djpretzel Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 As you may have noticed, we have (finally) implemented a new forum system here at OC ReMix, vbulletin. While phpbb, our old forum software, served us well for awhile, the lack of continuous feature additions and myriad security flaws ultimately became too problematic. In order to move OCR forward, we needed software with more features and more extensibility, and after reviewing several options, I determined that vbulletin was the best option. We have performed a migration of all existing data from phpbb into vbulletin; avatars were lost, but you should still have your private messages and any posts that you've made as well. We know there will be issues, especially in the next couple days, but we wanted to ring in 2007 with what we believe will be one of the most significant improvements to the site in quite awhile. We're not quite sure that security has been entirely worked out, and some features that are enabled might need to be disabled, and vice versa, depending on how useful everyone finds them and how they affect server performance. Please use this thread for discussing the following: Problems you are having using the new forums (include as much detail as possible) Questions you have about the new forums. Please do not use this thread to discuss: Your personal opinion about the new forums. Anything not directly related to problems or questions with the new forums. Here are some of the more substantive changes the new forums bring with them: Mods can now ban and unban users. Please respect the forum rules. Improved WYSIWYG editor for posting. Thread subscription. Lots of other good stuff... for a full list, check out Our plans for this migration are as follows: We've backed up the new forum database in its current form. If anything goes terribly wrong, we will revert to the forums as of 12/30. Please make a local backup of any long posts that you'd absolutely hate to lost that you make for the next week, in case this does occur. We'll be watching for issues and addressing them as quickly as possible for the next week. There's bound to be some growing pains - please be patient and respectful to the moderators as we try to work out the kinks. Integration with the OC ReMix homepage and remixer/remix detail pages should be complete shortly, unless something goes wrong. Until we are absolutely certain that vbulletin is working properly and is secure and stable, we will leave our old phpbb forums online in a read-only state. Once all the dust clears and we're back to the status quo under the new forums, we'll begin the fun stuff - adding custom user profile fields, calendar events, etc., but until then we're focusing on the basics. Hopefully, things will go relatively smoothly, paving the way for improvements and new features in 2007. I'd like to thank all of you for making the OverClocked ReMix Forums what they are, and hope that this change will, after all is said and done, represent another positive step in the evolution of Thanks,
Pyrion Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Minor issue, once I realized that locked posts can't have their messages edited. A shame since I wanted to fix my post in this thread to point to the correct forum. And don't links need to be underlined? Or orange as they used to be? Right now any link in a post just comes up as the same color as regular text.
TCK Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 When logging in the site header doesn't appear, and the thanks for logging in prompt overlaps where the site header should be.
Arek the Absolute Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I noticed that I am not able to mod anything in site projects. I wanted to do something in my project thread, but am unable to do what I wanted to. Then, testing to see if I am even a mod there still, I tried to post in the guideline thread Darkesword created, to which I was unsuccessful in doing. Are site project coordinators no longer mods to that section of the forum?
Jillian Aversa Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Minor issue, once I realized that locked posts can't have their messages edited. A shame since I wanted to fix my post in this thread to point to the correct forum. Locked threads aren't supposed to be editable. Nothing wrong there! ^_~ And don't links need to be underlined? Or orange as they used to be? Right now any link in a post just comes up as the same color as regular text. Good point. I'm sure that's customizable.
watkinzez Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I'm trying to restore my avatar, and I notice it only shows 10 of them at a time as compared to the list we had on the old forums. Considering the amount of avatars available, it's a bit daunting and slow. They don't even seem to be in alphabetical order. Could we get that rectified?
Smoke Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I'm trying to restore my avatar, and I notice it only shows 10 of them at a time as compared to the list we had on the old forums. Considering the amount of avatars available, it's a bit daunting and slow. They don't even seem to be in alphabetical order. Could we get that rectified? At the moment, that's a low-priority thing. It will be fixed eventually.
Arek the Absolute Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Ya, it took me a bit to look through the video game avatars until I noticed that the new ones were not implimented yet. It is something minor, but still would be nice if it were something that could be changed.
