motivation for this project (when you working for free YES it's important). It's complicated, but I think not being listed on the project or getting any feedback whatsoever for my mix (the right one) from leadership speaks for itself. Call me a whiner if you want, it'll just prove my point. Hope to return to ocr eventually. Again, my apologies and best wishes on the album.


If that's the way you feel, I can't ask you to change your mind. I'm sure I speak for all the coordinators when I say I'm sorry to see you leave. Good luck in the future James.


whoa man..lke..i've been lie...mega inactive..well..im gonna get started on my tetrix remix cause..reason isn't working at my house for some reason andddd...so far I only nede guitars in the tetris one...sooo yeah...woot...


Aww, man. Now I feel terrible. I know I should be doing more with my own project. I don't want to provideo some bogus excuse, and say I need to spend more time on my own project. I will now. It's summer, I have no real excuse at this point.

Sorry to hear that you are dropping, really. I think it'd be best if I make my next few posts as revies on the private forums. Give me some time to listen them over, everything should be commented on by the weekend. Maybe sooner.

Shinny- That'd be good. Although I don't think it should be called those damn s and z blocks... they're never really much of a problem. Maybe "Line 20", or whatever the highest level of speed is in a regular tetris game...

CHIPP - See the first page, it explains everything. And the thread's title. Yes we are still looking for help. If you have anything you've already done, PM it to me or one of the other Coordinators of this project. WHO I CAN SAY HAVE ALSO NOT BEEN SHOWING AROUND AS MUCH AS THEY SHOULD... but have done a great job over at the private forums while I've been slacking around more than I should be. But really, if you don't have anything to show us, I wouldn't waste your time, no offense meant. We really have to crack down on incoming mixers. No offense, again, meant to anyone. It's risky business letting someone in when they don't have too much to work off of.

Anorak - That sounds great. The contacts, that is. Hello Kitty... I don't remember putting that up on the front page, but I have been a little more lazy with it than I should be...

ed;285524']PM it to me or one of the other Coordinators of this project. WHO I CAN SAY HAVE ALSO NOT BEEN SHOWING AROUND AS MUCH AS THEY SHOULD...


I know' date=' I know. I am a bit concerned that Kanjika has not visited the site in a month.

I'm going to go fire off emails to a few bands now. I wonder if getting performers for Live 8 is this complicated...


Yeeaaaah.... It's Summer isn't it? Where's the promised activity? I really, really wish I bothered to learn how to mix before I went and started the project. Not that I regret the project, of course. I like knowing that even though I can't directly participate, I'm leading a potentially great deal here.

Question - This project... when I started it, obviously I was to ambitious, too pretentious. Maybe the whole artistic thing is too much. The only thing to worry about is the cover, and even that is nothing, paling in comparison to the project itself. Not saying I regret anything. Just need to get that offa my chest. I've been trying to be more realistic. Don't think I'm only speaking up now because I only realize it now. I speak up now because I have the time to put it into words, and to think about it. Go ahead. Air grievances. It'd be a healthy thing.

...So, Anorak, hear from anyone yet? Send me a list of who you have and haven't contacted yet; I'll cover the rest. Now I feel bad at CAPS yelling at you... And where the hell is Kanjika? Haven't even seen him on AIM...

Off topic a moment... who's been keeping up with the Smash Bros updates? The music is amazing. The bass a short while into the OoT medley is mesmerizing. If Zelda was Pikmin, but it was still Zelda, the music might sound something like that bass. Completely captivating. And the Ridley one? What is there to say? Emotional, and expresses power, anxiety... do I really have to quote Sakurai? It's downright fierce!

Sorry, offtopic... needed to deviate from the conversation for a moment there...

Thoughts? I need to start taking this much more seriously. I feel like I've not been doing what I should.


I'm actually still waiting for Luiza. If things keep going the way they are, I may need to find a new collab partner, as I haven't heard from her in a while. So, yeah, I hope she comes through, as she is totally awesome & our stuff sounds great when we collab.

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