atmuh Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 Metroid Prime 3 box art.(boxart) Wait a minute.. her corrupted side has the arm cannon on her left arm? Odd. I dunno what the deal is with the face in the upper left hand corner, I think it could have done without that. But anyway, I can't wait. note the lack of wfc logo im pretty sure itll stay that way Quote
Drack Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 Metroid Prime 3 box art Wow, what a shitty box art. Look at the visor on the face in the upper left. Dark Samus in prime 2 was dumb looking enough with its 3-pointed visor going so far down, but this one looks like it's melting off. So stupid looking. The corrupted mirror image is no better. As you said, arm cannon on left arm for the lulz. Samus's suit in pastel colors wtf? Also the mirror image has pointier knees and it looks like it has cables coming out of the arm cannon. The red/blue auras suck too Also look in the lower right corner. Corrupted or not, that should be planet, not stars. Dumb dumb dumb. There is NOTHING good about this boxart. Quote
Red Shadow Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 god forbid the art on the box has an impact on the way the game plays Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 god forbid the art on the box has an impact on the way the game plays Quote
Penfold Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 The corrupted mirror image is no better. As you said, arm cannon on left arm for the lulz. I think that's simply because it is a mirror image, and not neccesarily representative of what we'll be seeing in-game. It would have looked weirder if it wasn't a "reflection" like that on the boxart IMO. Quote
Drack Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 god forbid the art on the box has an impact on the way the game plays Nowhere did I say that the game is going to suck. But the boxart seriously needs to be redone from scratch. Quote
SilverStar Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 I think that's simply because it is a mirror image, and not neccesarily representative of what we'll be seeing in-game. It would have looked weirder if it wasn't a "reflection" like that on the boxart IMO. On top of that.. if that's supposed to be Dark Samus, then where the hell is her vastly different suit? Dark Samus' armor wasn't just the Varia suit, but in dark colors. Quote
Effector Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 I don't think it's Dark Samus or a new character - Metroid has been rather stuck on doppelgängers lately (SA-X, Dark Samus) there's not much room for another look-alike. But instead, I think it's the "corrupted" version of Samus. As per wiki: In Metroid Prime 3, we're trying to explain what the origins of Phazon were and it's the culmination of what this is all about. It's not only a story element - the Phazon and corruption which happen on a planetary scale - but it also happens in a gameplay sense as well. Samus herself gets corrupted by Phazon and actually begins to develop abilities based on that Phazon. So that's kind of why the game is titled "Corruption". You yourself are becoming corrupted. Quote
The Damned Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 So, on the tail-end of an announcement for Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Nintendo slipped in a date for Metroid Prime: Corruption, August 27th. See here Quote
Merk Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 North American Virtual Console releases today: Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) - Doki Doki Panic a few days before Doki Doki Majo Shinpan Ecco 2: The Tides of Time (GEN) - Maybe we'll get a new Ecco? Of course, judging by the latest Sonic game in development, it'd be some sort of RTS Dragon Spirit (T16) - Another shooter, oh, well you're a DRAGON in this, so I guess that's different Quote
JoeFu Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 Prime 3 delayed a week Also, for those whining about the MP3 box, go look at the original Primes box... It has Samus standing in a stupid looking corridor.... not exactly awesome. Anyways, who cares. The only time I ever look at box art is when I buy the game. Quote
Bigfoot Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 A week isn't much. At least it wasn't a few months delay or something even longer. I do wonder why they delayed it a week though.. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 In Other news, seems like Katamari is getting cancelled for PS3 and coming for the Wii. Linky Quote
Devyn Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 I never thought I'd feel sorry for Sony, but damn... It makes no difference to me though, because I've never cared for Katamari much. Anyway, the future is looking to be a good one for Wii owners. Quote
The Damned Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 Wow. Katamari was one of those definitive games for the PS2. It was weird and odd and had nothing that should have made it appeal to the Western audience, but it was big enough to be on every top ten list and nominated for every award that came up. Yeah, the sequel and the PSP versions weren't as good, or popular, but still... ouch. That along with some of their other "exclusives" jumping ship this last six months... Quote
KWarp Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I remember there was a time when people said Katamari would never work on Wii. Hehe. I wanna buy a second Wii as a present for someone, but can't find the damn things anywhere... still... stupid cultural phenomenon. Quote
eternal Zero Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I can't believe they're still so hard to find...but the numbers make sense. I think it's like 200k+ sold for the Wii but like 40k+ for the PS2 since launch? I forget the exact numbers, but I did chuckle to myself when I heard that. Not to mention that Sony's still using the "you can't judge us so close to launch" excuse when it's been months. Though in general it feels like all the consoles are coming to a slow patch...then again that might be due to me playing more PC games recently. Quote
