The Coop Posted February 15, 2007 Author Posted February 15, 2007 Last year, a new (yes new) Genesis game was released. Called Beggar Prince, it's an RPG that takes the old "The Pauper and the Prince" tale, and gives it a new spin. It's a simple RPG with a different battle system, but it's also an RPG with a somewhat unfair boss. For 90% of the game, with a little leveling up, you can kick some pretty righteous butt on the bosses. However, later in the game, you have to basically guess which or five columns to place an object in (I won't say what). If you guess right, you get to continue playing. If you guess wrong, you get to fight the guardian of that area... a blue dragon. It's attacks are simple. One normal attack, one special, much more damaging attack. Regardless of which one it does, you're taking a nasty chunk of damage by the time its turn is over. I'm not sure how many hit points it has, as I never beat it. Despite using magic on it, attacking it with a fully leveled weapon, and healing my character regularly, I just couldn't beat the thing. The only reason I moved on from this spot, was because I eventually guessed the right spot to put the object after dying several times and trekking back to that area. Nasty little spot in an otherwise pretty easy game. Even the final boss didn't give me as much trouble as this little area guardian. Quote
atmuh Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 I've never gotten all that far in Zombies Ate My Neighbors and I consider it to be the hardest game ever can someone tell me about the last boss? Even that giant baby is near impossible. Quote
Faduger Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 ever play the chess master.....damn, need some skill for that Quote
Rainman DX Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 ever play the chess master.....damn, need some skill for that Yes. And yes. Quote
djliquidice Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 For me - shredder, ninja turtles 1 mike tyson :-\ Quote
MisterBiggler Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 That also just reminded me of Legend of Legaia. I honestly never beat that game cause the last boss utterly dominated me. The first time I went to fight the last boss, I lasted 20 mins before I died. I took that to heart for some reason, and so over about a week's time, I gained maybe 10 more levels, got all the ultimate gear and just destroyed him. Quote
chrono26 Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 For me - shredder, ninja turtles 1 mike tyson :-\ yeah mike tyson was a bitch in punch out. and of course omega weapon, to a certain extent. then every level in f-zero GX was like a boss battle... Quote
AzureZeal Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 I've never gotten all that far in Zombies Ate My Neighbors and I consider it to be the hardest game ever can someone tell me about the last boss? Even that giant baby is near impossible. It was some kind of big spider, at least that's what me and my friend thought. You know that powerful weapon, the one that sounds the organ each time its used? The thing took about 10-15 twenty of those and it wasn't even half dead. My friend and I hit it close to 100 times before dying. Quote
sirusd Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 I would have to say Omega weapon from FF5. He was a monster. I've managed to beat all the ones from the other Final Fantasies, including Omega from 8 (without The End, too). But for 5s... I even maxxed all my characters, went back, and he still wiped them out. Honorable mentions goes to any of the last few bosses from Enix's secret dungeons (Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, etc). Nightmares, all of them... Star Ocean 2 had a pretty damn tough final boss... as far as final bosses are concerned. Most of them are cake. FF7s was a complete joke. Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 Are you kidding? Star Ocean's final Battles (secret dungeon and all) were a joke. As for hard bosses... The Astyanax's villain (Thorne or something) was an absolute bitch to beat. Maybe that's just my memory playing tricks on me though, I was only 9 or 10 when I played that game. Quote
HoboKa Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 The hardest boss for me is the last boss for Mario RPG. LOL JK, K seriously I think the hardest boss for me would be...the final battle with Sigma on Megaman X4. Quote
