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No, no, no. It's Trudeau's fault, remember? He's PM now, so everything that happened before he took office is his fault, and not the fault of the party that spend the last fifteen years fucking it all up.

I'm browsing various sites and I'm finding the double-standard bullshit about online just... stupid. "OMG, you have to pay for Nintendo online services now? Fuck that!" and then they go on PSN or XBox Live for the rest of the day.


I don't have Playstation Plus or even own any sort of XBox, so the fee for online services is a huge downer for me.  Especially since the only thing I'm liable to play online--and the only game with online play announced so far--is Splatoon 2.  But damn, that looks pretty great so far.  Might be worth it just for that.  What will actually make or break my decision, strangely enough, is whether the Switch supports 5GHz Wi-Fi or a wired connection (by USB is fine).  My house is a 2.4GHz hell zone, and I have to wire my Wii U to be able to play Splatoon right now.

At first I thought free Virtual Console games would be an adequate draw, but I thought they worked like PS+ or XBL.  Apparently they take your free game away at the end of the month, though.

Those Joy-Con controllers look pretty darn small, and reviews so far suggest they're uncomfortable even with the strap attachment, although so far no one seems bothered by the different positions of the stick and buttons on the two controllers.  Fortunately, nothing I want to play uses them.  And apparently they cost $50 each, or $80 for a pair?  Eek.  That's a high entry cost for multiplayer party games. No wonder their main tech demo game is 2-player.  I thought I'd probably just get the Pro Controller, but apparently even it is $70.  Crazy.  They say the grip that comes with it is pretty good, though.

1-2-Switch looks pretty strange.  You don't even look at the screen?  Apparently the new, fine-tuned force feedback is a big part of it.  I think you'd have to try this hands-on to get it.  The wrist straps seem like it would be inconvenient as a party game.

ARMS looks like a short-lived gimmick.  They're trying to create a serious competitive game, but it's driven by the motion controls.  Reviews say they're not nearly precise enough to make it work.

I laugh at all those rumors that said Splatoon was just going to be a remaster/Director's Cut.  This is clearly a complete sequel.  Looks amazing.  I love the new liquid splash effects.

Mario looks great as usual.  New Donk City is going to be a huge part of the lore/culture.  I thought it was silly they called it open world and compared it to SM64.  That just had a hub world, and it wasn't much of one.

Zelda looks like it has a pretty deep plot.  Good to know, since we've seen nothing about the plot so far, just people screwing around in the open world.  I hope the English voice actors are as good as the Japanese ones.

My wife is actually really stoked about Skyrim.  It doesn't sound like it's the new special edition, but a portable version without needing a laptop or some weird portable PC?  Maybe she'll actually get somewhere in the main plot now.

I think for once in my life, I'll be pre-ordering stuff.


The more I read and watch, the more I don't want a Switch.

Price is the biggest issue. You Yanks are lucky with you $299 price tag. Meanwhile, it's $400 here, and games are going for up to $80. The fucking Pro Controller is $90, for fucks sake. Exchange rate or not, that's just too much. I have more disposable income than most people I know, and I can't justify that price.

Don't even get me started on that stupid "milking cows" mini-game bullshit. That's now what gets people to buy your system. Show us stuff like using the joycons to pilot a giant robot and blow up city blocks. Let us fly a spaceship around asteroids with them. Make a better showcase than marbles dropping into a box or whatever the fuck that was. Those are tech demos, not games.


I, for one, am excited. Off the top of my head, I can list 7 confirmed games for the Switch releasing this year that make me want to buy it. Give me time to think, I'll break 10. That's enough for me.

In particular, super pumped for Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Splatoon 2.

Did I mention Splatoon 2?


Splatoon, Zelda, and Mario all look awesome. :) I like how the business people in New Donk City are normal sized, but Mario's this little guy. XD

Eh, I'll wait years until it's $150-200 CAD. I can't afford to buy new games often, much less $400 consoles. And $480 is too high for me for the system and one game. I'd rather buy some of the handheld Zelda and Dragon Quest games I've missed. Would love to get the Switch and Zelda at launch, though! Looks pretty cool. :D


Well, the 3DS had 2 to 6 hours of battery life, but that was solved by being able to buy better batteries. I have a Mugen battery that gives me about 20 hours on a single charge.