Devyn Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 There aren't many games that grab my interest right now - well, I've been wanting to try the new Mortal Kombat. Hell, are there any good sleepers out right now (minus the first person shooters)? And where the f$#% is Kirby Adventure - did they throw it in the trash can? Quote
eternal Zero Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Going -all- the way back to RE4: Wii, it's really quite good. Same system, nothing drastic...cept for a few things I have major and I do mean MAJOR qualms with. It's far too easy now. You don't have to deal with a small laser sight nor do you have to deal with Leon's naturally shaky hands. Instead you deal with your own. But, if you have decently steady hands (like myself) then this makes the game far too easy. The sight is well done and easy to see and the aiming system is spot-on. The extra content is well appreciated and fun, but it does take some getting used to in terms of the controls...I was flailing wildly for the first half hour until I decided I had to actually relearn the game. Quote
Azul v2 Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Doesn't seem that the Wii is slowing down at all, I have been searching all week for one since I finally have the money and don't want to spend an extra $100 to buy it online. Every store I have been to (Best Buy, Toys R Us, Circuit City, EB Games, Gamestop, Walmart, and Target) say that Nintendo ships them randomly and they don't know when more will come in. So I come back home and put my name on the waiting list for a local (non corporate) game store that gets them (and this is a small town mind you) and there are like 8 people ahead of me on the list. I'm glad that they are outselling the PS3 and XBox six to one, but comeon dammit, I want my Wii! Oh and every store I went into had at least 12-15 PS3's in stock on display and it looks like they haven't been touched in a long time. Sony must be really hurting right now. Quote
Antipode Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Just a response to several people: But instead, I think the figure Samus is standing with in the box art is the "corrupted" version of Samus. I don't think so - I was accidentally spoiled somewhat by an IGN screenshot that shows Samus in some kind of an odd looking suit with blue patches on it. But you might still be right because I'm guessing that suit is some kind of Federation armor or something. I don't want to know till I play. go look at the original Primes box... It has Samus standing in a stupid looking corridor.... not exactly awesome. Personally, I liked the Prime boxart. I mean, what more do you need than Samus standing there and looking badass? Something that's really missing for me about the Prime 3 boxart is that behind the logo for Primes 1 and 2 is a circle of some kind with a design in it - the original "blue/orange" logo for Prime 3 had one similar to that, but it was removed for the final design. I say they should have kept the old one to keep it consistent. Yeah anyway, I'll stand with those that don't like the boxart - overall the design just sucks. It'd be nice if they'd surprise us with a last-minute change. And where the f$#% is Kirby Adventure - did they throw it in the trash can? It's been ported to Wii, but they're probably saving it for release with the "second wave" to keep sales going. I say it should have been the final GC game instead. Doesn't seem that the Wii is slowing down at all That's cool and all, but still all I own for it is Zelda...nothing else except maybe Paper Mario has really interested me at all. All the ones I really want for it aren't even out yet. Quote
Airwalker Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Doesn't seem that the Wii is slowing down at all, I have been searching all week for one since I finally have the money and don't want to spend an extra $100 to buy it online. Every store I have been to (Best Buy, Toys R Us, Circuit City, EB Games, Gamestop, Walmart, and Target) say that Nintendo ships them randomly and they don't know when more will come in. Your best source is always a friend that works at one of those stores. For instance, my Target friend who works in Electronics usually just says he doesn't know when they come in. But sometimes they do get a forewarning and he can call me. (Already snapped one up!) Usually, it's going to be on a Sunday in time for the ads in the newspaper. Just call all of those places every Sunday morning after they open, or check your paper. Oh and every store I went into had at least 12-15 PS3's in stock on display and it looks like they haven't been touched in a long time. Sony must be really hurting right now. Well, they insisted on supporting Blu-ray. Not that it may not be appreciated when (if?) I buy a PS3 in a few years. But it easily racked up the price by a bit. Quote
Bigfoot Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 lol @ people on various blogs that are butt-sore about no online multiplayer for Metroid Prime 3. As big of a fan of Metroid that I am, it doesn't bother me one bit. Quote
JoeFu Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 I was so happy when I didn't see a Wifi logo on the MP3 boxart. I can't wait for it!!!! Quote
SilverStar Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Online multiplayer is a feature that could turn a game from 1-2 playthroughs then stored on a shelf, to one that sits next to the system for constant play. If it weren't for the near 1/3 failure rate of the X360, or Sony's Ultimate Douchery, I'd really have to look at a second system for some solid gaming. I'm really getting sick and tired of the fucking minigames that are just being shat out by everyone on Wii. :/ Quote
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