djpretzel Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Subz1987 Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 It's hard to find a unique Ice Cap Remix that is done really well. This piece is definitely unlike the other Ice Cap Zone remixes I've heard. It's done very well. Awesome job as usual, BGC. Quote
Azure Prower Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 I was downloading this expecting it to be your same one from ReCapitated with your off-tune voice. But no. Instead I find this amazing track that seems to have strayed from your usual style; in a good way. Two thumbs up on the excellent remix. (ps. I did actually listen to all of the ReCapitated remixes. Joke or not. There were actually two mixes in that project I liked: Ice Cap Zone 2007 and A Work of Staggering Genius. Even though most of the mixes didn't appeal to me, there was no need for the uber harsh reviews I saw on the day.) Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Icecap LOL EDIT: oh wait... This is actuall pretty sweet! Love the ethnic shizz in the intro. Quote
Thin Crust Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Crap, this is getting out of hand. Right when I started on OCR, I said to myself that I would never attempt to listen to any remixes featuring Megaman, Sonic, or Mario games just because I don't like them as games. But after listening to a very excelent final fantasy remix by housethegrate, I decided to see what else he has put out. Sadly, he did megaman and sonic as the only two other songs. But I listened to them because I wanted to see what else he has done. Much to my suprise, I loved them. Now, here I am listening to another sonic remix after I told myself that I never would. On top of that, this is actually very impressive. I never thought that sonic type music could be so enjoyable. Thanks BGC, you are changing the way I look at music.(Which is a good thing.) Quote
Red Shadow Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Crap, this is getting out of hand. Right when I started on OCR, I said to myself that I would never attempt to listen to any remixes featuring Megaman, Sonic, or Mario games just because I don't like them as games. But after listening to a very excelent final fantasy remix by housethegrate, I decided to see what else he has put out. Sadly, he did megaman and sonic as the only two other songs. But I listened to them because I wanted to see what else he has done. Much to my suprise, I loved them. Now, here I am listening to another sonic remix after I told myself that I never would. On top of that, this is actually very impressive. I never thought that sonic type music could be so enjoyable. Thanks BGC, you are changing the way I look at music.(Which is a good thing.) there is a TON awesome music that youre missing out on man Quote
Villainelle Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 This is stunning. BGC has been one of my favorite remixers, but it's incredible how much he's improved even over his excellent earlier work. The lead solo is cool, but it was actually the sliding bass solo at 1:27 that I enjoyed most - that's something you don't hear often outside of jazz. Nice production on this one too - the mix fills out the spectrum richly. A small concern though - the kick is barely audible for most of the song. The bass is on the quiet side too aside from the aforementioned solo, but I suppose it's a compromise when there's so much going on during the busier sections. This song sparkles. It feels so full, expansive, and soaring - simply excellent. I know the comparison is trite, but for me this really evokes the rolling of end credits after some epic conclusion in a movie. The bar for electronic music here at OCR just got a little higher - well done BGC! Quote
Sole Signal Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Very nice work, even though I personally don't find the Ice Cap theme very appealing at all. That solo around 2:20 is especially awesome. I'll be checking out some of your other stuff now. Quote
Citan Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Man, I really dig the part that starts around 2:20, I'd like to hear more of that. Nice job overall. Quote
MisterBiggler Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Hell yes. The solo was great, but the end of the song just killed me. Very good stuff. Quote
big giant circles Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 but the end of the song just killed me. haha, my desired effect indeed. My past remixes bear witness of this, but I like doing things to keep a mix from being too "predictable" I suppose. Sometimes, they don't *seem* to work out so hot, like the tempo change in Bionic Electronica, or the piano part in Begin the End of the Beginning, but I'd rather do something "different" than keep a track on steady autopilot. It's just a tendency of mine. Also, from my site, a bit more explanation on the mix. Well, this remix actually started out as a joke [for recapitated]... I approached in the beginning thinking I was going to do a really stereotypically over-the-top ethnic kind of track. By sheer accident, the track actually started sounding cool. So I decided since I'd already invested time in it, I may as well go ahead and try to make this mix "real"For some reason, this is probably THE NUMBER ONE song remixed out there... or at least that gets submitted to Over Clocked ReMix. I'm not sure why. I've never played sonic 3, and I'd never really payed attention to the source tune until I took on this project. As far as I'm concerned, there are lots of other source tunes that stand out as screaming to be remixed above this one. Now, I don't mean any disrespect to the source, it's not bad. Mainly, it's just a 30 second diddy that repeats over and over and over and over and over. However, I think I've actually transformed it into a pretty awesome electronica incarnation. This mix comes jam-packed with ethnic vibes a-plenty, a cameo Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme song riff (2nd half of the crazy synth solo), some "tite" bass solo action, and even a fake ending . It should also be noted that this mix was created in 3 days--the fastest project I've ever completed from start to finish. Go me I'll give mad props to anyone who can point out exactly where the Power Rangers theme is. Quote
