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Officially Released on March 9th, 2005

Site: http://sonic2.ocremix.org

Manager: richter@paletteswap.com

Sorry, there will be no lossless release.


#   TRACK               REMIXER(S)        REMIX TITLE                REMIX LENGTH
1.  Emerald Hill Zone   nesper/skulkrusha Emerald Nights             5:03
2.  Chemical Plant Zone Snyderman         Chemical Reaction          3:08
3.  Aquatic Ruin Zone   Sadorf            Aquatic Project            2:52
4.  Casino Night Zone   Joker             House of Cards             3:18
5.  Hill Top Zone       Jayson Litrio     Hill Top Heaven            3:02
6.  Mystic Cave Zone    Icy Guy           Cavern Escape              4:22
7.  Oil Ocean Zone      analoq            Oil Spill                  5:14
8.  Metropolis Zone     analoq            Next My Generation         3:54
9.  Sky Chase Zone      Sir Nuts          High Above the Sky         3:25
10. Wing Fortress Zone  PsawniK           Fortress of Glory          4:52
11. Death Egg Zone      Aeolius           Apocalyptic Orbital Ovum   3:08
12. Hidden Palace Zone  FFmusic DJ        Hidden Palace Future       4:15
13. Robotnik's Theme    Richter           Robeatnik's Theme          3:31
14. Special Stage       Hadyn             Travelling Through a Dream 4:40
15. Invincibility Theme mario             Sonikku Ganbattle          1:16
16. Super Sonic Theme   Blak_Omen         Super Sonic Ska            1:27
17. Casino Night Race   Jonathon Striker  Casino Night Club          2:02
18. Emerald Hill Race   Hadyn             Party in the Emerald Hills 2:19
19. Mystic Cave Race    analoq            Sonik Caves                3:32
20. Race Results        Richter           Radio Results              4:27
21. Egg Robot Theme     Richter           Bring in the Machine       4:12
22. Ending              DCT               Is This the End?           1:17

Total: 75:16 (86.1MB)

  • 1 year later...

Awesome...it's completely mind blowing. Congratulations and great job!

Also, it's about time someone took my request from a year ago and remixed the end theme from Sonic 2 :D

One year later, my request is granted, haha...

Nice job to all of you.

Now we need a NWG with a Sonic theme to top it off.


Congrats to you all for completing the project. You gave it your all, even though you thought that you would never complete it on time. But you never gave up, and that's what counts the most. So, once again, congratulations on completing the project.


8O I didn't realise I actually got credited for the Emerald Hill mix ... I haven't actually heard it since Nesper's first spin on it :lol:

We ended up finishing the project, then? Neat-o. I'll drag my sorry ass onto my torrenting machine later.

I also wonder how it's possible I got 3 different spellings of my screen name throughout the site and on the IDv3 tag, but I'll just leave that to speculation rather than whine about it. ... Oh.


Download crawling along at a mere 6 KB per second... lovely... and they call it 'high speed internet'...

Well, now the 'complete package' of my artwork is available. I realize that some of the text on the inside cover may not correspond to the text currently on the site, but all I had to go by at the time was the WIP site, which was constantly being updated by Richter.

I just noticed the OC Remix home page:


Pretty sweet that they used my cover art!! If they asked, I could have completly removed the background for them, but they did a pretty darn good job considering they only had access to the PNGs and JPGs on the site. (who are *THEY*, anyway?)

It's pretty cool to at least have my name on the Hedgehog Heaven site... now, if only I submitted a remix...


heh, I downloaded the torrent and I must say I'm glad, because its better than what I expected.

My personal favorites (in no particular order):

Snyderman - Chemical Reaction

Sadorf - aquatic project

Jayson Litrio - Hill Top Heaven

Analoq - Oil Spill

Analoq - Next My generation

Hadyn - Travelling Through a Dream

Blak Omen - SuperSonic Ska

Jonathon Striker - Casino Jazz Club

Richter - Radio Reluts (LMAO that was helluva fun!)

I liked how there was a good mixture of diferent genres, although I think that the jazzy and funky songs prevailed. hell, even my song has some touches of jazz. Anyways, this was nice. And again , Nice Work.


Ah, my first post on the OCR forum. Better make it a decent one.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 remains one of my all-time favorite games. I remember fondly of the catchy tunes, of the difficult bonus stages (I suck almost just as bad at them now as I did when I played it to death at age 7. I don't believe I've ever successfully beaten them all in one sitting), of the crazy-fast levels, and the hard-as-hell final boss (I get hit once and DIE? WTF!?).

It's right up there with Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (and Knuckles), which I ALSO played to death with my younger brother. (Imagine that...)

Anyway, I just finished downloading the torrent, and I must say I am VERY pleased with the project. I was not even aware that it in fact EXISTED, and was being worked on, not until an hour ago! I came to the site not even two weeks ago (after someone linked me to a track from Kong in Koncert, I fell in love) and followed it to this site. I just came on today and saw that a new project was finished. Lucky me. Like getting a gift without the wait or anticipation. It feels good.

I just wish I could get a nice CD case, a CD-art printing program, the respective stickers and printing paper and such to make this lovely package complete. Such an excellent album being put on to a plain white CD-R, held by a simple neon-colored jewel case from a set bought in bulk is by no means just. :(

It is ReMixes like the ones on this "CD" that will have me coming back for more, for a very long while.

Now back to enjoying the fruits of this project and downloading the last 20% of the 501-1000 torrent. This is taking way longer than it should, I think. I wish I knew how to make it go faster than 6Kb/s. Oh well. At least I have ReMixes 1-500 and Hedgehog Heaven to ease the pain of wait.

Excellent job, guys. My Soapbox shoes are off to you!


Wow...I thought this project died, along with so many of the other ones that were started after the release of Relics of the Chozo/Kong in Concert. Very nice job, guys!

I've had all of analoqs tracks from this project for awhile, and I say that they're my favorites (But wait; wasn't Next My Generation originally the title for sonik caves? Why the switch? NMG definitely fit the Caves track better, as far as titles go). NutS and sadorf did nice tracks as well, and I'm impressed by Aeolius, skullkrusha, nesper, DCT, and Richters efforts. I wouldn't say that this project is as strong as the excellent Kong In Concert, but it's awesome to hear the entire Sonic 2 soundtrack given this treatment. You've all done great justice to this brilliant soundtrack, and I salute you. :)


Glad you liked my mix NutS - yours is rocking too :D

My list of favs is pretty similar to yours, only I loved all three of Analoqs mixes, and I thought a few other tracks were pretty awesome too. In-fact, all the tracks are a pretty awesome quality - though there are some small things with a few of them, like Icy Guy's mix is great, but needs a slightly faster tempo IMO, and Snyderman's almost seems too fast - still awesome tracks though.

Great work all around guys!


Just as a side note, I realise my tracks aren't quite as awesome as the others, but yeah. I hope you all still enjoy them :)
Ditto for me. Though Hadyn, I must say I disagree. Yours kick teh ass. But next to analoq I guess we all sound like garbage ;)

So yeah one last slip-up for Hedgehog Heaven. The tracklist has been up here forever, so any inconsistencies there really should have been handled a while ago. However, the posting of the wrong track on OCR is just plain retardation on my part. Caught up in the heat of the release, I only read part of analoq's message and posted the wrong track. So, my apologies. Lucky for us all three of his tracks are stellar and easily OCR quality.

There will be no torrent for the cd art. Please let me know of any site or other issues.

Thank you everybody!

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