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Yeah, I was pissed, I took a six month break from OCR when I was stationed at Ft. Benning. I come back right when the Jihad over the Sidebar commences, then the whole site destabilizes, Unmod gets nuked, the commies take over, and offtop is created as a bastard compromise to make up for the loss of unmod. I thought the sidebar was a little garrish, but nothing worth going on the warpath over. Then DJP goes insane for like a 3 week period, and bans everyone who thinks anything negative about it (Please don't ban me.). Then Unmod goes insane over Pixietricks becoming judge. I didn't understand why that was so bad. Then VGDJ, which I thought was quite good, went belly up. Then I log on one day, and it's just gone... all of it, replaced by this. I'll get used to it, but it still kind of hard to swallow. I really felt like Nero, fiddling while OCR burned. But hey, life goes on.

BTW, Liontamer, thanks for the opportunaty to beat this dead horse some more, it keeps the flies away, and they're soo ugly. Argh, I'll get back to playing Diablo next week and forget all about this rant.

There's a big ol' thread over here too. Too much drama for one forum. :P

Wow. I never knew about that thread. I figured all the discussion and flaming was kept to just this one.

[K]- Unless you changed your settings for viewing the forums, there was no way for you to have seen this thread. It had been inactive for over two months before it was bumped by LT when he merged another thread into it. Frankly, I'm surprised it was still here at all after such a long time.


Just got done reading it all, the "Power & Responsibility", the IRC heated chat, everything. I never stepped foot into UnMod before it was killed but I wish I'd had. There are some damn smart people who hung out there...and no I'm not being sarcastic.

;250581'] I didn't feel like asking anyone at .org because' date=' well...I don't really need to explain the attitude soem of the more elitist members displayed to newbies, do I?[/quote']

Just stay out of Molto's forum 14, and you'll be fine. Some people even don't consider it as a part of .org.

Anyway, if you still want to read more, all the threads about the whole drama have been archived in the memory lane subforum. Nice read.


What's weird is that I was really upset when unmod went down, but I like off-topic way more. There was really no place to make an off-topic conversation without being confronted by nothing but comments like "noob" and other sarcastic gestures.

What's weird is that I was really upset when unmod went down, but I like off-topic way more. There was really no place to make an off-topic conversation without being confronted by nothing but comments like "noob" and other sarcastic gestures.

Like GenDisc?

You know... for general discussions?


Not to sound like a jerk but... if the managers really cared about community, why was UnMod deleted? I don't come here very often these days, so maybe I missed the explanation/apology.

I read that thread a long time ago, I don't remember seeing an apology.


Bahamut's comments gave me the impression that all the staff members involved would be involved in the apology, but I felt djp's post was sufficient enough for the closure I wanted.

zircon's right though...technically UnMod was deleted in 2007, so we'll have to wait for the 2008 address for it to be on topic. :)


In truth, I didn't think an apology was ever really going to come to pass, Bahamut. What where the chances of the more vocal UnModders apologizing to the judges or mods for all the things they said? Not very high I'd wager. As such, having the various outspoken mods and judges apologize for the things they said didn't seem likely to happen. After all, why should one side apologize if the other side isn't going to? Not a really fair and balanced system there.

Plus, why should someone apologize for their opinion? Both sides of this had people who said some nasty things along the way, and perhaps for the more direct person-to-person insults, I could see an apology being made if the person felt bad about it afterwards (not likely... on either side). But having them give an apology for how they felt on a subject seemed odd. And forcing them to give one... well, that's never a good idea. I'd personally rather have no apology, than one I knew was bullshit.


hoshit. I leave for like a year, and this is what happens?

I'd ask wtf happened but I'll assume it'll feel like beating a dead horse to all of you. Death of unmod makes me sad, though. It was like my introduction to the underbelly of the internet. I shall mourn for you, unmod.

Inflammatory remarks to or about another member of the community, perhaps?

Plus making fun of a mods' significant other is usually a bad idea in general. :-P

Hurrr internet

I swear, people these days take the internet waaay too seriously. God forbid someone hurt somebody's feelings.


Heh, I thought that i recognized this thread.

But seriously, even I'm tired of this debate now. What is done is done,l and no apology or action can change that fact. Even if pretzel would bring back our unmod out of a magical cloud of codes and numbers, it wouldn't be the same since the issues still would be left standing. We have learned to live without unmod, or we have found a suitable replacement for it. Either way, just talking about this is bringing back bad memories, so personally I think it's just better to begin anew instead of repetating the same stuff over and over again rinse and repeat.

CakeArmy.org's ReMod was a great idea initially, but now it's a post count whore spot with a lot of threads and stuff I just don't care about, and I wish it had a General Discussion section to offset the post whore-ism but it doesn't, just some small game talk section

We're basically just trying to joke around, post fun remarks and make random stuff, a postcount of whore proportions just happens to be a side effect when I'm trying to follow multiple threads at the same time.

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