Thalzon Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 Messiah and Meta-God from Shadow Hearts 1. They're not hard so much as they are cheap. Messiah uses a move called Holy Chest which, in addition to dealing about 250 damage to all my characters, also halves their current sanity points. When all you've got is about 20 Pure Roots to counter that (and he uses it about once every three turns, sometimes twice in a row), you can't help but feel screwed. THEN there's Meta-God. All of its attacks do between 250-400 damage on all allies, but everything except his physical attack also has an extra effect! His super move drains about 150 MP from all allies as well as dealing damage, his earth move petrifies, water poisons... And his light-elemental attack, yes, damages sanity. And he'll use his super move and the light-elemental move and the earth-elemental move the most. Bleeeeeergh. I'm just pissed that I'll have to go all the way back to town for more healing items now. Quote
chrono26 Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 spider guardian in metroid prime 2. and miguel Quote
Rainman DX Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 spider guardian in metroid prime 2. and miguel Ha ha! Miguel - definitely beat him first try. The trick is laying a Holy Light trap for that battle - he'll only use it at the end, when he's critically low on HP. So you get to rail on him for a turn, beat him, and receive Holy Light in the process! I'll tell you who was harder than Miguel - Garai. His special tech, whatever it was, that guaranteed a one-hit kill, 700+ damage, was outlandish. Not cool. I think it took me four or five attempts to get Garai. Quote
chrono26 Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 I'll tell you who was harder than Miguel - Garai. His special tech, whatever it was, that guaranteed a one-hit kill, 700+ damage, was outlandish. Not cool. I think it took me four or five attempts to get Garai. yeah, will break and triple slice or somthing like that. those attacks sucked, but i beat him on my first try lol. barely though. he only had like 2 elements so it was easy enough for me to get the field balck and wail on him. and i beat ultima weapon from ff8 on my first try so i thought omega weapon would be a piece of cake...not quite Quote
Warmech Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 THEN there's Meta-God. All of its attacks do between 250-400 damage on all allies, but everything except his physical attack also has an extra effect! His super move drains about 150 MP from all allies as well as dealing damage, his earth move petrifies, water poisons... And his light-elemental attack, yes, damages sanity. And he'll use his super move and the light-elemental move and the earth-elemental move the most. Bleeeeeergh. You know, when I beat that game I think it was because I cheated the system. Apparently, there's an ultimate transformation you can get for Yuri that makes the guy pretty easy, but I never got it. I went into the battle with Yuri, Alice, and the little kid with the slingshot (Halley?) and within two-four turns he had wiped out my two teammates. Luckily, my Yuri was a pretty big tank, so I literally just pounded on the boss with combos and healed when I had to and beat it with just one character. The fight also literally took me over an hour to win that way. Quote
The Coop Posted March 10, 2007 Author Posted March 10, 2007 I'm cutting to the chase on this one. Game- Android Assault Spot- Final Boss Problem- $&*#@%!!! After a series of stages that are really quite easy (even on "Hard"), this game pulls a demonic SNK move on you. The final stage ramps the difficulty up considerably, but the final boss takes it even further. First, you have to fight two forms. Form #1 consists of a fast moving bullet spray that tracks you, so there's no "safe spot" to use each time the boss fires. This is fired twice, with a missile shot between each spread. Afterwards, it fires a big, quick laser that also tracks where you are. But guess what? The weak spot on the boss is in its mouth, which only opens when it fires this big laser, and you'll only get a couple seconds to hit that spot. Should you manage to out last this, you encounter form #2. This one has a fleshy set of "arms" above and below you, narrowing your maneuvering room considerably. Various types of bullet and laser shots crop out of the two "arms", and the mouth still fires at you... and you still have to hit it in the mouth. The sad part is, no weapon can seem to make short work of this boss, so the fight lasts a good while. It's a real pain in ass, thanks to this final area being so much harder than the rest of the game. There have been times where I've used every last continue on this final stage and boss just trying to get to the ending. It's a boss that smacks your ass back down to Earth just as you're thinking you're a shmuping god Edit: Typos. Quote
