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Zillion 'Inside the Roadhouse'

Dum dee dum dee dum dee.. Such a bouncy little bass line and a

wonderfulicious chippy lead line that makes me want to slap someone.

It's amazing, i can actually listen to this one with headphones, a first

for a djp track. Cool.


Heh... thanks for the dedication! On to the remix... DJP said a while ago that he thinks this is the first time this genre has really been done on this site, and I have to agree with him. And not only does it try something new, it executes it well. A must-download, if I say so myself. :D


So many underappreciated games with fantastic music never get the attention they so truly deserve. Why not? Because they ain't made by Square and they ain't MegaMan! It's so nice to see mixes from other games than those mentioned... always.

Zillion had great music, especially for a 1 megabit (128k) game. The jump and shoot buttons were ass-backwards and that PISSED ME OFF but the game was still playable. DJP compliments the music very well with his ReMix. It is highly enjoyable tune to listen to. Great sound quality and the cool "bumpy" (for lack of better word) bass is retained in all its SMS glory! Both Zillion tunes on the site should be considered must downloads.

Now DJP, I DARE you to try Super Hang-On "Outride a Crisis"!


Thanks for the dedication towards me and well, all those other losers. ;D

I don't have much to say really, this mix is sub par and shouldn't really be listened to on a full stomach, in case projection vomiting is induced, which is highly possible (it's just that bad).

Of course I jest, it's a pretty cool mix, love the lead instrument. And to me it seems to give off that sort of heroic, "going off to destroy bad man" feel to it.

Pretty sweet mix. 4/5


Thank you very much for the dedication DJ Pretz. As you can surely tell from this thread we really appreciate it.

I must say I've been waiting for a drum beat like this, and now that I hear it its increadible. And just as Rob said that lead is amazing. Overwhelmingly cool mix, DJ Pretzel.

*Pssst* Jivemaster, Its your turn.


OK this is quickly becoming a mix that I cannot stop listening to. I wonder how many people will pass it up because it's from a game they don't know. Too bad, everyone needs to be addicted to this like I am. If I were to have a mix dedicated to me I couldn't ask for a better one!


This is fantastic! The melody sounds really retro, reminds me of some kind of late 80's/early 90's anime space epic...like Captain Tylor or something...I dunno...I have no idea what I'm talking about...

The bass keeps everything moving; its a great ReMix to groove to.

Rock solid.


I've got three of the Zillion videos that were released in the US and I don't recall this song in any of them (I'm a big fan of the SMS game, btw). The title music from the game, however, is the title music from the anime. I started a web site about Zillion a long time ago but never got around to adding any real content. It has pictures of the covers for two of the videos, the title music from the video in mp3 format, and also I recorded the intro video which is also on the site as mpeg. There really isn't much else on the site, but some of you will probably like to see the intro to the actual anime.



:twisted: Haza and Kudo's go to you DjPretz I loved this piece, the lead runs so smoothly and works perfectly with the beat...im no wiz at musical terminology but I highly recommend this piece... once more Kudos!


~~DJ Bahamut~~


Pretty cool... If that guitar's synthesized, near impossible to tell. Really good mix, nicely done. For some reason it reminds me of the Corneria theme from Starfox. Not much else to say, maybe the lead synth part sounded a bit annoying to me, but it's pretty well done. Good job.


What's kinda funny is I didn't know what this game was until I realized that I played it before. i started Playing the game (thats right, i HAVE a Master System and not the emulated one :D ) and I was thinking, "Hey this music is really cool. Then I thought about the remix on this site and had to download it. Everyone should check this game, and remix out.


When the mix first began I thought 'Dear God, what's he done??!!' Then it all starts falling into place. I really like the reverb on the leading lead. The drums fit perfectly too. Yet another triumph to add to the DJP collection.

~ LeeBro


I wouldn't have picked this up except for three things: One, the U-ji mix was really, really catchy. Two, the reviews. Three, the fact that it's by DJP.

Haven't been disppointed. Well done.

OCR00674 - Zillion 'InsideTheRoadhouse'

Dum dee dum dee dum dee.. Such a bouncy little bass line and a

wonderfulicious chippy lead line that makes me want to slap someone.

It's amazing, i can actually liten to this one with headphones, a first

for a DJP track. Cool.

I like the phrase "bouncy little bass line"...hehe

It's sooo true...but I think that's what helps complete the song...I really like it. I think it's about time they got good games with great music (such as this one) on here.

  • 3 months later...

Wow! I've been listening to this all the time, I can't get it out of my head! The "bouncy little baseline" is really catchy. Too bad there isn't many SMS remixes on the site.

  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

I'm a huge fan of the Zillion game (not the second) as well as the anime and soundtracks. I only wonder if DJPretzel has heard the vocal version of this track. It's quite funny to listen to but not nearly as good as this remix. I give major kudos for doing this track justice. And come on people, there are only like 3 or 4 tracks in the entire game. Remix them! Maybe I should put my money where my mouth is. Excellent track all around.

  • 1 year later...

Man, I'm slipping. This was another one I told djp about enjoying back in the day while visiting his house. Funny, because last weekend I was there working on some site stuff, and he started playing this arrangement downstairs on his Motif. Brought back memories of ye olden days while pondering in my head what he was playing.

The sound choices provided by the Motif are great here. And it helps to be working with such great source material. While the original had the raw materials to be pretty catchy, it didn't really have that good of an energy to me that would have struck me as great arrangement material. That's where djp proved me wrong by showing off the original's full potential.

With this ReMix though, djpretzel beefs up the sound quality but also smooths out the performance, adds some nice embellishments and really takes the original to another level from the Master System. Much like his Socket mix, you just can't go wrong with this one. It's got that hook.

  • 2 months later...

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