Rayza Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Great job overall BGC, very nice production. Just wondering if you used any (and which if you care to tell) stereo imaging enhancers. At first I thought it sounded a little phasey but I ran it through my correlation meters and it seemed fine, right on the edge, but didn't cross over into any cancellation. Just wondering what you were using to get that super wide effect. Good stuff! Quote
big giant circles Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Great job overall BGC, very nice production. Just wondering if you used any (and which if you care to tell) stereo imaging enhancers. At first I thought it sounded a little phasey but I ran it through my correlation meters and it seemed fine, right on the edge, but didn't cross over into any cancellation. Just wondering what you were using to get that super wide effect. Good stuff! Well, I do use the "Stereo enhancer" FX in FL Studio on individual instruements from time to time, usually if I want to bring that particular instrument more into the foreground. But otherwise, I just sort of "mix by ear." If it sounds uneven, I'll tweak it. Or sometimes, I will actually watch the stereo monitor while it's playing in winamp. Otherwise, I just mainly pan, tweak, and repeat. Quote
Ness757 Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Great mix, but the part starting at 3:00 should have been used more throughout the song. Parts of the mix sort of the remind me of the game music in Jazz Jackrabbit (it's a good thing). 7.5/10 Quote
Dark Phazon Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 Every time I listen to this, I like it more and more. The beginning has a great feel to it, the synth solo is awesome, and I really like that idea of the fake ending (though I wish there was more than the just 15 seconds or so of the second ending before that started to fade out). It's just really cool sounding, both in being good, as well as in sounding literally "cool/chilly" (especially at the beginning). I'll give mad props to anyone who can point out exactly where the Power Rangers theme is. Probobly not right, but my best guess is at 2:34 and/or 2:51, both parts kind of have that sound for a second... Quote
Crystal-Blue Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 This was just awsome! When I first heard it I thought it was ok then the more I played it the more I liked it. This song kind of grows on you Good job! Quote
Doulifée Posted April 7, 2007 Posted April 7, 2007 It's always hard to impresse me with overmixed theme like terra, icecap and schala, and specially after spending to much time having fun with Recapped. Nice work with that eastern fealing you put on it BGC. It give me the same feeling that the mix between schala and yutai did. Quote
DistantJ Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 In case you didn't work it out from my Cryptic Marble remix, I love ethnic stuff. And I loved this. Really excellent remix. Unusual decision to make the ice theme into something eastern, but it works and it sounds brilliant. I particularly love the keychange right at the end. Quote
SynthesizedStampede Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 Superb. Never imagined Ice Cap to be remixed in this style and it worked out so damn well. Can't say much, but aw Hell, this remix is awesome. Quote
DistantJ Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 I'll give mad props to anyone who can point out exactly where the Power Rangers theme is. About 2:38? Quote
avaris Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 Damn this is hott. I thought I would never listen to anything with Ice Cap again. You guys should have put this on the joke proj just to see what people would have said. I'm with DistantJ on ethnic instrument comments. This def different from your usual lofi feel. The bitching synth solo is icing on the cake. It's def not an easy thing to blend ethnic and electronic sounds together but this def is some hot shitte. Quote
big giant circles Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 About 2:38? that is correct, sir. specifically, on beat 3 of the 1st measure of the 2nd part of the solo. very very brief. good ear, bro. (reference point for those who care. and i don't recommend actually watching the video. just the audio.) Quote
Elex Synn Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 Holy crap this is some nice work of art. I'm diggin' the oriental vibe. Quote
Flare4War Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Very nice take on this track. Different but very very good. excellent work. Quote
NZman Posted April 20, 2007 Posted April 20, 2007 You know, when I first heard the ending, I thought it was really bizarre. But after hearing it a few times over the last week or so, I think I actually kind of like it. It's as if the song refuses to go down quietly. The rest of the track was undeniably excellent even during the initial listening. Quote
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