Arek the Absolute Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 I seriously stand by my statement about Pokemon being harder than this. Quote
Zaboomafoo Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I don't know where you all are coming up with all of this difficulty stuff; I don't recall EVER having a hard time in the SNES/Anthology versions. Economizer + Gem Box as relics is basically instant win; forget Offering and Genji Glove: cast Ultima, Quick, and repeat Ultima, Quick, Ultima, Quick, you get the point now. You win, and they'll never hit you with anything in between your Ultimas and Quicks. Kefka isn't that hard, I was actually let down that after a relatively tough 3rd tier battle he appears and...mostly sucks. (I mean, he might be hard if your only three party members you got in WoR were Celes, Edgar, and Setzer, but he's not hard with a full party.) If I recall correctly you can simply throw an Atma weapon at him and kill him instantly. I can't find this in any of the gamefaqs, but I'm fairly certain it worked when I threw it at him in the Anthology version. (I think a battle message pops up and he dies) Honestly, the only truly hard battle is Magimaster, but Berserk + Life3 or Wall Rings + Life3 make that battle a walk in the park. By saying that Pokemon is harder than this you're implying that the thousands of 3-year-old kids who can't even read who spent 10+ hours pressing the A button to get their Charmeleon to a high enough level to kill Brock (using only the A button obviously, which for a good amount of time will be Scratch) will have an easier time beating this game. To me this seems to me less likely; pressing the A Button over and over again in the battle with the Whelk/Ymir will only get you killed from lightning counterattacks. Regardless, from my playing it it seems to have more or less the same difficulty to me; as in, it's not hard if you pay attention to what's going on and what your spells do. Quote
atmuh Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 i dont know what youre talking about pokemon was a fairly challenging game Quote
Ferret Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 sorry for all the acronyms. Final Fantasy 6 was supposedly released today on the game boy advance. I'm snowed in. Anyone tried it? Is it better than the old super nintendo version I'm used to? I'll let you know when I finish the SNES version. D: Quote
Hawkwing Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I like it... Retranslation is nice. Yes the difficulty is easy, but there are a few hard bosses (Chardanook comes to mind) Its just refreshing to play through and see some new things. I've beat this game more times than i can count, but playing it on the gba seems fresh and new. Quote
zircon Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I remember back in the days when this problem was remedied by the simple addition of a "Normal / Hard" option on the main title screen. Now it's serious RPG fans suffer because the games are tailored to the intelligence of a 10 year old, or the 10 year olds "suffer" because they actually have to learn how to think and overcome the enemies. I'm pretty sure I played FF6 when I was 10, and enjoyed the difficulty thoroughly. Yeah, honestly, I would be happy even if they did something simple like make a "Hard" mode where the ONLY difference is -25% gil drops, +25% monster stats, -25% xp gained. Something like that. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Yeah, honestly, I would be happy even if they did something simple like make a "Hard" mode where the ONLY difference is -25% gil drops, +25% monster stats, -25% xp gained. Something like that. That would actually be pretty rad. Lufia 2 did a reverse of that with their "retry mode" that was unlocked after you beat the game. ^ Random fact of the day Quote
Bahamut Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I guess I'm the opposite - I'm sick of RPGs where the difficulty factor is based on how much time is spent leveling up. It is an artificial and non-skill based way of prolonging an RPG, making it only dependent on how much time you devote to leveling up. Combined with what gets to be repetitive battles, and you got yourself the equivalent to an MMORPG - this is the reason why I got sick of MMORPGs. Quote
NeoForte Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 That maybe so but I still stand by my statement that this game is as challenging as the original was. I just fought Giantuar and he kicked my ass 5 times before I even killed it (and even then the battle was pretty long and only one person survived the 10000 Needle barrage at the end). In the original I remember some tough enemies. But I also didn't pimp out my characters with economizers, offerings and stuff. I just kept it how I got things and thats about it. Only thing now is I am using Celes, Shadow, Relm and Mog as my mains instead of Terra, Locke, Edgar and Sabin from my old SNES file. I honeslty didn't run into problems until the last dungeon. Still have a bit more stuff to do before I attempt it but I'll report back what went on when I do. Quote
Mustin Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I'm enjoying it. I just replayed the SNES version this past Summer because I got tired of waiting for this port. Yeah, the sound gets pretty crummy sometimes. I'm always excited to see what they did to the sound when I know a new track is coming up. Just jumped the falls and Gau showed up. Sounded much better on SNES, but I still have the OST CDs so it's all good. Difficulty has rarely been an issue for me - I always do the level up trick on the Lete. Driving back from Kansas City on Sunday, I put on my .MP3 player, pumped some Malcos, and held down the "A" button for the duration of the drive. I like to get 'em all just over 1,000 and then press on. I'm not much of a gamer in that regard. Anyway, I'm enjoying it and have heard a lot of good things about the Opera so I'm looking forward to that. Mostly, I want to get to those special additions because I thought the new palace in FFIV was fun as hell. If you love this game, you should get it. That's all there is to it. This doesn't erase time - it's not like the old version isn't going to be there once you pop in this new one. And if you haven't played it yet, you shouldn't complain. Check it out, it's a lot of fun. Translation is much better. Despite having taken out the Celes beating and some of the more "violent" lines, it seems more mature to me. I vote yes. Quote
