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Well...I've encountered some worst NES games in my lifetime. Here are just a few:


Back to the Future 1-3

Friday the 13th

Golgo 13

anymore worst NES games you can think of...name 'em


"Spiders!!! Punch em" *punches spider "Snakes!!! You want some too" *slaps snake a couple of times"-AVGN review of Nightmare on Elm Street.


There are plenty of NES games based off movies that generally sucks.

Not to rain on your parade, but isn't this like a reverse favorites thread?

Thread paradox.


I don't know.. NES was the f'n golden age of licensed movie/comic/cartoon games.

Tiny Toons was a nigh gaming masterpiece of its time (I'd say I had more fun with Tiny Toons than even Super Mario at times), Duck Tales was awesome, RoboCop was pretty hardcore in both difficulty and gameplay, Batman is probably THE best Batman license game ever created, and even Chip and Dale was pretty fun.

And I liked Tom & Jerry even though it had the typical insanely tough gameplay where you die if you touched anything.


God, just grab a random NES game off the ENTIRE catalog and I bet you'll pull a crap game...yes, a lot were bad. But...Bebe's kid, I can't remember if thats for the NES or SNES, but it was TERRIBLE.


Friday the 13th

Last Action Hero (I actually love the movie but the game sucked)

Bible Adventures

Metroid (I still think the original was terrible, I hated it so much that I never played Super Metroid until just a few years ago)

God, just grab a random NES game off the ENTIRE catalog and I bet you'll pull a crap game...yes, a lot were bad. But...Bebe's kid, I can't remember if thats for the NES or SNES, but it was TERRIBLE.

Definitely SNES. It is the second worst game for SNES imo. Rise of the Robots is the worst for me. Both are horrible.


Mystery Quest...every other game in here is nothing in comparison. In this game, your character dies just for you playing it. Invincibility is gained by collection an "S.O.S" symbol, which only exists so that you know that the GAME knows that it's as good as dead.

That didn't make sense, but neither does Mystery Quest....

I believe that was SNES.

And Karate Champ FTL.

Well, Karate Champ was pretty decent if you had another player. I remembered that my brother and I were pulling off hurricane kicks like no other, so that we could try to get that last point.

spiritual warfare. actually, anything made by wisdom tree.

check it out, you won't regret it.

I liked Spiritual Warfare. It is a very obvious Zelda ripoff but it was fun to play. I think you even get to kill Satan at the end.

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