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So, I hear FF12's release has been delayed in Europe. Out of curiosity, could someone illuminate my ignorant American ass on European releases of games. Do they typically fully localize the game for the plethora of languages in Europe? Which ones exactly? And do they rerecord a dub for the various languages as well? The reason I ask is that it sounds like it would be pretty expensive to do a European release of a game....

So, I hear FF12's release has been delayed in Europe. Out of curiosity, could someone illuminate my ignorant American ass on European releases of games. Do they typically fully localize the game for the plethora of languages in Europe? Which ones exactly? And do they rerecord a dub for the various languages as well? The reason I ask is that it sounds like it would be pretty expensive to do a European release of a game....

Because the European market is so diverse they have to do numerous versions to French, German, Spanish, Italian as the main languages of the continent. In addition to translations, separate marketing campaigns are required for each region. As you said, Europe is a expensive market to enter, but is no bigger or profitable in comparison to the Japanese or North American market. As a result, Europe gets the short straw in almost everything.


I did the Mindflayer hunt earlier today, and it was tough. I prevailed in the end although I did have to use a megalixer.

It was neat seeing the Mindflayer in 3D after killing them so many tines in FFT.

I just got the Golden Amulet from one of the hunts and man is that thing awesome. Double LP? Yes' date=' please.[/quote']

Congrats. How'd you come upon such a nifty artifact?

I just got the Golden Amulet from one of the hunts and man is that thing awesome. Double LP? Yes' date=' please.[/quote']

Congrats. How'd you come upon such a nifty artifact?

You can buy it from a gazillion different vendors.


For anyone who knows:

I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

For anyone who knows:

I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

Uh, yeah. You're gonna get raped by that boss. Get your guys to at least level 15 or so.


About the Mist, there is something funny...

When I was lv 22-23, I fought lv 35 monsters with the mist. That's stupid but this is the first FF we can do this xD

And... Moreover, if you kill like this a Hunted Creature (10 lv more ?), you can get really good stuff for you.

(Example for me : a really good bow for Fran with a +14 difference)

Oh, about my use of the Mist :

Three people with MistX3 .

Then party, change ONE person only then mist.

Then party, change ONE again then mist.

Then party, change for the last ONE and mist.

If you're lucky, you can get a good hit with only one mist holder at the beginning of the mist.

After, you can charge, hoping to be lucky, but it should be ok now. Lots of damage.

And, oh, one IMPORTANT thing :

Don't forget you can RAISE or CURE people in the Reserve !!!


I beat the game but haven't done most of the extra bosses yet. I've gone back and started a 'Vaan Only' game, but once I got Balthier it became a 'Balthier Only' game. Overall, it isn't going to be too difficult, though the Ghis fight was a bit rough.

In terms of story and charactization, it is about on the same level as FFT and Vagrant Story. The scenes are well written, and the central story focuses more on politics and the motivations of villains than it does on the playable characters. If you couldn't stand either of those games, then you won't be able to stand FF12.

Finally, the story of 12 is connected with the stories of Vagrant Story and FFT, with minor continuity errors.

For anyone who knows:

I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

Uh, yeah. You're gonna get raped by that boss. Get your guys to at least level 15 or so.

With the bosses in the tomb, but the Bird and the Demon Wall that you have to fight can be wasted pretty quickly with a single mist attack. The end boss, on the other hand, may be a little bit more difficult, though keeping your characters spread out, healed up, while keeping a nice stock of Phoenix Downs should be enough at level 12. Note that there are no save points in that dungeon, not even right before the last boss, so you'll have to exit the place a few times.

For anyone who knows:

I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

Uh, yeah. You're gonna get raped by that boss. Get your guys to at least level 15 or so.

With the bosses in the tomb, but the Bird and the Demon Wall that you have to fight can be wasted pretty quickly with a single mist attack. The end boss, on the other hand, may be a little bit more difficult, though keeping your characters spread out, healed up, while keeping a nice stock of Phoenix Downs should be enough at level 12. Note that there are no save points in that dungeon, not even right before the last boss, so you'll have to exit the place a few times.

I restarted the game after playing for an initial 10 hours. Got to the Leviathan, and decided I wasn't leveled up enough. Right now I'm at level 20 and I'm pushing it up to Level 30 so I can just start rippin' the hell out of the rest of the enemies I'm going to encounter from here to there.


