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The Everybody Votes channel is a brilliant piece of work. It's a free, simple distraction that barely needs any maintenance. At most an employee needs to spend an hour a day reading through questions and translating used ones. The interface is sleek, stylish, and silly, a winning combination in my book. However, the simplicity deceives. Within the channel is an extensive statistics system containing voting percentages pertaining to gender, state, and other even other nations. Very interesting stuff.


Well, Excite Truck's now out in Europe(And I gots me a copy). It's the same price as Wario Ware Smooth Moves, putting it at €49.99 as opposed to the €59.99 all other games cost.

And we haven't gotten Kid Icarus on the VC this week. There were updates for a few games though.


That's about the only use I see for the EVC. Hopefully some important questions will come up, like "Should the Wii have a music channel?" "Are friend codes more trouble than they're worth?" "Should they be abolished in favor of free play?" "Should Wii support DVD playback?" "Should you be able to load more than ONE TYPE OF JPEG FILE in Photo Channel?" If they start actually acting on the results of questions like these, then we might get somewhere.

I noticed Kirby's adventure for NES is available too which I'm dying to get.

Games are inconveniently priced so that I'll need an extra points card for 20 bucks to get the 100 extra points I need n_n;

true that. you can use a credit/debit card though


You know, for the whole DVD video playback thing, I wonder if it's at all due to hardware limitations of the Wii itself(lack the needed Macrovision/CSS chips, if any?), or if it's something they might offer later, as a purchase from the Wii shop, to cover the costs of licensing the codecs and the like.

But, on the other hand, I can understand why they might not want to at this point. Because of the very nature of DVDs, it'd be possible to embed a call in the Menu and execute arbitrary code, totally getting around region locking and any other measures they might have in place for preventing piracy(yes, I know. Modchips are already available now). Execution of arbirary code would allow for an internalized dissection of the Channel structure, to let users install whatever emulation and roms they want, which would make it very difficult to keep everything in check.

Right now, they want to have as much control over their product as possible. When sales start to slow down enough, they might let something big like a DVD channel get launched, to bolster sales(I know I'd damn well love to have my Wii hooked up in the living room, taking the spot of my DVD player). But for now, there's no need for it. They can't keep the units they have now on shelves more than an afternoon, so they don't have to make any big releases to drive sales even more.


At some point, some Godlike genius will find a way to make your own channels for the Wii, and there will be much rejoicing. Until then, I'll hunker down into my hole and glance furtively at the open source crowd to check on their progress.

And, finally, they asked if Nintendo was aware of the sheer amount of love out there for Mother (Earthbound) 3:

"It certainly is a franchise near and dear to [Nintendo President Satoru Iwata's] heart, and it's something I'm trying to get smart on to understand whether or not there is an opportunity here. But certainly I've seen the success in Japan. That hasn't gone unnoticed. And it's certainly something we're looking at."

For those of you clamoring for Mother 3


I really wish there was a 24 hour trade-in policy for the VC. I just downloaded Streetfighter II. Little did I know that it wasn't the version I knew and liked all those years ago.(Turbo? With all the extra characters) So now I wasted my points on this crappy game T__T.

Not only is it a waste of money and points, it just sits there, mocking me...I can delete it but ugh. Just wish I could trade it in for another VC game. Oh well *sigh*

I really wish there was a 24 hour trade-in policy for the VC. I just downloaded Streetfighter II. Little did I know that it wasn't the version I knew and liked all those years ago.(Turbo? With all the extra characters) So now I wasted my points on this crappy game T__T.

Not only is it a waste of money and points, it just sits there, mocking me...I can delete it but ugh. Just wish I could trade it in for another VC game. Oh well *sigh*

Nintendo made a big deal years ago about how you can't trade in or rent games, as they considered it piracy and fraud (translation: they weren't getting any money from the trading and renting). Do you really think that a company like this would let you do the same with non-physical games as well?

Nintendo made a big deal years ago about how you can't trade in or rent games, as they considered it piracy and fraud (translation: they weren't getting any money from the trading and renting). Do you really think that a company like this would let you do the same with non-physical games as well?

All companies hate the used games business. Something about them not getting paid for their games selling really irks them. I think one of the heads of EA (not sure, could've been a different company) once said that he'd 'rather have someone steal a new game than buy a used one. After all, the thief still has money in his pocket to buy a different game, while the man who bought used has spent his money and cannot buy a different game.'

I've never gone to E3 or anything like that, but I've heard from the people in my EB district who've gone that you get a lot of dirty looks if you mention you're from EB/Gamestop.


Nintendo was especially against trading and renting back in the 80s and 90s. I recall several pamphlets and booklets that they gave out to stores that detailed why it was so bad. "Why You Shouldn't Trade Your Games" or something like that...

