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I just typed two big ol' rants, only to get logged out when I try to post them. Maybe it's better they'll never be seen again... but I still can't believe nobody posted these yet.

METROID - amazing game, revolutionary, a GREAT challenge, frustrating, unpolished, buggy, repeatative - that game had it all. It was the one of the first games people might call "creepy", and although it was often more of a struggle than it was play - but it's awsome (in my rant I had made an analogy about the painful yet satisfying feat of climbing Everest). It's a great experience because it's so hard, not because of good graphics - ironic how that's the polar opposite of Metroid Prime, which had very immersive graphics, and MP2, which had even better (but less immersive) graphics. One could argue it doesn't need immersive graphics when it has such great music. But is it a bad game?? Just look at it's sequel, Metroid 2 - it's much better (in my opinion), but somehow doesn't get nearly as much love... Well whad'ya know, my metroid rant v2.0 turned out longer and completely different than the first one. I'll try and make this short (Hah!):

WIND WAKER - the long and increasingly boring travels I didn't mind so much - but the fighting was AWFUL: boring, monotonous, mind-bogglingly easy (pause it and select the right item, then target the enemey and press the correct button!!), and no new enemies for the last two thirds of the game (note, I haven't finished the game yet, 1 triforce shard to go). Every fight was like the "hit me 400 times before I hit you 3 times" guy, expect enemies took 1-3 hits and you took 20 (mind you I took slightly less, as I'm not getting any heart containers from bosses.) So what did I love about it? Those insane little details: the characters in the first town, the battleship guy (and his island-ridden counterpart), etc.. Sadly as the game goes on, those details get less and less frequent, and it gets monotonous and looks increasingly rushed (not unlike this rant). The dungeon design sucked too - while they were beautiful, they weren't up to par with all other Zelda dungeons. And the sheer number of islands is dazzling at first, but then it just gets repeatative, and again, their design looks rushed. Am I the only person who thinks the game should've been shorter (again, not unlike this rant shoud've been shorter)?

The original Metroid is one of my least favorite games ever. Overrated POS. I'm glad you realize it's crap though. However, even though I disliked Wind Waker I wouldn't say it was crap.

I just typed two big ol' rants, only to get logged out when I try to post them. Maybe it's better they'll never be seen again... but I still can't believe nobody posted these yet.

METROID - amazing game, revolutionary, a GREAT challenge, frustrating, unpolished, buggy, repeatative - that game had it all. It was the one of the first games people might call "creepy", and although it was often more of a struggle than it was play - but it's awsome (in my rant I had made an analogy about the painful yet satisfying feat of climbing Everest). It's a great experience because it's so hard, not because of good graphics - ironic how that's the polar opposite of Metroid Prime, which had very immersive graphics, and MP2, which had even better (but less immersive) graphics. One could argue it doesn't need immersive graphics when it has such great music. But is it a bad game?? Just look at it's sequel, Metroid 2 - it's much better (in my opinion), but somehow doesn't get nearly as much love... Well whad'ya know, my metroid rant v2.0 turned out longer and completely different than the first one. I'll try and make this short (Hah!):)

Dude you're so right.. I loved that game even tho I played it after Super Metroid came out. Lot's of similar stages they both have.

Has anyone played the game Cobra Command for nes? That game was fun..

Dude you're so right.. I loved that game even tho I played it after Super Metroid came out. Lot's of similar stages they both have.

There is a VERY good reason why Metroid and Super Metroid have a lot of similar stages. I'll let you figure it out yourself, though.

T&C Surf Design's Wood & Water Rage by LJN for the NES. I still kind of like that one. Everyone says its crap, but I still think the skateboarding part was fun. I always used to think that the surfing had some sort of hidden depth that I couldn't grasp. Turns out it just sucked. It was the first game we had for our NES after Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt back in 1988.
That game rules. But yeah the surfing blew.
Rockman EXE RPG games, except the 4th one. I love this series.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. That's a given. Sonic Riders too while we're at it, haha.