The Coop Posted April 4, 2007 Author Posted April 4, 2007 Metal Slug 3. This game's a real ball buster, even on the easiest setting. With so many different types of enemies, and the multiple effects they can have on your character, you've got a lot to make it through just to get to final level. If you get there, you're in for a level that's almost as long as the previous ones combined. And just when you think you've won... you're proven wrong. I won't spoil what the final boss is, but it's a bitch to take down. Besides being able to fall off of it (and plummet to your death), it has several attacks that pretty much cover it's surface. One is a ring blast that seems easy to dodge, but isn't, as there's really only one safe spot from it. The second attack is a set of red orbs that have random trajectories as they come up, and them fall down the screen. Only two attacks, but this boss also has a lot of hit points, which makes for much jumping and dodging as you slowly pick away at its health. The only reason I beat this thing, was because I got tired of reaching the final mission and running out of continues ever since I bought the XBox version were it was first released. So I used a little "Free Play" feature in the Metal Slug Anthology, to finally get some sense of satisfaction. Cheat win? You bet. But it felt good Quote
DarkAura Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 Eh... Chrono Trigger's Lavos first form (shell) when playing through the game for the very first time and meeting up with Queen Zeal. If you can beat Lavos at that point in the game, I bow to you. Now, on Hard difficulty in the game Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (the Genesis version, and yes, I do still play this) you would think that Robotnik himself would be the hardest opponent. I consider everyone from level 6 and up to be bosses in this game. No... Scratch is the hardest boss I came across in that game. Quote
The Coop Posted April 30, 2007 Author Posted April 30, 2007 About a week or so ago, I finally beat the Golmore Jungle's Elder Wyrm... and damn did it feel good. I tried so many times since I first mentioned that thing in here, and the closest I got was getting him down to about 2/5 of a bar of life before everything gave out. That spore attack is viscous. I actually gave up for a while. I figured "fuck this", and walked away from the game for probably a good month or so. I was just so tired of fighting that thing. Then about a week before I won, I got the hankering to give the game another whirl, and just started level grinding. Buying better weapons, spells and items out the wazoo. After a while (and about eight level ups), I decided to give the Elder Wyrm another go. Got my ass handed to me a few times, then decided to try something. As soon as the thing was getting ready to cast Spore, I started character switching. Fran (my main character) was the first to be moved away from the thing. Once she was far enough, I switched off her Gambits, and left her standing there casting Cure on herself. Then I switched to the next character (Vaan), and got him running away. By the time the spell was cast, only the one remaining character was hit, which left two to do the needed healing and whatnot. I lost Vaan twice during the battle, but managed to bring him back both times so that all three characters got the experience at the end. Yeah, yeah... every says this boss was sooooo easy. Well, it wasn't for me. FFXII is a a bit of a different RPG for an old schooler like me, and seeing that thing die felt damn good. Since then, I've been kicking some pretty righteous ass on the bosses I've encountered (I'm on the big Pharos tower, with the second boss beaten). As I said in the AIMMS thread, is sure feels good to see new territory. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted April 30, 2007 Posted April 30, 2007 Eh... Chrono Trigger's Lavos first form (shell) when playing through the game for the very first time and meeting up with Queen Zeal. If you can beat Lavos at that point in the game, I bow to you. I never did it on the SNES version, but I did do it on chronicles. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I just spammed the frog-chrono-robo triple tech. Yeah, yeah... every says this boss was sooooo easy. Well, it wasn't for me. FFXII is a a bit of a different RPG for an old schooler like me, and seeing that thing die felt damn good. Since then, I've been kicking some pretty righteous ass on the bosses I've encountered (I'm on the big Pharos tower, with the second boss beaten). Every old schooler has that one boss battle in the game where it takes a while to adjust to. For me, it was Cuchulainn. Stepped in the arena, and watched my health start plummeting. It took me a while before I decided to just start spamming cure spells. The next time I got irritated was the Fafnir, Behemoth King, Hell Wyrm, Yiazmat run. SOOOO LONG. Just grinds at you, and characters just die spontaineously. Quote
