The Author Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 Did you kill all ennemies in the room? That usually does it. I can't seem to recall any particular puzzle there, just the pain of shield bashing magic... Quote
JoeFu Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 Beat the snow place last night. Now that school has started back up, I can't play all the time now Quote
Red Shadow Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 I'm at Zant's castle. I got my sword filled with the light from the sol stones, went through the dark waterfall, all the way up the tower and to the boss door... but I have no key. The room just before the boss door was the one I was talking about with that large, blue, glowing symbol on the wall above a spot where a chest should appear, and the blue platforms that take you up around the room. I've cleared the room entirely but I can't manage to get that chest to show. I've used every item I have including the horse call. this one gave me a hangup for a bit too here's where the key is: go outside to the area with the tons of dragon things and turn around to face the crystalfall out there jump through there and look up after you kill the few things perched inside the little alcove and youll see a clawshot point Quote
Arias Serathe Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 I'm currently stuck just before what I assume is the end boss. I've gotten to his door, but I can't figure out how to get the big key. There's a room with two symbols on the wall. The small symbol sits over a chest with a small key that I already got. I'm assuming the larger symbol is where the boss key is going to be, but I can't seem to get it to show. It seems like I've done everything, but there's something I'm overlooking. This is driving me insane! If anybody can help, I'd love a hint or two. As youkai already said, you just need to go up the shadow waterfall in one of the previous rooms. You know that room that's outside, where you fight off a ton of bird-type things, ride a platform to a ledge to the right of the entrance and then kill a bunch of those bird-head statues and a chest appears? Well, there's a shadow waterfall there, too. Stand in front of it and do a sword spin, jump across, and look up. There are a bunch of clawshot marks to lead you up to the chest.Note that this isn't the first shadow waterfall you see, after you first get your sword charged with light. As you're scaling the middle tower, you come across another one in the room I explained. By the way, you aren't required to shield bash the purple energy balls they shoot. I think you can sword slash them too, but really, I just ignored their shots and walked straight towards them. So, there's a chest I can't figure out how to get at. Anyone able to help? In the castle in Snowpeak Mountains, there's a chest in the room just to the right of the main entry way, but a huge gap in the floor and nothing to latch onto, and Midna isn't being any help. Anyone know how I get across there?I've already made it to the city in the sky. Think I burned out because I couldn't find where to go in there, to even reach the first chest. Gonna give it another go now, since I needed a break after a marathon session of nearly 18 hours solid. x.x Alright, this one had me baffled for awhile too. I finally figured it out near the end of the dungeon. Look at your map, note which room that is. Now go to the room that's directly above this room (on floor 2). It should be the room where you had to kill two of those ice-giants that were in cages as you went up the stairs, and there's a cannon up there and all that. When you get up the stairs, turn right to that nice part of the room with furniture. Notice the clawshot panel. Pull out your ball and chain and swing it at the ground around the center of this room. You'll fall through and land next to the chest. Use the clawshot to get back up when you're done.Also, City in the Sky was a great idea for a dungeon, but it really turned out quite tedious. Still great though; the item and boss fight totally make up for it. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 There's some weird glitch where if you save your game in this room, you won't be able to get out. So you'll have to start all over, and it's pretty far in the game. It doesn't really spoil much of anything, so feel free to watch to save yourself. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 So any ideas on possible patches to the problem, or was it a smart idea for me to hold out on next gen releases? lol. Patches for a Nintendo system. I swear the Nintendo fanatics would have had a fit at the thought a few years ago. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 So any ideas on possible patches to the problem, or was it a smart idea for me to hold out on next gen releases? lol. Patches for a Nintendo system. I swear the Nintendo fanatics would have had a fit at the thought a few years ago. The game is still great. This is the only "glitch" I've heard of. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 I'm pretty sure that's not the only glitch from all the talk in the forums about them. I just hope they fix it for the Gamecube version. Or on possible reprints of the Wii version. Quote