Final Fantasy VIII and IX. Speaking of this series, I hated VII...

I do believe that you have completely missed the entire point of this thread.


I forgot to mention Power Rangers: Fighting Edition. It is the most surprising gem I've played. It's a 2d fighter with pretty deep gameplay mechanics, and the animation and sound is really fighter style. For SNES, it's probably better than Street Fighter Alpha 2.




It happens to everyone. There's a game that by the general opinion, was pretty damn bad. But for some odd reason, you love it. I know I have a few games that O love, that people (game journalists, gamers, and even non-gamers) would consider to be horrible games.

It's not that they actually were crap, it's that everybody else thought that they were.


I just remembered: Jurassic Park for the Genesis. I used to play that thing to death when I was 11. I thought it was awesome. I dug it out again years later and now I can't stand it. It's just about one of the most sluggish and unresponsive games I've ever played. But when I was a kid I loved it. Dinosaurs! Hot damn! It was awesome.

On a slightly different note, I just started playing Advent Rising which got mixed reviews and it is incredibly fun so far. Cartwheeling in slow motion while simultaneously lifting a monster in the air and shooting him in the face is really satisfying, as is throwing aliens one by one into the void of space and watching them flail around.


Swords and Serpents


Right on, sir.

That game is all sorts of shitty. My brother and I attempted playing through it a couple times a while back, but always got bored. We had a sort of a love/hate relationship with the game. The in-game humor is just awful and awkward ("who's zooming who"..." coming up... its another... ZOOM TUBE ACITVATED), and of course the gameplay isn't all that interesting. Plus you hear ALL of the game's music within the first couple minutes, so it gets very aggrivating.

So eventually we went back determined, with the 4 score set up, and two controllers to each of us. We beat it, and somehow it almost felt worth it. Almost. We enjoyed it with some sort of ironic distance.

I just remembered: Jurassic Park for the Genesis. I used to play that thing to death when I was 11. I thought it was awesome. I dug it out again years later and now I can't stand it. It's just about one of the most sluggish and unresponsive games I've ever played. But when I was a kid I loved it. Dinosaurs! Hot damn! It was awesome.

I REMEMBER that game. I played it a bunch too. Crazy ass angry paleontologists with rockets! I loved playing as Grant. You were a walking arsenal, even if like half of your weapons didn't do squat.

On a slightly different note, I just started playing Advent Rising which got mixed reviews and it is incredibly fun so far. Cartwheeling in slow motion while simultaneously lifting a monster in the air and shooting him in the face is really satisfying, as is throwing aliens one by one into the void of space and watching them flail around.
*makes a mental note to reinstall that game sometime in the near future as he never played past the first bit with the car*

The entire lineup for the Game Gear system (with the exception of the Sonic games, those were fantastic)

I don't know how Tail's Adventure stood as far as reviews go, but I suspect there would be criticism. Loved those games.

I digress...

Yes, the Game Gear games, still own it, still play it, still love it. Yet, it seems that people hate it so damn much and I just can't grasp why. So if someone could elaborate for me that would be just peachy.

The 32X (some odd system that we used to own and my brother completely freaked out when he got it for Christmas with that graphics chip thingy. It was absolutley priceless because he was like 9 and the exact quote when he ripped the package was, "Oh.....My.....Fucking.........GODTHISISFUCKINGAWESOMEICANTWAITTOPLAYITFUCKMYOTHERPRESENTSIDONTEVENGIVEASHITABOUTTHECLOTHESJUSTLEAVEMEALONEIMGOINGTOMYROOMIFUCKINGLOVECHRISTMAS!!!!!!!" I know this because we have the Christmas video still on VHS) was also pretty shitty, but I still played it to death. I tried to trick myself into liking it by playing the shit out of it. Lets just say, it worked, for the time. I thinked there was a Star Wars game on there which I played a lot...

Space Channel 5

No comment, I like it, you probably don't. It's hard.

