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On 11/15/2016 at 7:31 PM, Darkflamewolf said:

To all remixers out there, currently on the project, those who have finished and those who have yet to sign on. @Supercoolmike is struggling with 'Last Dungeon', Track 07 on Disc 3. We've discussed this and he's looking for a second remixer to help collab with him in bringing his vision to light. I want to see him succeed and would appreciate someone stepping up to help him achieve this goal. I am pinging @Deedubs here only because he's done three tracks for us already and expressed interest in a fourth down the line depending on current projects and real life circumstances. Maybe this could be your fourth but in collaboration with Supercoolmike's vision for the piece? Either way, I'd really appreciate someone helping out. So if you can give a shout-out here if you are interested and we can get you two hooked up in pushing the track forward. Thank you.


EDIT: Also for those who I said I'd be removing your claim after the 15th, more tracks have now been opened up to claim as of today.

Sure, I'm down.  I don't have any crucial projects happening at the moment so other than work, rehearsals, and a few upcoming family gatherings, I'm pretty much free.  Never collaborated before so I'll see what I can contribute to help get @Supercoolmike's track rolling.


Okay, I've notified @Supercoolmike of your intentions to help out. If he doesn't reach out to you within the week, reach out to him @Deedubs. Last Dungeon is a very unique piece and the final one before the last two 'boss battle' songs. So it has a very critical spot in the album of being the last haunting, emotional piece before things get crazy busy sound wise. Looking forward to whatever you two come up with!


We had to remove the claim on Ramirez's track because the remixer was unwilling to budge on their first WIP, calling it 'complete.' After passing it through the faux judges panel (made up of both current and past OCR judges), it wouldn't have passed. As a result, we sent those critiques back to him, but he stood adamant. So unfortunately, we need to have remixers who are willing to touch up, polish and rework remixes as necessary based on feedback. If not and it doesn't pass OCR muster, we'll have no choice but to drop the claim. Harsh reality, but even though 60% of the tracks in an album need to be OCR passing, I want ALL to be passing so that no matter WHICH tracks I choose for the remix flood on OCR upon album release, all would pass without question and any further OCR submissions after album release. Hopefully this makes sense.

So another track up for grabs!

@Nathan Allen Pinard, Well, Jealous is still open and will remain open until you claim it officially. Right now, we are reaching out to Kidd Cabbage and Viking Guitar for that track but if you feel you can do something with it real soon....it is open for the moment. :)


Welp, John Stacy had to drop out due to real life, work, etc. Which is totally understandable. That leaves Little Jack, one of the more popular themes, back open for business! Come get the track WHILE ITS HOT!

As for progress, I am getting promises from 5-6 remixers that they'll deliver final or near final tracks in December and several others who may kick in their final WIPs by early 2017. As it stands, there are STILL 12 tracks unclaimed. That's one CDs worth of music left to remix! to put it into perspective, if all claimed tracks get remixed and turned in, as they are claimed today, we'd be 2/3rds done  with the entire album! Let's keep that interest going! We're nearly halfway there if not more so!


Good news! @zykO just submitted a final WAV to us, we're still awaiting an unmastered version but his track is basically done. That's one more complete! Furthermore, we got a nice solid WIP from @Supercoolmike and @Deedubs for Last Dungeon and that's shaping up to be REALLY nice. Another bonus: @Modus and I are planning on a Christmas treat to help generate hype for the album AND hopefully recruit more prospecting remixers to finishing off the remaining tracks! Because if no one knows, next year, December 26, 2017 is the 15th anniversary of Skies of Arcadia: Legends! I'd REALLY like to make that deadline to celebrate it! So let's get cracking and make that a reality for fans! :D

Now for the downer part of the post, I need to check in with several remixers who has disappeared from the face of the map. I've PM'd them a while ago but maybe a post pinging might get their attention? I'm really not sure at all how these notifications work when someone hasn't read PMs or the thread since May or February of this year. :( (note: May not apply to all I'm pinging, but most)

@Silent Ice, Still looking forward to that Air Pirate Secret Base from you. That mix was JAMMING, I was loving it! I'd hate to see that go to waste! Let me know how this mix is gonna jive! :)

@fxsnowy, I know you said you'd get to me a finished WIP to send to the faux judges panel for final polish, but haven't heard anything from you! Let me know so we can fast track this mix to completion. We're so close!

@Clem, Thanks for getting back in touch, looking forward to seeing how you'll take the Gigas Theme with your unique style. I know the first WIP was rough but not sure if that was the direction you were heading or just testing the waters with it.

@Tuberz McGee, you were giving me a solid MIDI arrangement of the song but heard nothing since. I'm really looking forward to you filling in the remainder with actual instruments like you mentioned. Let me know! This is a pivotal action track, I'd love to hear your rocking take on it! :D

@Sentient Pulse, Keep in contact. You're doing great and as far as I know, you're 'almost' done. We just need a finished WIP with our critiques factored in and then we can pass it by the faux judges panel for polishing critiques and then it should be good to go! Let's fast track this and get another finished onto the pile! ^_^

@djg-music, Thanks for getting back in contact with me, REALLY looking forward to the end capstone piece to this entire album.

Anyone else I didn't ping who have claimed tracks, we already discussed in PMs situations, so I'm in full knowledge of what's going on. Everyone, please keep contact, otherwise we have no idea what's happening with these tracks and with a new (hopefully) FIRM release deadline of Dec 26, 2017 where I WANT OCR to host it as an official album, things are more urgent than ever to make that 15th anniversary deadline of this game's release! Let's make it happen! :D


Okay, starting at the first of the year and as detailed on the first post of this thread in the latest update. I'll be doing monthly update checks for all remixers recruited AND bi-monthly checks on remixers whose tracks are near finished so we can help push along all tracks to completion. So expect a PM from me everyone at the start of the year! Enjoy the holidays!


