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To make this fun last a bit longer, we should decide/vote on awards. Some possible categories include:

Most pwnd.

Guy who switched sides after he got the joke.

Best review.

Best instigator.

Best at pretending to be pissed.

Best at pretending it was awesome.

Biggest killjoy.



I honestly thought it was real, and even fell for the bit on IRC.

Then I came back and saw my posts deleted and the light bulb came on.

Durrr durrr. I r smrt durr.

I honestly thought it was real, and even fell for the bit on IRC.

Then I came back and saw my posts deleted and the light bulb came on.

Durrr durrr. I r smrt durr.

Don't feel bad, Lyrai, that's how I figured it out back when they did EARemix a couple of years ago (was it 2005 or 2004?).

You did the website, I know you told me on AIM

Yeah, some people really need to be unbanned as well (Kamoh, he's running a lot of tournies for god sake, Maco70 he's been around for a while and I don't think anything he said is ban worthy)

Yeah, why was I banned again?


When I first checked the thread out I thought it was real, since I hadn't noticed the Recapitated on the front page. Once I figured out what everyone was talking about and actually went and checked it out, I laughed my ass off.

Did you figure out that the whole drama was an April Fools' joke and post about it? If so, that's probably why. That's what happened to me, at least.

Ah, that explains it.


Suzu, I think you'll be pleased to know that Lamentations just popped up as a new mix on my OC Remix RSS feed. Why the hell it did that is beyond me completely. But you got yours, my friend.

Aaaah, April 1st. It's like weeding the garden. I wonder how many people permanently leave every year because they got pissed?


To be honest, you leaving was too unlikely for me so I didn't for that. As for Recapitated, I would have fallen for it if it weren't for this thread haha. I totally forgot it was April Fools until I read this thread and gave some thought about you "leaving" then realised it was the 1st. I agree with EA Remix though, best I've seen. I haven't fallen for one of these since the "Nobuo Uematsu remix" several years back. I have a good feeling of being fooled next year though.

Man, y'all need to learn to take things less seriously on April Fool's day, especially from one of the perpetrators behind such memorable April Fool's moments as: R.I.P. SgtRama, Repercussions of Fowl Lamentation, ReMix:ThaSauce, and now ReCapitated*.

That's right folks, not only am I not leaving, you will never be rid of me!


* bet you can't figure it out!

waiit... remix tha sauce was an intentional joke?

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