Thalzon Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 Oh yeah..I'm having more trouble with the machokes than the medichams, that submission really hurts x____x. I'm also finding the need for every HM under the sun in there to be extremely irritating, I have to drop a member of my team that won't get any training. because of it, I suppose I could stick him in the day care till I finish up the victory road though... Once you make it through, you can enter victory road from the league side (though you still need one guy with Surf to enter the dungeon part), and build up your team without all those irritating blockades. EDIT: Make sure you have Fly as well, because you wouldn't want to get stuck. Quote
mDuo13 Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 I passed the Elite Four about a week ago with a team that was mostly below level 50. It took a massive number of revives and Hyper Potions, plus a fair amount of luck, though. Win Time: 33:03 Winning Team: Dialga Lv.52, Empoleon Lv.48, Kadabra Lv.45, Staraptor Lv.41, Pachirisu Lv.42, Medicham Lv.36 My strategy for that Bronzong? I set Dialga against him, used up a shitload of potions, and just let Pressure suck up the PP for all his moves that actually do damage. I had a lot more trouble with the champion's Lucario, which I eventually beat with an ungodly number of Revives and then some luck with Empoleon's Surf move. Now I'm just trying to write my 20 page essay, but when I'm done I'm going to go back to expanding my pokédex (Got the national dex last Friday) and training my new team. I'm considering using Drifblim and Lucario. I haven't decided whether I need to pump up Drifblim's defense (so that super-effective Crunch won't slaughter it) or something else like attack and speed. God, though, but immunity to so many types of moves is sexy. I gotta find a bronzong that actually levitates, though. Mine just has Heat Resistance, which is a pathetic subsitute, especially when the move Earthquake is so much more common (and more kickass) than most really good fire moves. Quote
Josh1416 Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 thats pretty smart =) my lowest when I fought them was 45 highest 56 or 57 can't remember I mostly had revives and hyper pots. (about 43 revives and 70 hypers) =P Quote
Josh1416 Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 well im new to the hi everyone...with that aside.....lets get to business..currently looking for a thunderstone and waterstone...too lazy to dig them up...anyone up for a trade for some pokemon that they want? better not ask for legendaries... Vr = Pearl sorry for the double post but just couldn't wait this long soz =P I have the thunderstone if you still need I don't need a good pokemon but pm me the pokemon your willing to trade and I'll respond see if we agree =) P.S. I have diamond =) Quote
Ninja-san Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 Are there certain steps needed to obtain the Cranidos Fossil in the underground like Spiritomb or is it just luck? Quote
Bahamut Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 Are there certain steps needed to obtain the Cranidos Fossil in the underground like Spiritomb or is it just luck? Just luck - I have two cranidos from the underground heh. Quote
Josh1416 Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 Just luck - I have two cranidos from the underground heh. Here's a list just incase anyone wants to do a trade =): Cranidos x3 Anorith x2 Aerodactyl x1 Shieldon x1 Omanyte x1 Kabuto x1 If anyone wants to trade pm me =) my FC is 2492-0619-4420 my game name is Josh =) Quote
Bigfoot Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 Bug/glitch or just extremely lucky? This happened to my friend: "the US pokemon has sooooooo many glitches in it. that, or my cartridge is fucked up. in a good way. in fact, i'm not even sure how my game got glitched. but okay, here we go, today alone i caught the following pokemon: 1) 5 shiny bidoofs 2) level 54 rattata 3) a sandshrew in a random patch of grass (it's supposed to be in wayward cave with fire red in the gba slot) 4) a PERSIAN in some random patch of grass and my personal favorite: 5) a Starmie...with the OLD rod. Also, WHY ARE HALF OF MY MIGRATORS TURNING SHINY WHEN THEY MIGRATE? HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ANYONE ELSE? -Porygon2 -Slawking -Gardevoir -Sceptile -Wobbuffet (ITS PURPLE!) -Kyogre (ALSO PURPLE!) -Mewtwo -Lugia -Celebi -Deoxys!?!?!" Quote