The only problem with that is that those batteries run anywhere from $70 to over $100. Not exactly a cheap solution, though they pay off pretty soon if you play your 3DS a lot (which I do).

Sadly, I don't see such a battery being doable, as the tablet must fit into the dock, and a bigger battery would prevent that. Also, I don't think you can just take a cover off the back or something and slap anything on there. I'd have to see the tablet and dock to be sure, but I think the Switch isn't going to be very customization that way.

On 13/01/2017 at 4:02 PM, The Damned said:

The more I read and watch, the more I don't want a Switch.

Price is the biggest issue. You Yanks are lucky with you $299 price tag. Meanwhile, it's $400 here, and games are going for up to $80. The fucking Pro Controller is $90, for fucks sake. Exchange rate or not, that's just too much. I have more disposable income than most people I know, and I can't justify that price.

Don't even get me started on that stupid "milking cows" mini-game bullshit. That's now what gets people to buy your system. Show us stuff like using the joycons to pilot a giant robot and blow up city blocks. Let us fly a spaceship around asteroids with them. Make a better showcase than marbles dropping into a box or whatever the fuck that was. Those are tech demos, not games.

It's expensive 

It's gimmicky 

It only has a few games really worth playing 

It must be Nintendo

Getting serious Wii U hype vibes, here. The only games anyone really wants are the first party ones; all others are lame indie titles or games that came out five years ago on other systems. Promises of 3rd party support, but they will jump ship when their title sells poorly on the system.

Also, Ultra SF2: The Final Challengers...are you serious? There's blood coming out of the cash cow's udder now, maybe stop pulling on it. 


I'm going to check back on the Switch after 6 months after it's out, see if it gets any better.

Really, waiting six months is probably the best plan.

  • You get to avoid any first production run issues like design flaws that were missed.
  • You get to see if there are any price drops (like the 3DS had).
  • You can see how the online service is.
  • You can get more and better accessories for it from a larger pool of manufactures (including Nintendo). More games will be out to make up for the smaller number of launch titles.
  • There will be more people that own them, so it give you more people to play with than launch date owners will (and they can be the ones to deal with its early problems, not you!)

By September, I'll see if it's really worth it, and if it isn't, no biggie. If it is, I only missed out on the first several months of the worst part, and have multiple years left to still enjoy it.


14 hours ago, Brushfire said:

2 to 6 hours of battery. That is not great.

I cannot for the life of me imagine a life wherein I need to play a video game for longer than six hours without plugging it in and somehow don't have the money to just buy an external charger/extra battery/whatever

4 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

The only games anyone really wants are the first party ones; all others are lame indie titles or games that came out five years ago on other systems. Promises of 3rd party support, but they will jump ship when their title sells poorly on the system.

the ps4 and xbox one launched the exact same way and nobody said anything, presumably because the doom and gloom attitude isn't as eye-catching about those companies

2 hours ago, Bleck said:

I cannot for the life of me imagine a life wherein I need to play a video game for longer than six hours without plugging it in and somehow don't have the money to just buy an external charger/extra battery/whatever


the ps4 and xbox one launched the exact same way and nobody said anything, presumably because the doom and gloom attitude isn't as eye-catching about those companies

I waited a year before I got a ps4.

Regret it. I now own zero games for it. It's basically a Netflix box now


...Something happened to Neilfion's post....?

Came into my g-mail at 2:45 pm today....

If it ever shows up...


BotW will NOT be lackluster!

Only thing I see wrong with it is that the stamina bar's in the middle of the screen instead of off to the side and frame issues...though the frame stuff might be the same on both versions....and some VA...of course people are going to get mad over Voice acting. 


I had deleted my post actually. But all said was that I'm going to wait to buy the Switch. That way if Zelda or Mario end up being lackluster, I can just wait until some good games come along to dive in.

1 minute ago, Neifion said:

I had deleted my post actually. But all said was that I'm going to wait to buy the Switch. That way if Zelda or Mario end up being lackluster, I can just wait until some good games come along to dive in.

This is the video game industry in 2017 we're talking, how many anticipated games actually deliver on the hype?

Though Zelda is almost always good 

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