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Im looking to find more cyberpunk or futuristic anime or even just animated films. I recently decided to watch Ghost in a shell and found it to be interesting. I also enjoyed Akira and Im a fan of Mirrors edge, so that should give you some idea of what im looking for. That said, what kind of recommendations, if any, do you guys have?


The other Ghost In The Shell movies, for one.

Gundam 00 (Not cyberpunk, but futuristic and I'd argue the best Gundam storyline)

Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker (Cyberpunk as hell, also I swear that the TV series is the best Batman thing EVER)

Never seen it, but Appleseed is very Cyberpunk/futuristic looking.

The Animatrix

Bubblegum Crisis 2040 (The last half of the series is kinda lame, though)



Titan A.E.

50 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

The other Ghost In The Shells movies, for one.

Gundam 00 (Not cyberpunk, but futuristic and I'd argue the best Gundam storyline)

Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker (Cyberpunk as hell, also I swear that the TV series is the best Batman thing EVER)

Never seen it, but Appleseed is very Cyberpunk/futuristic looking.

The Animatrix

Bubblegum Crisis 2040 (The last half of the series is kinda lame, though)



Titan A.E.

OH GOD Evangelion.  That one ripped out my heart and stamped on it multiple times.  If anyone wants to know what depression is, Evangelion is the perfect example thereof T_T but the Redo apparently isn't too bad :D


Titan A.E. kicks ass


Adding to the list of recommendations (though I personally prefer the original Bubblegum Crisis over the 2040 one)...

-Armitage III

-Iria: Zeiram the Animation

-Dominion: Tank Police

-Key the Metal Idol

And for something that isn't quite as old as the others already mentioned, the first season of Psycho Pass.


If you've watched Ghost in the Shell and haven't watched Dominion Tank Police (weren't you in Nightmare Tank Police?  What's wrong with you?!) then that should be the next one on your list.  Just a warning, there are 2 animated volumes of the series and they take place in parallel universes.  For some reason Shirow kept establishing new universes for the series.  The characters for the most part stay the same but the setting changes drastically between the two volumes and some subtle changes to the character's personalities occur as well.  Still both are some of my favorite futuristic dystopia watchins'. Definitely hunt down the 1988 version first. It's the better of the two and has a much darker vibe to it.  Keep it on english voices for the music alone.  The english voice acting is pretty decent for a late 80's anime but the scoring for the japanese audio track is a complete miss on just about every cue.  


It's not a show or movie but if you are able to play it try a little game called Hawken.  It's a pvp mech shooter with the same atmosphere that's in a lot of these kinds of anime.  


Also, if retro-futurism is your thing, you can combine that with dystopia in the form of Jin-Roh, The Wolf Brigade. It is actually written by the same guy who wrote the Ghost In The Shell movie.


It takes places in alternate 1950s Japan - if Germany had conquered Japan. It's about a special police force and the story deals with terrorism and political issues...sounds familiar...


The 2006 French film Renaissance might be interesting to you:



The animation style is different (all B&W, and, well, it's the only French one on this list I think), and it has its detractors. But I thought it was pretty engaging.

Any other recommendations I'd have were already mentioned earlier (Jin-Roh, Ghost in the Shell, Animatrix, etc.). KF

1 hour ago, Kizyr said:

The 2006 French film Renaissance might be interesting to you:



The animation style is different (all B&W, and, well, it's the only French one on this list I think), and it has its detractors. But I thought it was pretty engaging.

Any other recommendations I'd have were already mentioned earlier (Jin-Roh, Ghost in the Shell, Animatrix, etc.). KF

I just saw this on netflix. didnt blow my mind, but I liked the art style!


Hmmm... while not sci-fi, if you want mind-blowing (either good or bad) I'd recommend Satoshi Kon. He deals mostly with really interesting use of scene transitions to create a sense of other-worldliness.

  • Perfect Blue is about an actress that starts losing her grip on reality. Really good cuts to create the feeling of losing it for the viewer.
  • Millennium Actress is more about the life of another actress, but this time, the cuts are there to explore her past.
  • Paprika is about entering people's dreams, and uses some really crazy transitions to put that setting into effect
  • Magnetic Rose from the Memories anthology is one of his earlier works, so it's less about edits and more about atmosphere.

He's got a few other films (and a tv series) but they tend to be less mind-fuckery and more realistic to some extent. If you any of theones I mentioned above, you might like Tokyo Godfathers and Paranoia Agent.


Since Esperado's gotten a lot of good answers so far, let me semi-hijack this topic a little: I have a small child at home, so I'm looking for shows I find interesting that I can watch with her around.  Anime is out because it's hard to read subtitles while interacting with her, and most dubs are pretty awful, plus a lot of anime is pretty graphic.  I just finished The Clone Wars, which fit the bill well, and I'm going through Batman Animated.  The Legend of Korra is also on my radar, but it's not on Netflix and only 3 of the 4 seasons are on Amazon Prime (which are the two services I subscribe to).  Any other suggestions?  It doesn't have to be animated, but it does have to be PG.

50 minutes ago, MindWanderer said:

Since Esperado's gotten a lot of good answers so far, let me semi-hijack this topic a little: I have a small child at home, so I'm looking for shows I find interesting that I can watch with her around.  Anime is out because it's hard to read subtitles while interacting with her, and most dubs are pretty awful, plus a lot of anime is pretty graphic.  I just finished The Clone Wars, which fit the bill well, and I'm going through Batman Animated.  The Legend of Korra is also on my radar, but it's not on Netflix and only 3 of the 4 seasons are on Amazon Prime (which are the two services I subscribe to).  Any other suggestions?  It doesn't have to be animated, but it does have to be PG.

A picture is worth a thousand words


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