bouncerboy15 Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 There's some weird glitch where if you save your game in this room, you won't be able to get out. So you'll have to start all over, and it's pretty far in the game.It doesn't really spoil much of anything, so feel free to watch to save yourself. Wow, that sucks. I'm pretty sure Nintendo will release a patch. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Are Wii games patchable? And if so, source please? Well, they might be. My friend told me tonight that Metroid Prime 2 is patchable so you can use the wiimote with it. I'll have to try that. Edit: Yeah, so I guess he heard some a BS source I guess. He said upon launching the game in your Wii, it'll say the game needs to be updated. Nothing. Quote
Binjovi Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Sweet b'Jesus that was one hell of an ending... Thanks to everyone for the help. It helped! So, I've been wondering about Tingle, or rather, the lack of Tingle. Is it possible Fyer and (in particular) Falbi are a sort of joke to all those who complained about Tingle's borderline homosexuality? I mean Tingle kind of sat on the edge there, but Falbi crosses the line and then some. If I was making these games, I'd do it. Next up for Fantastication... ONE BIG GUY! Quote
SilverStar Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 So. Just hit 71 hours and the last dungeon. I have to say, the game is damn worth the cost. In my books, it's easily the best Zelda game ever. Including beyond OoT and LttP. Just something I'm wondering about, from the timeline gurus.. Where in the hell in the timeline did they find the time to relocate the temple of time from the Hyrule castle city, to the lost woods/Kokiri forest? Is there some big, important game between OoT and TP that will perhaps explain how the original Temple was perhaps destroyed and they had to rebuild it in the lost woods/Kokiri forest? And more importantly.. what happened to Kokiri village? Was it clearcut to make room for Ordon village? Quote
The Author Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 So. Just hit 71 hours and the last dungeon. I have to say, the game is damn worth the cost. In my books, it's easily the best Zelda game ever. Including beyond OoT and LttP.Just something I'm wondering about, from the timeline gurus.. Where in the hell in the timeline did they find the time to relocate the temple of time from the Hyrule castle city, to the lost woods/Kokiri forest? Is there some big, important game between OoT and TP that will perhaps explain how the original Temple was perhaps destroyed and they had to rebuild it in the lost woods/Kokiri forest? And more importantly.. what happened to Kokiri village? Was it clearcut to make room for Ordon village? All valid questions. Note the difference between TP's temple 4 cut scene and OoT's ending. At the end of OoT Ganon was banished in the sacred realm. He must have come back somehow and caused some trouble.As for the temple of time being relocated, note that the whole kingdom's layout was changed. For the Zora kingdom to be north, you would have to rotate OoT's map 90 degrees to the counterclockwise. That would put not Ordona province, but the first temple/6th temple over it. It would also make Karakiro no longer correspond to the island in WW and death mountain would be pretty far off from the WW location. Also, the temple of time was still in Hyrule/Castle City in WW. Do you remember opening the gate to the temple of time? You moved from the real world to somewhere else. What you had in the lost woods was a gate from the woods to the temple of time, which lacks a definite location as of TP. This is probably due to Ganon destroying it in the bridge between MM and TP. Since there was no reference and no legends about the hero of time, you can safely assume that another game takes place between TP and WW, and then a the failure that led to WW. So, after TP, Ganon should free himself twice. Once to continue the legend that Link became in TP, and one for Link to not return and for Ganon to destroy hyrule, but not the newly rebuilt temple of time. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Holy crap, I cannot figure out what to do in the Sky Temple. I have everything, big key and all.But there's that one last thing you need to grapple onto is too high. lol It doesn't involve using one of those two Ooccos, does it? Don't tell me exactly what to do, because I'd like to figure it out edit: yay, figured it out. Quote
SilverStar Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 Alright, need a small bit of non-essential help near the end of the game. Back courtyard of Hyrule Castle, there's an extra room/chamber that I can't seem to access. I believe it has the key needed to unlock the room just before the castle boss chamber, which has the 3 extra treasures in it. Anyone know how I get to this room? Edit: A-ha! Found it. Wasn't anywhere I'd expect the entrance to be. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 Just beat it. Such an amazing game. Bravo Nintendo. Quote
The Mutericator Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 I'm pretty sure that's not the only glitch from all the talk in the forums about them. I just hope they fix it for the Gamecube version. Or on possible reprints of the Wii version. Yeah, they had three versions of Ocarina of Time, most of the fun glitches were only available in the first (gold cart) version. Quote