For the people that don't understand... The thread is about crappy games (on a world basis and given bad reviews) that you personally enjoyed or enjoy. Not, "Name Shitty Games to Start Controversy"

For the attention whores that say, "I hated FF VII" way to start a war. I mean, in my opinion, it's not the BEST Final Fantasy game on the market, but it still is rather good. And correct me if I am wrong, that game got pretty fantastic reviews. Now, I will admit that it is a bit overrated, but you can't let that make you hate the game for all it's worth. One problem I DID have with the game is that its story is based off of a book and everyone comments on how good the goddamn story is. It's stolen and as far as I remember, I don't remember seeing the book's title in the credits.

You all are entitled to your opinion, I respect that. But try to stay on track here guys. I mean if I came in here and just simply said, "Hey guys, umm I hate _____________ but love (insert good game series *coughcoughsoniccough* here)!!!" You all would banish me to hell. Now I believe on my second post on this thread I may have done some of that, but I can't really remember. So if I did, I appologize. Please don't just waltz in here and say Sonic is Cool!!!! We all know Sonic is cool, please restrain yourself.

James L

Just read your post stating that you like the new Sonic game. That is fine, I wasn't talking about you with the Sonic jokes. You stated that it didn't get good reviews. That is exactly what this thread is about. Keep it that way! Follow in James L's footsteps.


Super Pitfall on the NES. Man, I can't remember how many times I rented that game as a kid. The thing had the most shrill music in the world, the level(s?) made no sense, your gun was the most useless piece of trash in the world, but for some reason, the game scared the crap out of me. The atmosphere was such that it'd make my young senses tingle with fear as I trudged past black background after black background after black background after HOLY SHIT A SNAKE!


Super Pitfall on the NES. Man, I can't remember how many times I rented that game as a kid. The thing had the most shrill music in the world, the level(s?) made no sense, your gun was the most useless piece of trash in the world, but for some reason, the game scared the crap out of me. The atmosphere was such that it'd make my young senses tingle with fear as I trudged past black background after black background after black background after HOLY SHIT A SNAKE!


The Super Nintendo Pitfall was hard as hell. I mean 'Ninja Gaiden Black -on - extreme - difficulty' hard.

But that was a decent game - okay, I'm going to get back on topic.

I don't think Legacy of the Wizard is a high quality game, and many say it's total shit, but it has a charm that I can't resist. I still play it every month or two.

To whoever mentioned Rampage - I agree with you. It's basically crap, much like Donkey Kong, Donkey Jr. and Mickey Mousecapades, Golden Axe (the Genesis port, not the arcade) and I still enjoy all of those games.

No no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!

Blast it why can't you ford a 2 foot deep river?!?

Who DIDN'T like doing this? :)

There was always one idiot who'd kill a bunch of buffalo and waste an assload of ammo only to be able to carry back like 1000 pounds of meat but you killed 10,000. We'd have contests to see who could kill their party the fastest.

Also, you have died of cholera.

To whoever mentioned Rampage - I agree with you. It's basically crap, much like Donkey Kong, Donkey Jr. and Mickey Mousecapades, Golden Axe (the Genesis port, not the arcade) and I still enjoy all of those games.

I disagree with your assessment of Rampage, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mickey Mousecapades, and Golden Axe as crap.


FFMQ was a great game. If they hadn't put the name Final Fantasy in front of it, it would have been an instant classic. But still, great game.

Clash At Demonhead is still my favorite game for NES. And if you don't like it, then the terrorists have truely won.


I don't think there's many games in my collection that I thought are much better than what the critics said, but I do like to give Animaniacs on the original Gameboy a shout here. People said that it was an atrocious licence, but for me, it's no longer than Kirby's Dream Land, actually had some decent (remixable?) in-level music and it was the kind of game to keep me occupied while waiting for food every night thanks to its fair share of content and everything.

Yep, like many of you, I sound like a douche. :P

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