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Happy birthday! Though I haven't had the time to try out your various IRC scripts as much lately (work has been much busier the last few months), I definitely enjoyed them in the past and will surely amuse myself with them again.

Please Banhammer, don't hurt 'em!

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Classic Larry, how can you not love it?

Happy birthday F4T4L, may all your bans be by the rules! ^_^


I'm starting a Happy Birthday Sephfire thread because it seems like no one else has, and to show my appreciation for this thread (Never would have seen his reviews without the thread) and this so (and the music of course)...

Happy Birthday Sephfire!

If you don't like being wished happy birthday then ignore this :)


!yadhtriB yppaH

!seibriK tranaf suonevar dna sweivews gnimag lufnrocs fo raey rehtona ot s'ereH

.uoy morf erom raeh ot tiaw t'nac I ,ffuts gnizama...xim slleB eht fo loraC ruoy ot netsil llits I ,oslA

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