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For some reason to me, competing with yourself doesn't make best business sense. Even if they make a different experience, it'll still be in the same market.

Unless they intend to wait for WoW to calm down.

For some reason I don't mind competing with yourself makes best business sense. Even if they intend to make a different experience, it'll still be in the same market.

Unless they intend to wait for WoW to calm down.

I'm pretty sure that Blizzard's intent with WoW is to keep it running as long as possible. They have said, after all (though I don't have an official report on hand at the moment) that additional expansions are planned annually from here on out.


Developing a Starcraft MMO is like printing money, so I figure it's an inevitability. It's very nice to know that, when/if such a time comes, Blizzard isn't going to just make Warcraft in space (to bring back an old phrase).

Personally, I'd be content if they just developed another Starcraft expansion with new campaigns and some new multiplayer maps; I really can't imagine a new Starcraft being better than the original.


I still don't see how the hell they'd pull off a "World of StarCraft" anyway.

What happens if you want to play as Zerg? You start off as a Larva and evolve into what? You're just gonna die.

And if they have you play it at a Cerebrate angle, with control over a colony or some such, that'd kind of be like playing normal SC.


Not to come off as sounding like a jerk, but I honestly couldn't care less about an online StarCraft. I don't usually play online games, let alone RPGs where you can only play it online while paying a monthly fee (that's why World of WarCraft has never interested me). Having to basically repeatedly pay for the game over and over just doesn't do it for me at all gaming-wise. And in truth, I'm just not all that interested in a sequel to SC. The original was fun, but I never shared the "be all end all of RTS games" attitude that many have applied to SC over the years.

Frankly, I'd much rather have the long rumored Diablo III come to pass, or perhaps see WarCraft IV.


Ideally I would like to see a normal Diablo 3 but if Universe of Starcraft or whatever was more than just WoW in space I would be very interested in giving it a try. I think if they could find a nice mix between space and land battles it could be great. I like the idea in the article of it being a new innovative MMO idea and I am interested in what they have in mind.

I still don't see how the hell they'd pull off a "World of StarCraft" anyway.

What happens if you want to play as Zerg? You start off as a Larva and evolve into what? You're just gonna die.

And if they have you play it at a Cerebrate angle, with control over a colony or some such, that'd kind of be like playing normal SC.

Maybe theyll get Will Wright to help them design the zerg stuff.


Despite the fact that I have never played Starcraft, Warcraft, or much WoW, I think I'd like to see this. I really wanted to, but I could never get into WoW because frankly, the whole "orcs" and "elves" and "bows & arrows" and "magic spells" shit bores me. I'm not saying its crap or lame, it's just REALLY not my thing. Give me sci-fi. Give me aliens and big guns and spaceships and explosions (not the mindless type of course). That's what I love. I mean WoW MUST be pretty damn good - shitloads of PC gamers play it, people get addicted, it's created all this hype, etc... so if they could make a WoW style game, only in a world of science-fiction and aliens, then I reckon that would be sweet, and it's something that I'd DEFINITELY like to check out.


Ever played EvE online Nazxul? Might be worth looking into...

As for Blizzard, they're like King Midas right now (except without the logistical problems of turning food into gold), but I'd rather have another TRUE sequel for Starcraft (as an RTS) than another sci-fi MMO (which is always good), as Starcraft really needs some new blood in it's franchise first. Granted, this is the same thing they did with Warcraft...but it worked out.

Give me sci-fi. Give me aliens and big guns and spaceships and explosions (not the mindless type of course). That's what I love.

Pretty much all of that is in WoW, don't be so quick on passing it off as another me-too LotR ripoff. The Draenei are aliens (As are the orcs in a sense), and their capital is a crashed spaceship. The gnomes and goblins have all sorts of high-tech stuff like guns, mechs and tanks. It's really more of a steampunkish game.

Not to come off as sounding like a jerk, but I honestly couldn't care less about an online StarCraft. I don't usually play online games, let alone RPGs where you can only play it online while paying a monthly fee (that's why World of WarCraft has never interested me). Having to basically repeatedly pay for the game over and over just doesn't do it for me at all gaming-wise. And in truth, I'm just not all that interested in a sequel to SC. The original was fun, but I never shared the "be all end all of RTS games" attitude that many have applied to SC over the years.

Frankly, I'd much rather have the long rumored Diablo III come to pass, or perhaps see WarCraft IV.

My opinion is this one. Point by point, phrase by phrase. I wish Blizzard had never found out that MMOs print money.


I took that story as a "Diablo game, Starcraft game and a new MMORPG franchise".

I won't be surprised if they do. I have a feeling that they might want to try making something totally new for once.

"Bringing Warcraft to the movies is the next step for us, we want to let people bring World of Warcraft into other aspects of their lives. After all, we're competing for people's entertainment time, whether it's listening to music, watching TV, or going to the cinema"

So maybe, finally, sorta, kinda, they are aiming to make a CG-cutscene style Warcraft movie they kept hinting at? I think that could actually be a pretty cool idea.

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