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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'River of Time AmIEviL'

Honestly, AmI's work is quite good but I wish he'd actually create some fancy titles for his mixes rather than just "Some Game 'AmIEviL'". Well, I suppose this does sort of have a proper title, so I'll let him off this time :P. Nice soft instruments and percussion, soothing rain sounds and yeah. Calm kind of forest music, sort of like that stuff you get on those nature CDs from that National Geographic shoppy place (not that I've ever been inside one).

  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly love this piece. The soft tone of the music and the river sounds in the background give it a very nice feel, and very suited to the name ('cept the AmIEvil part). I also love the way the song of time blends into the song of storms at about 1:40... Nicely done.

  • 1 month later...

When I first heard this remix, all I could think was, "Ooo... preeeetty."

Then I read Jivemaster's remark. Now everytime I hear it I remember my last trip through the Natural Wonders store. Shame on you, Jivemaster. :P

Seriously though, this mix really scratched an itch.

Though the Temple of Time had decent bgm, I always felt it lacked something in depth. I think this track adds in the depth that was missing.

Kudos to ya, AmIEvil. :D

  • 4 months later...

Okay. Somebody shoot me. I just downloaded this mix for the first time. I thought I had all the zelda mixes but I must have missed this one. -_-

In the opening, that almost sounds like a..I dun wanna say it..a cowbell. Lol. Anyone who reads this and knows anything about music is gonna be like "Wtf is he talking about?". Well unfortunately, I dont know jack about music cept I play the guitar, and not even very well. Anyways, when the flute/ocarina comes in at 1:40 or so, somewhere in there, really caught my attention. Nice emphasis on it and what not.

Overall, very slick mix 8)

Been waiting for one of the like.

...Probably should have seen it sooner though.


In the opening, that almost sounds like a..I dun wanna say it..a cowbell. Lol.

"Needs more cowbell."

Edit to actually add content: Yes, this is a very good track, good enough to make it into my "favourites" playlist.

  • 1 month later...

Wonderful. I've always loved the SOng of Time, as well as AmIEvil's remixes. And the rain in the background really adds to the remix. I especially like the part about 1:50 through the track when the Windmill theme kick in.. very naturally too. Fantastic.

  • 2 weeks later...

I could never really get into this song. All the random arrangements from zelda 64 seem well.. dry (GET IT? PUN?). It seems like AmIEvil was just mixing his way through it going "alright that's fun let's make a slow paced intro reminiscent to song of time... with some rain in the background of course... then more rain... then the actual song of storms... then more rain... then a poorly placed ending". Yes I'm oversimplifying terribly and being a complete jerk considering the exceedingly high quality of the fx and the instruments, but the "medley" of some sorts is formulaic and unimpressive. Vatever. 3/8

  • 1 month later...

Ah, another great remix by AmIEvil. This song flows very smoothly, and reminds you of great times you had playing the game itself, but with new experiances. To me, this song reminds me of riding over a river, which leads well for the title of the song, though pouring rain, which would be kind of hard to miss, unless of course, your not auctually listening to the song.

This song pulls in many peices from the Zelda games, putting them in a plesant, scerene situation, and hordes your attention for much longer then the peice lasts. I definatly recomend this peice, to just about anyone, expecially if you need to fall asleep, which is not an insult. Just very relaxing, the type of song that leads to nice dreams. Great job!

  • 4 weeks later...

Right from the start, this piece conjures up images of faeries, knights, and all sorts of fantasy minutae, which is good, as it's a Zelda theme. It is kind of short, but that's a small disappointment when considering just how good this song feels.

If you do decide to take a trip with this little addition to AmIEvil's fine repertoire of exceedingly good work, don't forget a toothbrush. Well done, indeed.

  • 3 weeks later...

very beautiful and relaxing- but waaaay too short ^_^ or maybe i was just enjoying it too much. heh i love how it blends into the song of storms- but if you're gonna call it the song of Time- then why not employ more of the chorus, y'know? this is definitely one of the most quality zelda remixes i've ever heard so i'll def have to check out your other stuff!


  • 1 month later...

No! It ended! More! More! More!

I love this... for as much as it offers. It could really do with some lengthening... some more development, maybe some variations... it's so pretty!

  • 3 weeks later...

8 / 10

The first time I listened to this remix, it actually made my eyes water. The overlapping melodies made me think of a collage of the adventures of all the Links, rolled up into one song, and when it simplifies a bit, I can see Link standing at the edge of a river, on an overcast night, Epona a little distance away, and playing his Ocarina in the rain, thinking of Zelda. Sadly, since I've listened to it a few times, that first rush of feeling has faded and it now has more of a lullaby tang. Still, quite good, and worth the download.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Pretty nice, I guess. I would have liked the solos to go longer... seemed to be just short bursts, enticing us in, and then, and then, and then... disappointing us. But, then again, perhaps that was for the resulting 'ambient' effect that has been discussed. It is relaxing, this piece, simply because there is really no lead melody to have to follow. So, yeah, if you like rain fx, get this. Like someone else said, however, a bit more of the goodness would be... well, good.

  • 2 weeks later...

O. M. G. I love AmIEvil's work! THE first song I downloaded here was his 'Death on The Snowfield' from FFVI. This one is equally amazing! I love the ambient atmosphere of his music. My one complaint on the one is the very abrupt ending. Otherwise, it's supeb! :D

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

This brings back memories. This is the first OC ReMix that I ever heard! I downloaded it from Kazaa, hahaha. ^.^ That was so long ago.... I am still in love with this and am listening to it right now. Very relazing but at first the river sounds like pee....

  • 7 months later...

This song can easily make you imagine stuff, make you feel like you're actualy there. Very ambient, calming, peaceful. The only downside is that the song just ends. I mean it's just a plain STOP. Not really good thing with this sort of song... But overall, perfect song.

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