The Coop Posted August 25, 2003 Author Posted August 25, 2003 THis was rather... unexpected the other day. I got an E-mail from someone, who's name I won't fully post as I'm not sure they'd want it put out there, about this thread. It was kinda odd, but kinda cool at the same time. Here it is... Sorry, my computer isn't working properly, so instead of getting the member thing going, I am just e-mailing my response to you. I have never posted anything on Overclocked, but I was just checking out the boards and I saw this hardest boss thing. I read through a good deal of them, and most of the bosses can be defeated with the right amount of patience and skill if you ask me. If ever there were a boss that was really really hard to beat it would be M. Bison in Street Fighter 2 or Street Fighter 2 Turbo on the highest difficulty level, 8 stars. I know there are people out there who can do it in one try and stuuf, but ti is not easy. I believe there is not a single boss battle in videogame history that cannot be completed, but M. Bison is a jerk. I play so much Street Fighter that most of my friends think I'm crazy. I own 10 street fighter games, which is nothing compared to the total amount of them, but it is a good collection. Of those 10, 4 are all of the SF2 games, not including the Champion Editions. I consider myself a very very good SF player, and there are very few people I have played that can defeat me, so when I say Bison is tough, I think I am right. Note that as some characters it is much easier, such as: Guile, Ryu, Ken. Some characters just have the moves, but when I mean he is hard, I mean to play the game as all characters. If there is anyone who can get through the game as Dhalsim and not use a continue on 8 star difficulty, I would bow to them. I have beaten the game without continues as everyone but Zangief and Dhalsim. It is not easy. Yeah. Bison is the toughest in my opinion. Guess he wanted his thoughts heard Quote
Fletch Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 The hardest boss ever has to be either the giant robot at the end of Mystical Ninja Goemon for the N64... Only if you don't cheat. My method? Chain pipe, pull 'im in, kick. Dodge a wave of projectiles, repeat. Does about 120(?, can't remember exactly, know it was 100+) damage per try. Quote
Rodin Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 I've been stuck on the final boss of Windows 95 for like two years now..I've gotten all the secret items in IE, and unlocked all the Registry features. I even did the side mission where you rename the folders to get the easter egg, hoping to get an upgrade or something, but the Kernal keeps kicking my ass. Hell, I can't even get close to it yet. Does anyone have a save state or like cheat codes or something? I'd like to finally see the ending after wasting so many hours on it, because I admit defeat. I've never played it, but I'm working on Windows 98 right now. I'm only a level 6 MSPaint newb, and I don't have enough motivation points to update my Norton BFAV-6789 Virus Killer, which I need if I ever want to clear the KaZaA Fortress. I managed to kill Windows 98 by getting no less than 1800 infected files. By that time, the code for Windows has been pretty much rewritten Unfortunately, when I did so, it morphed into Windows XP, and is busy burning itself into my motherboard. And to that I have no reply... Quote
damathacus Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 has anyone actually developped a good strategy against him?if you have please tell I didn't know about that shield attack thing. I thought only the regular charged maxed out could hurt him. In any case, what I did was charge up fully in preparation to blast him, if he did that death from above attack across the screen that's really hard to avoid, I maintained my charged state, switched to that chameleon gun, or whatever it was that made you invincible, and then used that to get through the attack, then quickly switched back to the regular blaster before the attack was finished and started charging up again. I used up extra energy tanks and weapons tanks and I barely managed to get through that fight. Very tough. Other tough fights. The hard version of Andross from Star Fox 64, when he's a big brain. Vamp on extreme mode from MGS2. European extreme? I think not. He's tougher than the metal gears, even if you're fighting 20 of them, because once you get the pattern down, they're not too tough and you it goes quickly. But Vamp...too much. Quote
DL-Oddeye Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 Ultima weapon was easy in FF8 simple fact... Lion heart .... done Omega weaponw as hell hard... since I was level 100 when I got there.. it wasn't easy DarkAngel from star ocean the second story even at level 255 it was a good 40 min fight to kill it.. if ya managed.. tho my blood armor trick usualy worked well Then there is Lapis from Legend of Legiah no MP.. makes for a hard fight or Koru from the same game.. 5 battle rounds to rip off alot of HP.. and I dont gotta tell you how hard it was to level in that game.. tho.. if it wasn't for the music.. the boss fights got menotinus "Attack, Spirit, Heal, Attack Spirit Heal oi Quote