The Coop Posted May 30, 2007 Author Posted May 30, 2007 And a happy fifth anniversary for this thread Tonight, I bring up a boss that I was reminded of as I sat here playing G-Darius on the PS2's Taito Legends. This little bugger's name is Ultimate Defender, and he's always been a pain in the ass for me. In the game, he's one of the smaller bosses, but what he lacks in size, he makes up for in fire power. The first thing to know, is that he has a shield. You can't hurt him at all when it's up, so you have to knock the shield down by pumping shots into an orb on his chin. His it enough times, and the shield goes down so you can hurt him... for a short time. The shield goes back up after about 7 or 8 seconds, so you gotta be quick, and hope he doesn't dart into the background where you can't hurt in while the shield's down. Anyway, as you try and knock out the shield, you're dodging a lot of shots. Bullet spreads, long and steady lasers, laser spreads, missiles that explode into bullet spreads... this guy's got plenty to blow you up with, and they all alternate in a pattern of sorts. Of course, the bullets are so plentiful, that there's not much breathing room to be had as you try and dodge the shots. This boss also uses a twin Beta beam (the big, purple beam all the bosses in the game can fire eventually). One comes from his head, the other from his mouth, and one of them is always fired at wherever you are, while the other simply goes straight from its source. God help you if you've died a lot and don't have a good weapon here, as you'll be stuck with trying to take down his shield with a weak weapon, which means longer and more numerous stretches of bullet dodging. Couple this with the fact that he moves in and out of the background, which can lead to just getting the shield down, and then not being able to hit him at all. Not a fun boss. Quote
The Coop Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 Redemption: Granted. A long time ago, back when I first bought Doom Collector's Edition, I played the games within a lot. But I'll be the first to admit... I cheated. Not on Ultimate Doom, but on Doom II. Why? Because the Icon of Sin was pissing me off to no end. So for those not in the know, here's the scoop. It's a huge demon head, with part of its brain exposed. You have to fire somewhere between 2 and 5 rockets into that exposed brain area to kill it. However, there's a catch. To reach that area, you have to activate a tall tower that will slowly come down, and then ride it as it slowly goes back up. However, you can't fire when you reach the top, because you'll be too high to get a rocket into that brain area. Instead, you have to time it just right before the tower stops raising. Whether you succeed or fail, you then have to jump down, reactivate the tower, and wait as it slowly lowers again. Sounds fun, huh? BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! As you're doing this, the demon head it firing out cubes that travel varying distances, then spawn a random monster. This monster can range from a simple zombie gunner, to a nasty Arch Vile, and everything in-between. It does this about once every seven or eight seconds roughly. Needless to say, in a very short period of time, the area you're running around in becomes very, very crowded. Pain Elementals get formed, and they fire off Lost Souls, Arch Viles start resurrecting all the beasts you killed, Revenants fire homing rockets left and right... fun stuff. There's not much in the way of ammo replenishers, so you've gotta be careful what you use to deal with the ever growing number of hellspawn. Anyway, yes, I cheated to beat this bastard, and it still took forever. I kept getting knocked off the platform by Lost Souls and homing rockets, or knocked askew by something else (which resulted in my rocket going off course). But a short while ago, I redeemed myself. Being on a retro kick lately, I've been playing the Doom games in DOSBox (original control options, resolution, etc.). And though I had to restart the level over and over, I finally beat the Icon of Sin on Ultra Violence. No cheats, no tricks, and no exploits. Just a lot of running, a lot of timed BFG-9000 shots, and a whole lot of hiding around edges. Damn nasty, but what else would you expect from the final boss? Quote
DarkAura Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 I ran across a game called Metal Wolf Chaos. Let me tell you, this game is one hard SoB to beat... I haven't beaten the last boss yet. Here's the setup... You are the President of the US, and your Vice President has started a Coup against you. You don a battle mech called Metal Wolf and fight against the US armies and the Vice President. Sounds fun, right? The last boss has you pinned against three things at once. First of all, there are hostages trapped in the Statue of Liberty. Second, there's this gigantic tank thing that wants to run you over, like squish. Thirdly, at the beginning of this fight, the tank fires a missile directly at the Liberty statue. You have to defeat the tank FIRST before you can destroy the missle. Oh, and you only have 3 minutes to beat the tank AND missile. >.< This boss is pissing me off. Quote
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