Josh1416 Posted May 9, 2007 Posted May 9, 2007 Bug/glitch or just extremely lucky? This happened to my friend:"the US pokemon has sooooooo many glitches in it. that, or my cartridge is fucked up. in a good way. in fact, i'm not even sure how my game got glitched. but okay, here we go, today alone i caught the following pokemon: 1) 5 shiny bidoofs 2) level 54 rattata 3) a sandshrew in a random patch of grass (it's supposed to be in wayward cave with fire red in the gba slot) 4) a PERSIAN in some random patch of grass and my personal favorite: 5) a Starmie...with the OLD rod. Also, WHY ARE HALF OF MY MIGRATORS TURNING SHINY WHEN THEY MIGRATE? HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ANYONE ELSE? -Porygon2 -Slawking -Gardevoir -Sceptile -Wobbuffet (ITS PURPLE!) -Kyogre (ALSO PURPLE!) -Mewtwo -Lugia -Celebi -Deoxys!?!?!" Hmm I'm not sure... is it possible to catch shinies or are they like a glitch because I caught a shiny raticate by luck (just training) but this hasn't happened to me (or at least don't think so) I don't really look at them until pal park but none of them seem shiny... also is there someone who can help me where to get spiritomb? Quote
Thalzon Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 You get Spiritomb at that little rock mound south of the grave tower, but only after you've talked to 32 other people in the Underground. Me? I waited, bred some Shuppets, and got mine over the GTS. Now I'm using it as a trump for all the other rarities I want. Breeding is good. And that shiny glitch might just be an unmentioned feature. A buddy of mine gave me a Ditto for breeding and it turned purple upon being traded to me. Quote
Josh1416 Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 You get Spiritomb at that little rock mound south of the grave tower, but only after you've talked to 32 other people in the Underground.Me? I waited, bred some Shuppets, and got mine over the GTS. Now I'm using it as a trump for all the other rarities I want. Breeding is good. And that shiny glitch might just be an unmentioned feature. A buddy of mine gave me a Ditto for breeding and it turned purple upon being traded to me. do you have an extra ditto laying around that you might be willing to trade? Or does anyone have a ditto willingly to trade I do not have any rare pokemon to trade but I can breed my manaphy and then trade it to you (manaphy breeds and egg and hatches as phione) I can do that or trade you a starter I have all 3 (but I need ditto to breed =P) Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 Also, WHY ARE HALF OF MY MIGRATORS TURNING SHINY WHEN THEY MIGRATE? HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ANYONE ELSE? -Porygon2 -Slawking -Gardevoir -Sceptile -Wobbuffet (ITS PURPLE!) -Kyogre (ALSO PURPLE!) -Mewtwo -Lugia -Celebi -Deoxys!?!?!" This is a problem why? If you don't want them, give them to me.I will gladly take a shiny Mewtwo. Quote
Imagist Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 Bug/glitch or just extremely lucky? This happened to my friend:"the US pokemon has sooooooo many glitches in it. that, or my cartridge is fucked up. in a good way. in fact, i'm not even sure how my game got glitched. but okay, here we go, today alone i caught the following pokemon: 1) 5 shiny bidoofs 2) level 54 rattata 3) a sandshrew in a random patch of grass (it's supposed to be in wayward cave with fire red in the gba slot) 4) a PERSIAN in some random patch of grass and my personal favorite: 5) a Starmie...with the OLD rod. Also, WHY ARE HALF OF MY MIGRATORS TURNING SHINY WHEN THEY MIGRATE? HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ANYONE ELSE? -Porygon2 -Slawking -Gardevoir -Sceptile -Wobbuffet (ITS PURPLE!) -Kyogre (ALSO PURPLE!) -Mewtwo -Lugia -Celebi -Deoxys!?!?!" Uhhh, have you seen all these shinies? I'd be inclined to call BS without hard proof. Quote
atmuh Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 so I'm trying to get every pokeyman so I am finally getting around to getting ho-oh in colloseum man colloseum was a good game i am remembering, gamecube or wii owners go get it but wow this will take a while Quote
Citris Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 so I'm trying to get every pokeymanso I am finally getting around to getting ho-oh in colloseum man colloseum was a good game i am remembering, gamecube or wii owners go get it but wow this will take a while I'm going to try and do the same thing. I traded in my copy of Coliseum because I didn't like it. I hated how you had to "open the hearts" of the pokemon to even use them. I hated it so much. Quote
atmuh Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 I'm going to try and do the same thing. I traded in my copy of Coliseum because I didn't like it. I hated how you had to "open the hearts" of the pokemon to even use them. I hated it so much. dude this game ROCKS like I'm playing it again and realizing how good it was the music was great the game was great I'm purifying guys now that's kinda annoying but still its FUN as far as I know battle revolution is not gonna have a single player adventure BIG MISTAKE Quote