The best part was that I saw these in a toy small store in the town I grew up in, called Henkes, that rented out everything from Gameboy to 3D0 games. They always a stack of them on the counter. I guess the store took whatever the companies sent them, regardless of what it was.

Any time one of my controllers went wonky I fixed the problem by re-syncing the controller or by replacing the batteries. If neither helps you out, I'd suggest you contact Nintendo for a replacement.

Speaking of Wii Remote problems, I recently took my system to a friends house, while we were playing, he accidentally spilled alcohol on one of my remotes, he took the battery cover off, and tried to dry it out with a hair dryer, the lights on the remote were fairly dim. I took the remote home, stuck in front of my fan, and let it dry the remote. After a night's worth, the remote is working just like it was brand new. So I think this way, if the remote can survive a blender, how can it not survive straight alcohol?

So, what do you think is better for your Wii's health? Sitting horizontally or vertically? I've always been a horizontal guy, but since I've been playing a lot of GameCube lately, I have it vertical now.

Considering the Wii is always shown standing up, the Wii logo is vertical, and the Wii comes with a stand to hold it upright, I think that's how Nintendo wants you to hold it. Though, I'm sure a horizontal position wouldn't hurt it since it has nobs on one side that look like they'd sit on a counter.

Anyhow, I hope they pick my poll question:

Who would win in a fight?

1) tyrannosaurus rex

2) Brad Pitt

Nintendo made a big deal years ago about how you can't trade in or rent games, as they considered it piracy and fraud (translation: they weren't getting any money from the trading and renting). Do you really think that a company like this would let you do the same with non-physical games as well?

Well, they already have my money, I just want a different game which costs the same.

They don't even lose out since the can re-distribute the game endlessly.

Alright, how about make it a one hour policy: you download the game, find out it sucks, trade it for something better (only once though). *sigh* I'm still not a happy camper.

Though I did get a copy of Wii play for 30 bucks cause someone reported a broken controller and Nintendo sent them a new one, but there was no box :)

But ugh there goes my profit.


A though:

-Games can be saved to the SD card.

-The SD card can be accessed by a computer.

If any SD card can be read by any Wii... get my point? Could game saves, like 100% completion, be traded around online? Like, lets say I don't have all the trucks in Excite Truck, because I can't get the hang of on or two levels. Could I get a save from someone who does?

ed;235189']A though:

-Games can be saved to the SD card.

-The SD card can be accessed by a computer.

If any SD card can be read by any Wii... get my point? Could game saves' date=' like 100% completion, be traded around online? Like, lets say I don't have all the trucks in Excite Truck, because I can't get the hang of on or two levels. Could I get a save from someone who does?[/quote']


welcome to 3 months ago


Hey a warning to everyone...Wii PLAY :(...read a review before u buy it. I was an idiot and bought it before I read a review...lets say it was so not worth it I returned it and only got $30 back. It has 3 decent games...but they are not worth $50. Ping pong is exactly the same as the old pong for atari just with pattles.

Oh yeah my bro's friend spilled saki all over one of the controllers, it's works fine but is a lil sticky.

Hey a warning to everyone...Wii PLAY :(...read a review before u buy it. I was an idiot and bought it before I read a review...lets say it was so not worth it I returned it and only got $30 back. It has 3 decent games...but they are not worth $50. Ping pong is exactly the same as the old pong for atari just with pattles.

Oh yeah my bro's friend spilled saki all over one of the controllers, it's works fine but is a lil sticky.

You're not paying $50 for it though, you're paying $10 to get an extra game with a controller :).

As for the whole selling used games thing, I'm pretty sure they don't like it because it could technically cost them sales, with people buying used games(With the profit going to the seller) as opposed to buying new games, where most of the money goes to Nintendo.

Hey a warning to everyone...Wii PLAY :(...read a review before u buy it. I was an idiot and bought it before I read a review...lets say it was so not worth it I returned it and only got $30 back. It has 3 decent games...but they are not worth $50. Ping pong is exactly the same as the old pong for atari just with pattles.

That or you could've listened to the people in PAL regions who were saying it's not such a fantastic game. I actually did find it quite amusing how people in the US were hyping up this title somewhat e.g. one place listing it on their most wanted of 2007 or something.

As Smoke mentioned though, you thought of it the wrong way around - you should only think of it as buying a remote with an extra game on top. That's generally what makes it a great deal.


I think Wii Play is probably much more fun with more people playing :) But I like the tank game and the target practice thing.

So far I am NOT happy with the VC games I got except DKC.

Why the heck we're all these old games made to be so effing difficult (R-type, probotector etc.) It's uber frustrating and I don't have the patience for this anymore.


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