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So, I already play WoW, which is worth every cent I pay for it. I was just wondering if anybody can recommend any good free MMORPGs? Anything goes, but I'm especially interested in Sci-Fi MMOs.


I'm not sure you would go for it much but puzzle pirates (www.puzzlepirates.com) is a nice java based mmo that you can play for free (provided you sign up on a dubloon ocean). Obviously it isn't sci-fi since it involves pirates. I moved over to it from WoW when I retired.

If you do take interest in it I'd suggest you make a pirate on the Sage Ocean, I'd hazard to say it's the best dub ocean of the 3 as far as player culter and diversity goes.

Be warned this is a skill based game, there isn't leet gear to be won, or anything like that. Most people do not excel immediately at the puzzles, it can take you anywhere from a few days to months to get the hang of them.

You get what you pay for. The more accessible a MMORPG is, the more you'll rip your hair off over the idiotic community.

I disagree a bit, PP is extremely accessible, as is OOO's other game BANG!Howdy. (Although that one isn't nearly as popular as PP )

The customer service is fantastic, ontop of the fact that the game itself is very stable, and the developers are quite responsive as well. The community both on the forum, ypp wiki, and in game is also rather friendly and intelligent. Yeah there are going to be asshats/idiots/beggers in it, but every game has them. YPP's community is not nearly as asinine as WoW's was while I played it.

Course YPP and B!H are the only MMO's I have experience with that are "free". I don't particularly like Bang!Howdy though, steam punk cowboys are lame.

Oh another amuseing game is kingdom of loathing. (www.kingdomofloathing.com) It's basicly a massive parody of everything under the sun. Not exactly an MMO, there are many people playing it and they can interact in some ways. Very much free as well, this one is a browser based rpg type thing.


Good MMOs that are free?

There's no such thing. I don't know whether there are good MMOs that you pay for either. EvE? Even that's a horrible game, but it has an awesome community at least.


Most free MMORPGs I've played (the likes of runescape, anarchy online, maple story etc) are fun at first - but as soon as you level up enough times and run out of things to do, become slow and boring. However, Anarchy Online is a decent free game. Worth a download.


I recommend Anarchy Online if you enjoy a good challenge outside of battling. A lot of stuff in AO is hunting down items and using tradeskills to build better things for yourself. That's what I enjoyed most about it anyway. Large planet too for a free game.

Oh, and AO would be good if you're after a sci-fi one. It's on another planet, 4 humanoid species, frequent full-scale alien invasions of major cities, that sort of thing.

omg i play this one game i dont no if u no about it but its called runescape its awesome and if u dont think so then u r a fag

Thank you for that input, Geoffrey.

In other news, EVE Online looks awesome. I just love me some WoW and I don't wanna pay for 2 MMO's at once.


Not really a MMO, but it has some similar properties, would be Monster Hunter for the PS2. It's a dumbed down version of a MMO that focuses more on live action rather than a turn based system. It can be a lot of fun. I wish that capcom would come out with a sequal in the US (and not on the PSP :) ).

Then there's this game called Rappelz that a few people I know are obsessed over.

Seconded. While it's far from being perfect, I'd stick it on par with WoW for all intensive purposes. Graphics are nice, grind is typical of any Korean MMO, and. If you want a casual hour of going to beat the crap out of monsters, you'll probably like it. If you want to grind for hours, it can also do that.


In other news, EVE Online looks awesome. I just love me some WoW and I don't wanna pay for 2 MMO's at once.

Heh, EVE is awesome, but its also far from free, unless you get the two week trial

You get what you pay for. The more accessible a MMORPG is, the more you'll rip your hair off over the idiotic community.

Personally, I blame the lack of moderation on a lot of those low grade free games. So many people run around doing whatever they feel like, I imagine it's a pain in the ass to keep up with it all.

Not really a MMO, but it has some similar properties, would be Monster Hunter for the PS2. It's a dumbed down version of a MMO that focuses more on live action rather than a turn based system. It can be a lot of fun. I wish that capcom would come out with a sequal in the US (and not on the PSP :) ).

Uh, by that description almost every game with an online feature resembles a MMO. I can't really think of a MMO that runs on a "turn based" system. Final Fantasy Tactics was turn based. WoW/EQ2/EVE/anything like it isn't. For all that I love Monster Hunter and insist people play it with me, I wouldn't call a mission based game with no sort of complete world that all players exist in similar to a MMO. Guild Wars would be closer than Monster Hunter, and even that isn't quite a MMO (or free for that matter outside the lack of monthly fees). Also, don't hold your breath for MH2. It was supposed to be here like December.

I'll have to go with AO as the free MMO to play. A bit of a learning curve on it, but if you can get past that it becomes suprisingly involved.

Personally, I blame the lack of moderation on a lot of those low grade free games. So many people run around doing whatever they feel like, I imagine it's a pain in the ass to keep up with it all.

Uh, by that description almost every game with an online feature resembles a MMO. I can't really think of a MMO that runs on a "turn based" system. Final Fantasy Tactics was turn based. WoW/EQ2/EVE/anything like it isn't. For all that I love Monster Hunter and insist people play it with me, I wouldn't call a mission based game with no sort of complete world that all players exist in similar to a MMO. Guild Wars would be closer than Monster Hunter, and even that isn't quite a MMO (or free for that matter outside the lack of monthly fees). Also, don't hold your breath for MH2. It was supposed to be here like December.

I'll have to go with AO as the free MMO to play. A bit of a learning curve on it, but if you can get past that it becomes suprisingly involved.

Yay for Monster Hunter being mentioned. I logged in for the first time in months!

I've been playing MHP2 on the PSP for a couple months now and it's awesome. And no, MH2 will not be coming to North America, although MHP2 is being translated and will be released in September. Glad I don't have to wait, though. Yay for katakana.

I've heard about and have seen some of my friends play http://www.maplestory.com/, which is a 2D side-scrolling MMORPG, but I haven't played it myself. The only thing you have to play money for is cosmetic changes to your character.




my brother plays this

he is on level 115!

only thing is its a freakin retarded game where you pretty much dont do anything

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