Zaboomafoo Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 i dont know what youre talking about pokemon was a fairly challenging game Actually, now that I think about it, the later Pokemon games did get considerably harder than Red/Blue. Which in that case, I have to also agree; the Pokemon games were more challenging. Quote
Smoke Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 I guess I'm the opposite - I'm sick of RPGs where the difficulty factor is based on how much time is spent leveling up. It is an artificial and non-skill based way of prolonging an RPG, making it only dependent on how much time you devote to leveling up. Combined with what gets to be repetitive battles, and you got yourself the equivalent to an MMORPG - this is the reason why I got sick of MMORPGs. Which is why an RPG should be made where actual skill and strategy is required to win, not just leveling up to the max and killing everything just by blinking at it. Enemy stats being based on your own stats would be a good start, along with actual AI(And not just random one-hit kill attacks) Quote
Nick Hyral Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 Despite having taken out the Celes beating and some of the more "violent" lines, it seems more mature to me.I vote yes. I wasn't the only one who noticed that? But yeah.. beaten the game, hidden dungeon etc. Now working to maxing out my party as I'm cool like that.. but a few other things I noticed.. stats mean a bit more.. Locke was fast enough that he would get two or three turns before everyone else got one in the SNES version, but his speed values have been toned down, as has need for strength, I'd train strength with espers up to about 60 str and with equipment I'd deal 9,999 damage without need of more strength.. that's been changed, took about 75ish str to hit those figures. On the note of Genji and offering not being as useful as gem box and economizer.. you need to play the game again. Locke with Illumina + Ultima weapon = 8x 9,999 damage.. which will kill Kefka your first round. Difficulty sadly was still the same.. if not a bit easier than the old SNES version.. I ran straight through it living off the levels I gained to even get to the end and had no problems at all. And yeah.. the translations were cool.. best line in the game by far... "Fools! There is a reason why dispose rhymes with oppose! Kill them all!" Game is definately worth the cash, I'll say that much. Which is why an RPG should be made where actual skill and strategy is required to win, not just leveling up to the max and killing everything just by blinking at it. Enemy stats being based on your own stats would be a good start, along with actual AI(And not just random one-hit kill attacks) There is a game out there like that.. It's called "Star Ocean: The Second Story" on Universal mode.. Try it.. It's frikkin brutal. Quote
Smoke Posted February 27, 2007 Posted February 27, 2007 There is a game out there like that.. It's called "Star Ocean: The Second Story" on Universal mode.. Try it.. It's frikkin brutal. I'd like to keep my hearing please. I can't stand the voice acting in that game. Also, higher difficulty level(hay let's make enemies have more HP) != adaptation to your own skills and abilities to continue providing a constant challenge. Quote
Bobwillis Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Random battles in FF Tactics were pretty tough. I stopped letting myself get into them around lvl60. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 I'm enjoying it. I just replayed the SNES version this past Summer because I got tired of waiting for this port. Yeah, the sound gets pretty crummy sometimes. I'm always excited to see what they did to the sound when I know a new track is coming up. Just jumped the falls and Gau showed up. Sounded much better on SNES, but I still have the OST CDs so it's all good. Difficulty has rarely been an issue for me - I always do the level up trick on the Lete. Driving back from Kansas City on Sunday, I put on my .MP3 player, pumped some Malcos, and held down the "A" button for the duration of the drive. I like to get 'em all just over 1,000 and then press on. I'm not much of a gamer in that regard. Anyway, I'm enjoying it and have heard a lot of good things about the Opera so I'm looking forward to that. Mostly, I want to get to those special additions because I thought the new palace in FFIV was fun as hell. If you love this game, you should get it. That's all there is to it. This doesn't erase time - it's not like the old version isn't going to be there once you pop in this new one. And if you haven't played it yet, you shouldn't complain. Check it out, it's a lot of fun. Translation is much better. Despite having taken out the Celes beating and some of the more "violent" lines, it seems more mature to me. I vote yes. I also enjoyed the FFIV bonus palace. Maybe you will like the dragon's den, maybe you won't. A warning though, it is far more tedious than the Phoenix cave. Also, edited opera scene is pretty shway. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 I must see this Opera scene. Quote
Kirie Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 I'm really enjoying FFVI Advance so far, lot's of great memories. And it makes me really happy to see it portable~ As many have said, the slight script/name changes are kind of weird, but are not distracting. I've also had no expirences of lagging, what parts have been claimed too? Quote
Mustin Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 There is some super-minor lag sometimes. But the SNES lagged, too. So it's a tiny bit more than the SNES version sometimes. Almost to Opera. Good times! Quote
DukeNukem007 Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 But the SNES lagged, too. Very true, a lot of people think ROM = no skip, but there was especially a good deal of lag every time a game had to swap samples and music out of the SPC700. Quote
Mustin Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Yeah, if you never played the actual cart, there's lag in the original. Never anything too bad, though. Quote
Kirie Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Don't recall it ever lagging on any system, except maybe the anthologies verson. Quote
Bahamut Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Nah, the SNES one definitely did have lag in it. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Ultima, Merton, and meteor always lagged, especially in Kefka's tower. Quote
Mustin Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 And Sabin's "Fire Dance," now "Rising Phoenix." And sometimes "Auto Crossbow." And other stuffs. Quote
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