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BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume I - History


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My most sincere apologies to both you and Brandon. I did not mean to fly off the handle like that.

I didn't see what you said. :-o

I posted that late last night (or early this morning amirite?) and I was talking about me in particular, and the little mad face :-x was because schedule is so pumped as it is... if anyone took this as any kind of insult then I'm sorry, I was talking about me. :-o Yeah, I shouldn't be thinking out loud in this thread anyway about whether I should be able to finish another song or two for this.. :3

Part of the ffs was because I thought February was a long way away. :-x

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BadAss Volume 1 is now locked in! We're this much closer to unleashing hell on an unassuming populace! Can you feel it?! Can you hear it?! Thats the sound of Ass kickery of a magnitude previously unheard of! We're gonna change the OCR remix project game!

Hell yeah dude! And I agree that tracklist looks amazing. It's like a delicious platter of hors d'œuvres that gives you a little taste of everything. I can't wait to see the artwork / final listing / website / zipfile? XD

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