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I just had an idea. Would it be possible to organize remixes by genre? I know it's a heavy request, but I think a lot of people would be more likely to download more quality mixes based on genre's they like. For example, I don't really care enough about Mega Man 2 to see if I'd like any of the site's remixes. But if I knew a few of them could be considered metal, I'd definitely give them a listen.

I just had an idea. Would it be possible to organize remixes by genre? I know it's a heavy request, but I think a lot of people would be more likely to download more quality mixes based on genre's they like. For example, I don't really care enough about Mega Man 2 to see if I'd like any of the site's remixes. But if I knew a few of them could be considered metal, I'd definitely give them a listen.




There you go.

about that is it possible to have the quick reply box directly accessible? because clicking on a button before posting in it, kill the "quick reply" aspect.


This just started happening about 10 minutes ago or so: when clicking on "General Discussion" the default thread view is always set to

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Any ideas?

This just started happening about 10 minutes ago or so: when clicking on "General Discussion" the default thread view is always set to

  • Sorted By: Thread Title
  • Sort Order: Ascending

Any ideas?

Either something got messed up with the forum config, or djp's trying to make some changes.

about that is it possible to have the quick reply box directly accessible? because clicking on a button before posting in it, kill the "quick reply" aspect.

I've only used one forum where the quick reply was automatically accessible. But in terms of hitting that button, it's still a lot quicker than loading a whole new page just to reply.

I've only used one forum where the quick reply was automatically accessible. But in terms of hitting that button, it's still a lot quicker than loading a whole new page just to reply.

This is what the vbulletin admin control panel says, and why I'm keeping the click:

When Quick Reply is enabled, you may specify whether or not users must click the Quick Reply icon in order to start typing in the Quick Reply editor.

If you choose not to require a click, the system will not know to which post a user is replying, making both the threaded and hybrid display modes non-sensical.

We strongly recommend that you set the option to require a click if you use Quick Reply and have Threaded Mode available on your forums.

This is what the vbulletin admin control panel says, and why I'm keeping the click:

An honest question here, but who actually uses the threaded or hybrid modes at all? The tradition for OCR is the linear mode, and I use quick reply indiscriminately - I'll just click the QR button on the last post and make a comment on something halfway up the page sometimes...

Seems like it should be gone to avoid clutter - at least that's my preference, anyway. It's not a big issue though.

An honest question here, but who actually uses the threaded or hybrid modes at all?

I use threaded mode on all vbulletin forums I frequent, including this one.


Hybrid isn't too bad, but if you want the former feel that you had with Phpbb, stay with linear.

Threaded is just weird though. A totally new forum style that I would have to force myself to get used to, which I have no intention of doing.

I have a request.

When we get the old smilies back, can we rename :roll: to :darkesword: ? You know...to honor him and his work and such.

Double post, but I have a request.

When we get the old smilies back, can we rename :roll: to :darkesword: ? You know...to honor him and his work and such.

I support this 100% despite its low chance of happening.


The link to the Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong Country 2 RSN files (on this page) are broken.

The correct links are:



Also, the 404 page has a few broken links, but that's already been pointed out:

I don't know if this has been addressed, but the 404 page http://www.ocremix.org/404

Now has two broken links: Forums (because they still lead to phpbb2) and Links.

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