suzumebachi Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I'm tired of this elitist crap. I've been a faithful OCR follower for nearly 6 years, a remixer for nearly 5, and they have the gaul to exclude me from their secret site projects? What the hell? I guess if you're not a member of the "clique" you don't count. Screw that. I'm done with OCR.
SnappleMan Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 It's okay. But you should know that only DJP and the rest of the judges have their call around here. That's most likely why they cancelled the FF7 project, very fucking funny...:\ Suzu and I talked about this in private. The "secret" project and that horrible song DJP(enis) posted are reason enough for me to leave as well. Suzu and I have plans of our own. Soon OCR won't really matter to anyone.
Dark_T_Zeratul Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 ...They have the gaul... I'm pretty sure they don't have western Europe, actually.
Upthorn Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Soon OCR won't really matter to anyone. Hahahahahahahaha. Nobody's gonna believe that.
SnappleMan Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Who the fuck are you anyway? Not like you need to know, but my friends Protricity and Digital Coma have been working on a site called The Lockdown for a couple years now. Suzu and I have joined up and development should be done as early as next week. I wouldn't go making idiotic assumptions if I were a n00b like you, it makes you look foolish.
Hellcom Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 my friends Protricity and Digital Coma have been working on a site called The Lockdown lawl (10 characters!)
CE Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Screw this, I'm leaving too, never to return ever and ever.
supremespleen Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I'm leaving to get some breakfast burritos! then i'll be back
CE Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Wait guys, I'm here to get my hat. Ok I'm gone now. EARemix respeckt.
RoeTaKa Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 You know, if my favourite remixers were leaving the site I supported, I'd want to be able to convince them that it shouldn't have to be that way...but it bloody well has too. I like suzu's work, he's a great musician, it's all your loss if you want to laugh it off. I already left a while ago, yeah I have a new mix on site but thats because these faggots take 6 months or so to even upload a song and write a short review with big interesting words. This community, so fucking immature, selfish, irresponsible, I could keep going. I don't actually have any personal beefs with people here, but I know a farm of jackasses when I see one. I look forward to The Lockdown guys.
The Mutericator Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I guess now is as good a time as any to say it. Suzumebachi, I've always hated you. Always. You're an asshat shtyjdgfgt without the jdg part. Which makes you a shtyfgt. GTFO already.
Dark Chocobo Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Now no, come gents and ladies, can't we all just settle out differences like good little Internet denizens, where we shout and bitch and TYPE IN ALL CAPS and call the other person a fag? That's the real way to settle this conflict.
Habeas Porpoise Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Nobody here knows who I am. I've gone by a different username in the past, and I wasn't really active in the community anyway. But I've been following the video game remixing scene (particularly OverClocked ReMix) since sometime in mid 2000. So you can think of me as a quiet observer. The biggest problem I see with the remixing community is the elitism and the clash of egos. Whatever. It's human nature. The problem is how it's handled. Let's just say a top down tyrannical system enforced by a panel of judges is the antithesis of what should be done. The reason Overclocked ReMix remains the defacto in the video game remixing community is because there are no real alternatives out there... for now. All it will take is a user driven "web 2.0" kind of site, similar to the likes of and YouTube, for a rival alternative to spring and become the new defacto. OCR will likely still be around for a long time to come as long as people keep interest. But will Overclocked ReMix be as relevant 2 years from now as it is today? Hardly. Overclocked ReMix is a site driven by community content, but the process of getting that content to the front page is so cumbersome, antiquated, and bureaucratic, that it frustrates so much of the community. It's no wonder so many people want to leave and support an alternative. It's too bad things like VGMix fall flat due to incompetance and lack of vision. I have no idea what this "The Lockdown" site is, but if it takes a hint from today's highly successful community/user driven websites, it will quickly take off and become THE place for video game remixes.
Murmeli Walan Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Hey Snapps and Suzu. Let me know when this "Lockdown" site goes live. If Prot and Binnie are willing, I'll transfer my entire dodge ball project over there. I've been dicked around by the OCR politics long enough. Me and my friends are the only people bumping my project thread, thanks to Larry moving practically every remix project back to Gen Disc or Community or whatever, despite me already getting the ok from darkesword to have the thread in Site Projects. And you know what else pisses me off? I've had Around the World in progress for over two fucking years just to get nearly HALF of the game's tracklist filled while John Q. Asshole makes a thread shouting "ZOMG MARIO 64 PROJECT! ZOMG POKEMON PROJECT! ZOMG FFVII PROJECT! ZOMG TETRIS ATTACK PROJECT!" and the tracklists for those projects fill up within a month. That's motherfucking bullshit. The popular games are filled up while a game with a good deserving soundtrack idles because nobody wants to listen to the goddamn nsf just because the game wasn't a Squaresoft RPG or because it wasn't a "mascot" game. Thank goodness for people like Sadorf and Rexy and chrono26 and everyone else involved with me who gave me a chance. That's more than what I can say for some others who were too busy dicking around with a remix of Bob-omb Battlefield or JENOVA's Theme or a trainer battle theme or whatever fucking music was in Tetris Attack to listen to a good soundtrack from a game series that hardly anyone outside of Japan gave a shit about. I guess people are just worried that because my project doesn't have any "OCR higher-ups" in it, it'll become another "Hedgehog Heaven" fiasco. Fuck you, I'll get this project off the ground with or without the judge panel circle jerk (or circle fingering, in pixie's case). I'm begging you guys to help me out, here. Around the World will be a great remix project, just not on this site. Real rant, or April Fool's post playing off what's been posted so far? You be the judge.
big giant circles Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I normally stay out of debates like this, but I'll just say to Suz, Snapple, Roe, and anyone else who has produced some great stuff, or is otherwise leaving on similar terms, I'm really sorry to see y'all go... I can't say I wholly approve of the manner in which you're going about it, but I respect your decisions regardless. I'll simply say my peace by wishing you well, and good luck in your future projects and endeavors. My greatest regret, as one of the newest judges and someone who generally doesn't participate in the OCR community via the public forums, I sincerely apologize that we the panel, but myself in particular, couldn't serve any of you any better...
Arek the Absolute Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 The lockdown eh? It could be like ocr 05! Just imagine it, a community that actually cares about the site that they are in, and no bastards there to ruin it. When graylightning left here, everything changed for the worse. People got banned left and right for the most minor of things. Also, I agree with Walan that site projects are getting crazy, but for a different reason. Everyone thinks that they can run one. There are so many here that it is just hilarious. When I created mine, only 4 or so were out, and I wanted something unique to join the ranks of site projects to add more flavor to it and not just make it a "remixing" project. When I saw Chrono Symphonic, it inspired me even more. A remix project that had a theme like it did was pretty cool. Now you see everyone and their grandmother thinking that they can run a site project. Worst part is, is that they are so god damn plain. Make them interesting at least. Show off your creativity skills, not just be a carbon copy of the style of KiC. How saddening is that. Suzu, tell me if you are looking for a mod over there. I would always be willing to support and help out you guys, considering that unfortunately I can't here cause I am a "hot head" and obviously very unfair and biased. /scarasm See you guys at the lockdown!
SosusOCR Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Wow, you know its just a website, not a way of life!
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