Pyrion Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Yeah, I forgot that locked threads aren't supposed to be editable, and for that matter I forgot that that thread was even locked in the first place. My original intent was to edit my post in that particular thread to point to the correct forum, and I incorrectly figured that migrated posts weren't editable. That was the original "minor issue." In my haste to salvage the other half of that post, that edit ended up grammatically FUBAR.
Ayres Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I notice that every post in every forum has a "report" button. Good idea, except in UnMod. That's going to get abused VERY quickly.
avaris Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Encountered a lil error: Click a remixer's name on the frontpage. Then click to view their profile. Then click 'forums' inbetween where it says 'home » forums » viewing profile' and it takes you back to the old phpbb2 forums.
Zombie Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Hmm... the interface is different, I see. Not that that is a bad thing. I'm sure I'll get used to it.
noTuX Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 And don't links need to be underlined? Or orange as they used to be? Right now any link in a post just comes up as the same color as regular text. Someone probably already pointed it out, but I you scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and look at the left side, there is a "Quick Style Chooser" feature. If you click on the "default" style, you will be able to see the links, but pretty much everything that has to do with OCR is gone though. But I kinda like the blue theme better. My only gripe is that it takes my puter a God awfully long time to load the pages.
Decoy Octopus Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words Words I'm just curious whether or not the quote formatting is inherent to vBulletin or if there is plans to return to the traditional format. On that same note, there's no longer the quick quote, URL, bold, italics, color, or size buttons and options when making a post?
Pyrion Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I'm just curious whether or not the quote formatting is inherent to vBulletin or if there is plans to return to the traditional format. On that same note, there's no longer the quick quote, URL, bold, italics, color, or size buttons and options when making a post? There is if you enable the WYSIWYG editor in your user cp under options.
noTuX Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Also, If you are using the "Default" forum style, there is no link to take you back to OCR's main page. Is there any way that could be fixed? And another thing...the smillies are screwed up terribly. But maybe its just my computer.
Darth Lime Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 So thats why all the fourms where closed this morning. LOL! Sweet. OUR OWN PLACE! <3<3<3<3
The Coop Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Seems a number of folks are running headlong into a "too short" deal for posts. Now, to a point, I understand the 4 image limit that's in place, as it combats image bombing (though that's easy enough to get around if you have an image editing program). But exactly how short is too short for making a post?
Pyrion Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Ten characters, apparently. Another minor problem. On the main forum listing, where it shows the username of the last person to have posted there, that link doesn't point to the user's profile, but instead triggers a command to load the profile of the current last poster. So assume there's some rapid-fire posting going on in a forum. You click the link expecting one poster's profile to show, and instead you get the profile of whoever was the last poster at the time that you clicked, which won't necessarily be the user displayed. EDIT: This behavior is the same on the thread listing for each forum. Chalk it up as another annoying vBulletin quirk, I suppose. :/
Atomic Dog Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I don't know if this falls under "problems" - but something the new forums do is limit post size replies. I tried to post a PM that exceeded 5000 characters and it wouldn't let me - had to break it up into two posts with a minute delay in between. Is this something hardwired into the forum, or is that a changeable preference? I haven't tested one of my megaposts in PPR yet.
Bahamut Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I think that's a vBulletin default - it will be noted though when the finetuning gets done.
Dhsu Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Ten characters, apparently. Lame...... EDIT Also, for all that is good and holy, please put the user info back on the left of the posts. It's pretty gaynormous to have all that extra space between each post.
kamoh Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I threadbrokeded myself. You may want to put the k'bosh on this one. BTW I didn't break the rules... - No thread-breaking or other activities clearly intended to disrupt a topic or exploit PHPBB so as to render topics illegible. least not literally.
The Coop Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I think I found a problem. Liontamer did a mod edit to a post I quoted back on the phpBB boards. But when I actually quoted it on this vB version, his edit doesn't come up in the quote. Scroll up a couple posts to see what I mean.
suzumebachi Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 I'm having an issue with the new Buddy List thing. The OCR navigation bar is appearing on the buddy list page, making it pretty cluttered and messy and stuff.
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