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so what could possibly be wrong with it?
Besides how it seems that an annoying 5 year old put it together? or how about how you cant even read any of the text in the body of your page.

I thought grown men would have grown out of Dragon Ball. I guess I was wrong.

good point...gotta fix that and re-edit it...thank you for your suggestion...but as an anime fan, DBZ is AWESOME...if anything I should be grown out of is Pokemon.
Unless I'm mistaken Facebook was intended solely for college kids to hang out and keep track of each other in - until recently anyway when they opened it to everyone. I guess that was a couple of months ago.

Myspace is below facebook because it lets people have crappy embedded videos, animated text, auto-playing music, and in general about everything annoying you can possibly have. Honestly I wouldn't care too much if people didn't overdo it.

sort of...true, myspace is sorta below facebook, because you have some folks' pages who literally drop the "F" bomb like it's so cool!! saying F--- this, F--- that, F--- you!! but if you were to view my page, none of that will show up!!


Notice...people been saying that they like what I'm doing with my page and everything and they like the song on here!! So check it out!!

Your page is an abomination.

well, i don't see how it is so...since i don't think there would be nothing wrong with it...heck, i don't even have any "F" words on there...so what could possibly be wrong with it?

I sincerely hope you're kidding. Really. For your own sake.


Here's the deal with Facebook. I always found it somewhat frightening that you could pretty much search people by name, and have no trouble at all finding out information about them that they would probably never give to you in person.

At my school (which is more like an institution of drinking parties and parents who have too much money to throw away at their kids thinking they're getting an education), I would be incredibly surprised if Facebook wasn't the #1 site visited on campus. Hell, my roommates don't know how to chck the weather on the internet, but they know everything about Facebook.

Now, it used to be that there was usually some sort of buffer zone as to how much you wanted someone to know about you or not. Is that guy a little too wild? Don't give him you number. Is he kinda ugly? Don't give him and inch. Is he getting a little creepy? Just walk away. But with Facebook, if he knows your name, then you've already stepped on the slippery slope towards him calling you every ten seconds wanting to go to lunch, or wondering why you aren't at his party, or so forth.

Now you might say that there are still buffers, such as whether or not they will put you on their friends' list or not, or how much information they actually do put on Facebook, and I've seen both work with varying degrees of success. However, opening up my Facebook account right now, I can find out the residence of about 50% of the people on my list, 70% of the phone numbers, and about 95% of the AIM addresses -- all of which you would probably consider something that in normal conversation would be something you wouldn't just pass out to ANYBODY (Well, maybe not AIM address), and yet I can catalogue them freely right here before me.

And I'll tell you this, about half of the people on this list I have seen ONCE before, if that. Maybe at a party or some other social gethering, or they ended up in one of my classes and added everyone first day, hell some of which I cannot remember at all who they are, others just popped up from my residence hall. Now if I were to go up to these people and tell them straightforward "I have your phone number, and I know where you live", I think they'd be pretty freaked out about it, even though I was completely invited in to all their information.

So while the news always has this wild and crazy stories about how some girl got kidnapped because of information on her Myspace/Facebook, or how someone was stalked and threatened because they had his Facebook info, I think the thing people fail to realize is that they are passing out information they would probably never hand out if they met half these people in person.

All that aside, I'm not trying to discredit Facebook or anything. I've used it myself with quite a bit of success, and it makes keeping up with old high school friends that were never really close but nonetheless fun people very easy. But after seeing just how much impact Facebook has had on college life, especially with freshmen, it made me wonder just where we'd would be without it, especially when the servers are constantly congested with thousands of people checking their facebook accounts twenty-something times a day, or how there was some sort of happening with my friends that they failed to mention to my face but remembered to tell me a million times on Facebook :roll:.


Well this is what also lets you separate dumb people and smart. The smart ones are the ones who leave out information such as phone number and residence, and to get that information from them would require messaging them or other means. It's common sense, if you want to be easily reachable or not.


Facebook is pretty cool. I only got one because some friends of mine made one for me. But I don't see much of a point unless you are afraid to get out of the room and meet new people.


Facebook is retarded. You have to register to VIEW a page and they regularly delete the BugMeNot accounts.

I refuse to register for a site without even anonymous read-only access.

Facebook is retarded. You have to register to VIEW a page and they regularly delete the BugMeNot accounts.

I refuse to register for a site without even anonymous read-only access.

I think you're seeing facebook the wrong way. It's for college students to stay in touch with each other, not some random stalker like you to find out information about people. Nice try

Facebook is retarded. You have to register to VIEW a page and they regularly delete the BugMeNot accounts.

I refuse to register for a site without even anonymous read-only access.

I think you're seeing facebook the wrong way. It's for college students to stay in touch with each other, not some random stalker like you to find out information about people. Nice try

Not anymore. Facebook was just recently opened to everybody. You don't have to be in college or even high school anymore to have an account.

  • 1 month later...
Not anymore. Facebook was just recently opened to everybody. You don't have to be in college or even high school anymore to have an account.

That can go both ways. The good thing is that people that go to colleges that don't have e-mail services can now get a facebook, but the bad thing is that now everyone can get a facebook.

However, Facebook does have a feature in which only people who are in high school and college networks can see you. If you're not in a college/high school network, they can't find you. I think the feature is still there. They implemented it when facebook opened to everyone.

And you can also control what information they see when they search for you. Everything is under the privacy tab.

Facebook really goes a long way to making sure you can control what people see when they search, and what info they see in your privacy. They are also good at listening to suggestions from the users who use facebook.


Facebook is a terrible site. It's a good social networking site, but that's like saying stalin was a great guy when compared to hitl3r. I quit the site when everyone started complaining about the news feed like it was a new age gestapo. Usually the same people who complained also posted their cell phone, room number, and mailing address on their user page. There is nothing more annoying than hypocritical, bored, activist college students.

And I hate already knowing about a person before I meet them. The whole point of socializing is to learn more about other people face to face. Social networking sites make simple conversation...obsolete...

Facebook is a terrible site. It's a good social networking site, but that's like saying stalin was a great guy when compared to hitl3r. I quit the site when everyone started complaining about the news feed like it was a new age gestapo. Usually the same people who complained also posted their cell phone, room number, and mailing address on their user page. There is nothing more annoying than hypocritical, bored, activist college students.

And I hate already knowing about a person before I meet them. The whole point of socializing is to learn more about other people face to face. Social networking sites make simple conversation...obsolete...

Social networks are there to, ya'know, keep in touch with people you ALREADY KNOW in person. It's pretty inevidable that people are goin to add people they DON'T KNOW. If you don't want to knowing everything about someone, or don't want them knowing everything about you, GASSSSSPPPPPPPPP, don't add them. people are GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY because PEOPLE ARE HUMAN. But that's not the site's fault.

Facebook is a terrible site. It's a good social networking site, but that's like saying stalin was a great guy when compared to hitl3r. I quit the site when everyone started complaining about the news feed like it was a new age gestapo. Usually the same people who complained also posted their cell phone, room number, and mailing address on their user page. There is nothing more annoying than hypocritical, bored, activist college students.

And I hate already knowing about a person before I meet them. The whole point of socializing is to learn more about other people face to face. Social networking sites make simple conversation...obsolete...

I remember everybody talking about that for a few weeks.

Then it simply died down. People got used to the features.


My teacher once ranted about a time when it was almost impossible to keep in touch with friends he didn't see regularly. There were no online networks or even cell phone networks for that matter. People had to write letters to each other, and be consistent about it too. For the entire first semester of college, my teacher had no friends at all.

Facebook > null

  • 1 year later...

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