Citris Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 dudethis game ROCKS like I'm playing it again and realizing how good it was the music was great the game was great I'm purifying guys now that's kinda annoying but still its FUN as far as I know battle revolution is not gonna have a single player adventure BIG MISTAKE Hmmm...I got it for $.01 at a used game sale in Montana, so it's not like I'd lose money by buying it again. I didn't know it had exclusive pokemon in it. I may have to pick up a copy. Quote
atmuh Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 it has all the gold and silver starters and the legendary dogs and ho-oh and its an awesome game Quote
The Damned Posted May 10, 2007 Author Posted May 10, 2007 it has all the gold and silver startersand the legendary dogs and ho-oh and its an awesome game Colosseum was a fucking abomination. Shitty plot, shitty models, shitty execution all around. Genious Sonarity is supposed to be composed of former members of all these great studios, like Enix and shit, and the game they put out was something that looked, felt and played like it was thrown together by a bunch of interns. The sequel, Gale of Darkness, wasn't much better, but at least they made the whole "purification" thing a lot easier. Convluted, but easier. I still haven't finished Colosseum to this very day, because of the total bullshit that that game is. Besides, you can get all the GSC starters and legendaries from Fire and Leaf on the GBA. Quote
Dexie Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 I still haven't finished Colosseum to this very day, because of the total bullshit that that game is. Besides, you can get all the GSC starters and legendaries from Fire and Leaf on the GBA. GSC starters are in Emerald. The legendary dogs from GSC are in Fire/Leaf, but only one per playthrough, if I recall. Ho-oh and Lugia can only be gotten in Fire/Leaf via event items. :/ Colosseum/XD suck, but they're the 'easiest' way to get those. Quote
atmuh Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 I don't know I like Colosseum a lot dont know why Quote
Josh1416 Posted May 10, 2007 Posted May 10, 2007 I got all 3 starters, phione (pre-evolved form for manaphy), riolus, and eevees anyone up for trade? (I caught ditto on route 218 while using poke radar I love that toy XD) just pm me or reply on this topic =) My FC: 2492-0619-4420 Name: Josh Quote
Soma Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 So i made it to the elite four in Diamond. My infernape is level 52, dialga 52, gyarados 51, staraptor 55, floatzel 54. And i don't think i can even make it past the first guy (girl?). I barely made it past my rival, i never had a problem with any of the other battles in the game though. I used to think i was over leveled quite a bit but the game seems to have caught up with me. So are there some other areas i missed or something? Where's a good place to gain levels? Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 That's a little odd, what does your Staraptor know? It should be able to handle all his pokemon in one or two shots with a wing attack (+brave bird for the vespqueen) except for the scorpion thing. (Used Golem for the scorpion, earthquake squishes it rather effectively). my Staraptor has a nature that lowers its attack power and is only lv 52 at the theres no reason yours shouldn't be plowing through those bug types at lv 55. Mine knows Fly, Brave Bird, Wing Attack, and Close Combat. (Maybe not the best move set...I kind of miss quick attack, but oh well). Quote
DarkPoinko Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 So i made it to the elite four in Diamond. My infernape is level 52, dialga 52, gyarados 51, staraptor 55, floatzel 54. And i don't think i can even make it past the first guy (girl?). I barely made it past my rival, i never had a problem with any of the other battles in the game though. I used to think i was over leveled quite a bit but the game seems to have caught up with me. So are there some other areas i missed or something? Where's a good place to gain levels? Right now, probably the best place to level up would be Victory Road. It'll take some time, but if it gets you past the E4 easier, it's worth it. Here's what I do: Get a Pokemon that knows Thief, and take it up to route 210. There are wild Chansey in that area and you can try to swipe a Lucky Egg off of one. I got one on my third try, your results may vary. It'll make levelling up go a bit faster, especially if some of your Pokemon are traded ones. edit: oh yeah, once I can finally reach Pal Park, I'll have plenty of junk to trade. Jirachi, anyone? Quote
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