Linkjing Donuts Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 So any ideas on possible patches to the problem, or was it a smart idea for me to hold out on next gen releases? lol. Patches for a Nintendo system. I swear the Nintendo fanatics would have had a fit at the thought a few years ago. The game is still great. This is the only "glitch" I've heard of. k, another glitch. So I was in the Goron Mines. Then I reset my game after falling in the lava. I expected to return to the start menu where the title "Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess" would fade in, and "Start A + B" would come in underneath. Link and Epona would be in the background, near the end of the bridge where the jousting took place. Instead, the title screen did not come up, and I was able to play as Link in the same general area there he was standing in the start menu. No items were shown on the screen, but I could move around. Then I pressed A and the game froze.Screenshot: Quote
SilverStar Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 Whew. Just beat it. 73 hours. I have to say, it's finally a real climactic battle at the end. Though, the ending does leave me a bit confused. And it is indeed my opinion that this is the single best Zelda game ever. But that doesn't mean there isn't lots of room for improvement. So, at the end.. WTF Zant? Where'd he come from?Anyway, I was really disappointed by how much they nerfed the hookshot. The clawshot was alright, and dual clawshot was a blast.. when you could use it. What I'd like to see, is for them to bring back the hookshot and even do the same thing for dual hookshot with some really funky layouts. Another thing that disappointed me, was the lack of real use for bombs. I mean, there weren't even any bombable walls or anything. Nowhere you needed to bomb a crack in a wall to find something hidden. It was all just obvious boulders. And did anyone even have a use for the walking bombs, after the first dungeon? Bombchus were far superior, IMO. And what was the point of keeping the slingshot, after you get the bow and arrow? And why no magic fire/water/light arrows? Hell, why can't you get special upgrades or make any real use of the great fairy? I didn't even have to use the tears. Be nice if maybe they worked like a fairy and auto-healed when you died, to full plus the attack boost, or something.. And then there's the boomerang. You have almost literally no use for it, once you beat the forest temple. It was a mainstay of the Zelda series and was one of the most useful items in the game, and now you might as well forget about it. At least they have the Cave of Ordeals. That place was a pain in the ass for the first few times. Especially the final battle against the 3 armored knights. Anyone else think the whole howling thing sounded horrible and was ultimately pointless? Just 7 times in the entire game, unless you want to call the hawk or Epona to get a hint/talk for no reason. I'd much rather have a musical instrument that lets me do various things, instead of just getting the horsewhistle. Or at least give me the option to learn new songs to howl when I choose. At that point, you just warp around everywhere you need to go. So, yeah. While it's the best Zelda game overall, there's a lot of things they left out that could be improved in a big way. And maybe figure out why the motion detection will kick out every now and then. It can mean the difference between getting nailed, or pulling off a circle slash. Quote
Kiyosuki Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 One of the small little details I love is how the different tunics/armors actually look different this time. I kind of wish you got a straightforward "red" armor thats strong against fire (but trade off is you're more vulnerable to some other elements like ice, similar to the other one.) since so many enemies use fire against you. The Magic Armor looks cool but it just drains the ruppee's so damn quickly. Its useful if you switch really quickly though for certain things, although I haven't really thoungt anything's been that much of a threat to you in this game. Quote
Arias Serathe Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 One of the small little details I love is how the different tunics/armors actually look different this time. I kind of wish you got a straightforward "red" armor thats strong against fire (but trade off is you're more vulnerable to some other elements like ice, similar to the other one.) since so many enemies use fire against you.The Magic Armor looks cool but it just drains the ruppee's so damn quickly. Its useful if you switch really quickly though for certain things, although I haven't really thoungt anything's been that much of a threat to you in this game. Three words. "C____ o__ O_____". Have fun solvin' that mind-binder. Quote
Kiyosuki Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 One of the small little details I love is how the different tunics/armors actually look different this time. I kind of wish you got a straightforward "red" armor thats strong against fire (but trade off is you're more vulnerable to some other elements like ice, similar to the other one.) since so many enemies use fire against you.The Magic Armor looks cool but it just drains the ruppee's so damn quickly. Its useful if you switch really quickly though for certain things, although I haven't really thoungt anything's been that much of a threat to you in this game. Three words. "C____ o__ O_____". Have fun solvin' that mind-binder. The Cave of Ordeals? Quote
Arias Serathe Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 why did you have to go and cheat like that geez cheater Yes, things get really rough in some parts of the Cave of Ordeals. That Magic Armor can truly be a lifesaver at times. Quote
Bigfoot Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 You know what would make a cool wallpaper? If someone got a screen shot of the image of the Master Sword when it's put back. Quote
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