To all remixers both old and current on this album, please do NOT submit your remixes to OCRemix as a standalone track. We want any early releases to be specifically chosen, if any, to be revealed at the proper times. If it's submitted and gets accepted and posted on OCRemix without an Arcadia Legends project tag to go with it, we'll have no choice but to drop the track and claim from the listing and have someone else claim the track and be featured instead on the album. These songs are to be released as an album. Doing this will only delay the release of the album and hurt other remixers who have submitted to the project and are awaiting the release date of this album.

Now as it stands, we are in the process of getting this album pre-approved to become an official OCRemix album. We are submitting the paperwork since we have enough tracks to show a decent amount of progress to include art if it comes to that. Once the decision has been made either way, I'll be posting the results here. So let's hope for the best everyone! :D


Beginning of month update for Feb:

@pu_freak I know things seem to be tough life wise with you, but hopefully it can settle down enough for you to get some quality time with the mix.

@Silent Ice Need to hear from you man. You dropped off the planet and I can't seem to contact you. Your latest WIP was amazing and I'd love to see it finished!

@fxsnowy Still waiting on some final feedback from @gario and @timaeus222 before we proceed forward.

@moseph No idea where you went. Was waiting on a more final WIP end of Jan.

@Kylok You're on track and sounding good. Keep it up!

@Kaiyoti Your first WIP is amazing! I can't wait to hear more!

@Garpocalypse I know you were ready to send me a final WIP one-two months ago. What happened?

@Clem/Redg Another person who dropped off the planet and can't seem to contact. Need to know what's going on with this track, otherwise I'm going to open it back up again come March.

@Tuberz McGee I need them guitars and other instruments in the near final WIP. Sounding good so far, but looking forward to more!

@Sentient_Pulse You're on track, no worries.

@djg-music Awaiting a final WAV file from you and developer commentary. Your track is basically done after those judge critiques. Let's put this one in the bag!


Akira Wing...not a member on OCRemix...anyone got a reliable way of contacting this guy? He claimed two songs and then....poof....nothing.


@djpretzel This is amazing and has truly made my night! I can't believe we got approved but now gives me more determination to see this through! Does this now mean this thread moves to the projects forum? 

As for help needed, as much as I want you to take a track for yourself Pretzel, I know you're probably super busy. (But thought I'd just put that out there) :) However we are struggling to find remixers to claim the last  9 tracks and we are looking to drop a few who haven't responded in months with little to no progress. I assume that's common with most projects? 

My biggest concern right now is Akira Wing, he claimed not one but two tracks and then went silent since. No clue what's going on with him or if he's getting my messages. He's an awesome remixer and would do those tracks justice but if not, they're sitting unfulfilled and unattainable to those who might want them. If anyone has a reliable way of contacting him, that'd be most appreciated.

Thanks again and can't wait to please Arcadia fans everywhere!

16 hours ago, Darkflamewolf said:

As for help needed, as much as I want you to take a track for yourself Pretzel, I know you're probably super busy. (But thought I'd just put that out there) :) However we are struggling to find remixers to claim the last  9 tracks and we are looking to drop a few who haven't responded in months with little to no progress. I assume that's common with most projects? 

Yeah, it's pretty common with projects that a few people drop out. Better to catch it early, though, so others can cover the openings, rather than later.

Also, congratulations on making it official. ;)


TO ALL REMIXERS:  We need your  consent  to use the tracks in the album, now that we are an official OCRemix album! For any who haven't done so and have submitted a finished WAV, please click the link and select this project and fill out the info ASAP. Thank you! This link is also in the first post of the thread. Please PM me (preferred) or post here once you've done it.

  • Liontamer changed the title to Skies of Arcadia OC ReMix Project Album - "Arcadia Legends"

@Clem Haven't heard from you in a long while and not much to show for your track. More folks are signing on recently and if I haven't heard anything by 15 Feb, I'm not sure where you stand on the album. Let me know what's going on. Otherwise I'm gonna have to open up the track to someone else. I tried PMing you but you haven't checked in since December. Hopefully you're still with us. :( 


Apologies to all for my jumping on here ready to go and then falling off the map (got a new job, moved across the country etc.)

Anyway im glad to see things are moving along!  Looking forward to hearing everything when its finished!

40 minutes ago, Darkflamewolf said:

You're more than welcome to claim an open track if you have intention of submitting a remix! :)

boop though I already sent a message about that


edit: And I think I've found the one I want! Hopefully I can take it since it's on the unclaimed list.

20 hours ago, Darkflamewolf said:

You're more than welcome to claim an open track if you have intention of submitting a remix! :)


Unfortunately,. I won't have the time for a while to do one from the ground up.   I am however quite able and happy to record trumpet parts if anybody needs them.  One of the nice parts of the big move was getting to upgrade my studio!

So if anybody would like a trumpet player for their ReMix, by all means hit me up.  I'd love to help out !


OK, After reevaluation and repeated listenings of the available tracks, I've decided i CAN claim a track.   

I would like to tentatively (no wip yet) claim Drachmas theme, which I plan to do in a flamenco style Spanish guitar and trumpet duet. I think can have the arrangement put together in the next few days to a week.  Provided I can do that I should be able to record a rough take on the trumpet part next weekend.   And I will ask here first before i start hunting.  Is there anyone floating around who can record live spanish guitar for me (shouldn't be too terribly difficult)?    


Don't be afraid to ask for collabs too @TSori, there have been a few already on this album and if you feel you can't do one instrument or part of the mix (like the spanish guitar), by all means reach out to others on the board. I will claim Drachma's Theme for you now. I'll check in at the beginning of March like I will for the rest of the folks currently signed on. :)

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