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Mega Man 2 'Bubble Man (Electron Mix)'

Organ does the main tune as fake guitars, bass etc come in and out playing different parts. More panning should have been done here, but it's still quite acceptable. The drums have a short delay on them which sounds sort of cool, and there's just enough variety to keep you interested. Some of the highs are a little sharp, but it's still ok for the most part. Ok song, but could have been better in the creativity department.

  • 2 months later...
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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

The opening is nice. The drum programming is nice. I have a personal bias over using bobo midi electric basses and guitars in the era of "Reason" and VSTi's. I like it around 2:25. Still a nice tune, though I can't say that enough of it was modified from the midi rip.

  • 1 year later...
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  • 8 months later...

I'm sorry... but I have to say I think this a pretty weak entry. It really sounds like hardly any work was put into it, and the result is something not far off from any MIDI of the original track you can download off the net.

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

very retro feel to it, enjoyed it quite a lot. the synths on the melody were very nice, and I liked the fast synths scattered here and there. the break around 2:00 was nice as well. good work.

  • 8 months later...

Well I'll give this this much - it does take a somewhat unique approach in its lead. However, I think the bass being that loud contrasts too much with what otherwise would sound like a synth driven rock piece. There's not much done with the source to distinguish it from the original either...

  • 2 years later...

"Sonic quality of Peeples or Prievert"... eh, I'm not really too sure if they should be seen as the primes even for back then, but they still had their stuff.

So it may have a very basic MIDI sound, though being guilty of using MIDI soundbanks in the past I shall let it pass considering its post date. Arrangement-wise, it sticks to the melody a lot, with some forms of buildup being done surrounding it, though I do give credit towards the drum writing; it's shown its involvement given the nature of the track and has shown elements of spice in it to keep things going refreshing.

It's a decent track, but I personally think it could've been better if you were able to work with a live guitarist, given the huge abundance of them in the community. Given that guitarists go as far back as February 2000 with live guitar appearances from the Frivolous Funk and the Rabbit Joint, it probably wouldn't have been problematic to see if anyone with live instruments would have kindly offered their services.

But as it is it sounds fine enough for its time. Shame you couldn't really stick around to improve the craft D:

  • 2 years later...

The midi is strong with this one. Like, really freaking strong. I do have to at least say that the drums were indeed the best part of this mix, and to be fair, since I am used to listening to midi files of songs, this is put together fairly well in that aspect, but all in all, just seems more like another one of those rather than a ReMix one would expect from here.

  • 1 year later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00143 - Mega Man 2 "Bubble Man (Electron Mix)"

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