Zrexe Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 anyone heard of super street fighter 2 collection?? its basically a special edition containing super street fighter 2 alpha and super street fighter 2 turbo. anyway, in alpha2, there is a new mode known as the akuma mode. OMG the akuma is freaking impossible!!! he is the ultimate akuma. you cant throw him coz he always tech hits. he counters your every move with an alpha counter, and he teleports behind your fireball. ARGH the last time i played him i could barely take off a tenth of his health... and thats coz of blk dmg. Quote
ElZog Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 That last spaceship in Space Invaders (the really fast moving one) was a hard end of level boss (i guess you could call it that). Also, Master Hand on SSB on maximum difficulty was a challenge. Trying to destroy the Lucifer in the subspace tunnel with no shields and swarms of enemies in a slow bomber, against the clock on Insane mode in Freespace 1 was also difficult. Quote
Dr_Fruitcake Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 Believe it or not, the Hag 1 in Banjo-Tooie was pretty tough. I definitely gotta hand it to Rare for their creativity -- a bear and a bird, facing off against a giant, mobile drilling machine with several built-in laser cannons and two missile launchers, and two monsters in the trunk guarding the main battery. Oh, and a crazed witch driving the thing, who would every once in a while pop open the door, stick her head out, and either fire deadly magic spells at you or ask you random trivia questions about the game. Nice. It was an extremely tough battle, as least for me, seeing as how the vast majority of it plays out in first-person-shooter view (Banjo using Kazooie as an egg launcher), whereas most of Banjo-Tooie is in 3rd-person (other than the final battle, the 1st-person is only used for a couple of minigames). And since I was never a big FPS fan in the first place, it took a lot of getting used to. Quote
The Coop Posted September 3, 2003 Author Posted September 3, 2003 I was perusing the local EB Games a few days ago. They have a good sized used PC section (that's where I found Drakan: Order of the Flame still with the box, instructions and everything), and as I scanned through it, I found a title I remember buying on the Dreamcast. Bang! Gunship Elite For those that don't know it, it's a stright forward "hop in your space shit and shoot anything that moves" shooter. Graphically, it still holds up rather well and looks nicer than the DC version (which looked pretty good back then). Well, I was playing through it and I got the the final level. Can you sense what's coming? I swear... I have no clue what the hell I;m supposed to do against the final boss here. It's a massive ship that has orbiting satellites that fire at you. It shoots HUGE fast moving missiles that, if they hit or even explode near you, you are vaporware. I've pounded the blue hell out of the orbiting guns, but they just seem to get replaced. I've shot missiles and picked up ammo for your most powerful weapon (the Plasma Cannon) and I've unloaded every shot those ammo pick ups would give me... but I've yet to watch that damn thing explode. I'm wondering if there's a weak point that I'm supposed to hit, but if there is, there's not even a hint as to where it is. I've pounded this damn thing, and now I have to wonder... DOES IT EVER DIE?! Damn... talk about nasty final encounter... Quote
z38stinger Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 ....i wouldnt get pissed. I would just get cheats. lol, that or gamefaqs btw: not really a pain in the ass boss, but fun to do for bragging rights was to kill Fortinbras from Onimusha(Genma, xbox version here) with the plain old katana. Quote
Distriv Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 The hardest boss I've fought is either 'Id' from Xenogears (when you fight him on the bridge) or 'Doom Door' from FF7 (I was at seriously low level for that one). Quote
Ser371 Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 I havent heard much of Chrono Cross here...I say that was one HARD RPG because how strong you were esd how strong you were. You can only level up after a boss. I was actually stuck on the first Lynx for a while...but after a while he became fun to mess around with. OH! and the final boss in Sonic 2. I HATED HIM FOR SO LONG! im hearing Myzar alot.........i never saw him....... Quote
84 Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 The Boss of Guantlet for NES was hard.... hardest boss I ever had to fight. Quote