You guys know the music in Paramina rift? The background music? With the piano in it? Yeah... I really want someone to remix that for me. I'd love that. kthxbai

For anyone who knows:

I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

Uh, yeah. You're gonna get raped by that boss. Get your guys to at least level 15 or so.

With the bosses in the tomb, but the Bird and the Demon Wall that you have to fight can be wasted pretty quickly with a single mist attack. The end boss, on the other hand, may be a little bit more difficult, though keeping your characters spread out, healed up, while keeping a nice stock of Phoenix Downs should be enough at level 12. Note that there are no save points in that dungeon, not even right before the last boss, so you'll have to exit the place a few times.

I restarted the game after playing for an initial 10 hours. Got to the Leviathan, and decided I wasn't leveled up enough. Right now I'm at level 20 and I'm pushing it up to Level 30 so I can just start rippin' the hell out of the rest of the enemies I'm going to encounter from here to there.

Level 20 at the Leviathan? I'll bet the Imperials are running away from you.

For anyone who knows:

I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

Uh, yeah. You're gonna get raped by that boss. Get your guys to at least level 15 or so.

With the bosses in the tomb, but the Bird and the Demon Wall that you have to fight can be wasted pretty quickly with a single mist attack. The end boss, on the other hand, may be a little bit more difficult, though keeping your characters spread out, healed up, while keeping a nice stock of Phoenix Downs should be enough at level 12. Note that there are no save points in that dungeon, not even right before the last boss, so you'll have to exit the place a few times.

I restarted the game after playing for an initial 10 hours. Got to the Leviathan, and decided I wasn't leveled up enough. Right now I'm at level 20 and I'm pushing it up to Level 30 so I can just start rippin' the hell out of the rest of the enemies I'm going to encounter from here to there.

Level 20 at the Leviathan? I'll bet the Imperials are running away from you.

I had everyone at around 17 at the Leviathan - it WASN'T too much, and now I haven't even started to cross Giza without getting as many marks and magicks as possible - including level 20 mans.


Just finished FFXII, yay! Now I'm on one of those "ending highs" I get when I beat RPGs. 70:11 last save, and I've hardly done any side quests yet. Probably racked up all those hours talking to townspeople and stuff, I really got into this FF...

I can definitely see what took them so long to make the game: it was very detailed in every aspect of its production. Tomorrow I'll be sad, having finally completed it (well, the story anyways). I need Twilight Princess or something before I get all weepy. ; ;

You guys know the music in Paramina rift? The background music? With the piano in it? Yeah... I really want someone to remix that for me. I'd love that. kthxbai

Yes, that one and 1:45-2:35 on the ending movie track are my favorite pieces in the game. Guess that's why I spent so much time leveling in the rift. >.>;

Interesting bit of trivia: according to IMDB, the voice actor for Basch also voices Bloo and many other characters on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. That's serious versatility. 8O

Notice in that list, way down the way is Phil LaMarr from MadTV - didn't know that he was a voice actor primarily.

And of course, John DiMaggio, with a significantly limited role compared to his usual (Wakka and Kimahri in FFX, notably Bender in Futurama, among many many many others).

And of course, John DiMaggio, with a significantly limited role compared to his usual (Wakka and Kimahri in FFX, notably Bender in Futurama, among many many many others).

This just gave me an idea - give Bender's voice to Wakka (and change some of the dialogue to match). Suddenly FFX becomes the greatest game ever.


First off, I have to say I'm really enjoying this game. It's a lot of fun, and I haven't played 10 or 11, but I played the other 9, and the changes are different, but very innovative and cool, in my opinion.

===Possible Spoilers===

Anyone notice ties to Star Wars? Specifically A New Hope... I just got to the dreadnaught after Bhujerba...

Ashe = Leia, trapped in a big IMPERIAL ship, kept captive.

Vaan = Luke, trying to save Ashe for seemingly unknown reasons

Balthier = Han Solo, He's a pirate and being hunted by Bounty Hunters

Fran = Chewy, Balthier's partner in action

Vayne = Vader, this one is iffy, but I can kinda see it. Hard to explain though.

I donno, I just thought about it on the way to class today and was like hey, they do share a lot of story elements.

===End Spoilers===

===End post===

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