GroundTrooper1130 Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Wells let's go on from there: Hardest boss for me to beat on the computer and still remains to be the hardest boss I've ever fought on an RPG Level Is off of Baldurs Gate 1 The end fight with Saravok, He nailed me time after time, after time, till I had to put it down and play something else cause he could always hit me, and slaughter the rest of my party. For the SNES Well hell that goes to erg, um hmm...I'd say..frm Secert of Mana 2 the Dark Knight in the Glass desert that guy chews you up at high levels and spits you right the hell out like you were nothing more than a play thing. Nes: Well thats simple for me that goes to As one said before Contra 3 Sega...hmmmm Streets of rage 3 The last boss is that robot, I killed him a cheap way, but I fought him legit as the blonde haired guy, and got whipped, and I'm pro at those games. Sega Saturn: Tch That would be Bugs. Oh and Game Boy boss, this is the olden age when it came out first..the bulky ones..Goes to Final Fantasy Legend 1, and thats the last boss btw. I'd list more but I feel that I'd only look like an ass. Quote
Ybrik Metaknight Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Vwee! Post 1000 on this thread. I still say Zeromus from FFIV is the hardest final boss ever. Quote
StriderYoko Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 The Last Boss in Shinobi for the PS2 and the last boss in Ikaruga for GC Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 and the last boss in Ikaruga for GC Damn, that whole game is so hard, I never even got to the last boss! Quote
damathacus Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Vwee! Post 1000 on this thread.I still say Zeromus from FFIV is the hardest final boss ever. I'm trying to kill him right now. Stupid hard type, there's no way to keep your characters alive through that battle if you don't spend hours levelling up. Quote
- Myke - Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 I haven't read this thread at all. So I have to go With Mike Tyson in mike tyson's punch out. What a cheap mother fucker. Quote
DJ Riott Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 In metroid prime, the crazy bass in the sunchamber. i came to realize the boss was easy but if you had the little cordination i did you would see why it was the hardest boss i ever faced. it gets embarrassing when you talk about how many hours you tried beating it too haha. Quote
KiwiLord Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 Mundus in "Dante Must Die" mode in the game 'Devil May Cry'. If you try Dante Must Die mode and don't buy many powerups, like all the life you can get, or vortex, Mundus will kick your ass non-stop. Castelvania 1. Death. ugh. side note:Easiest final boss ever is Yu Yevon in FFX. you can not die during the fight! He brings you back to life!! WTF! Quote
artificialist Posted September 8, 2003 Posted September 8, 2003 Lizard Tail: From SEGA's big rig arcade machine. Quote
The Coop Posted September 17, 2003 Author Posted September 17, 2003 I was playing an old Saturn game Darius Gaiden... a boss from which I mentioned some time ago here (the crab from Zone "X"). Well, I found a second boss in that game that really does deserve mention. I'm not sure which zone it's from, but it's a really big sea horse. This same boss has appeared in G-Darius as well, but the 2D version is just plain mean. Many of your shit simply bounce off of this things body, and the one place you can do damage is very small... and multi-staged. It fires bullets and laser beams in sloqly changing angles, but at the same time... this way they make a hectic pattern that you gotta either avoid and do no damage to it, or try and dodge through so you can do damage. The Black Hole bombs are nearly worthless beyond just sucking up the many shots so they don't kill you for a short time, and the damn thing just never seems to die. I eventually beat it, but it deserves to be here. Quote
Xelebes Posted September 17, 2003 Posted September 17, 2003 This thread is still alive? I remember this when I was still in Gen Disc only. (Of which I wasn't here for long). Ne boss that is ticking me off. The Statue of Liberty in "Samurai Zombie Nation". I hate the snakes... I hate the snakes... Quote
Dhsu Posted September 17, 2003 Posted September 17, 2003 Vwee! Post 1000 on this thread.I still say Zeromus from FFIV is the hardest final boss ever. I'm trying to kill him right now. Stupid hard type, there's no way to keep your characters alive through that battle if you don't spend hours levelling up. Steal his Dark Matter, heal non-stop with Rosa, and use Edge to throw everything you've got at him. You can also try summoning with Rydia if you ever get the chance. Personal picks? I can't think of any *impossible* bosses, but Seymour Natus did give me a lot of trouble. Vagrant Story's final boss sucked, too...good thing I saved up on Vera items. I've heard things about Kingdom Hearts' Phantom, too. Quote
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