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Final Fantasy VI 'Eres des Points'

This... is... WOW. Makes me feel like swearing WOW! and that doesn't happen often. WOW! Ok, I got to start saying something other then wow. How about "Bonjour" to start off with and then "Mon nom est Ginnsu." Yes, thats right, I'm going to torture you with all the french I remember from Grade 10. No... no I'm not, because this mix hardly deserves that kind of negative attention. Ok then, being completely serious, this mix is French Rap. Yes, you read me correctly. That's two barriers broken on OC ReMix. Now I really wish I had of paid attention in French 10, and maybe even passed the class. The only two words in this song that I can recognize are "avec moi" which means "with me." Other then that I'm completely lost. *ahem* Enough about the French, how about the mix. It's amazing. I suggest that you all take a listen to it at least once. If you don't like it, that's fine. But if you do, you'll not just like it but I'm sure you'll also be considerably impressed. I'm still floating in the clouds about how strange and amazing this really is, so bare with me. This is probably one of the most amazing things I've ever heard on OC ReMix. Now, obviously, musically it might not compare to McVaffe, or Scott Peeples, but the impression this mix has on me, anyways, is astounding. This mix in my words is fabulous, brilliant, magnificent, and one hell of a tremendous piece of work. In conclusion, a stunning piece of work DJ Crono, you make me wish I knew French really badly. My goodness.


yeah i really like this remix. i think it goes on my top ten favorite remixes. good job dj crono. for everyone else who hasnt listened to it yet i cant describe it so ill just say you need to download it quickly :lol:


I think it's great how remixers have been breaking away from the more standard techno sound lately and expanding into other genres. I'm no fan of rap. However, compliments on originality. A true test of a composer's (or remixer's in this case) talent is their ability to expand into other genres without sacrificing the standard quality of the music.


Exactly my feeling Emjay, and it's also a whole lot easier for me to do a (lengthy) review of a remix if its new, different, and tests the boundries somewhat. I don't like rap, and generally hate french if only because the school system forced me to take 3 years of it. But this mix fits the profile of something that is new to this site, exciting, and although not in every ones specific taste (like you can please everyone anyways,) it is excellently produced.

I'd better stop posting long reiterations of why I think this mix is so great or somebody might shoot me.


Well, I gave it a good listen.

I must admit to being extremely impressed with how professional the remix sounds.

However, I'll be the first to say that, at the moment, I don't like the remix itself.

I think I might change my mind once the translation of the lyrics from the rap are posted.

It's nothing personal against French or Rap, or French Rap :)

But I'd like to know what's being said, especially when there's a lot of it in the remix.


Tres bein Dj Chrono! Je l'aime beaucoup! Honestly I liked this remix a lot! I've been a fan of some french rap back when I was in grade school learning the darn language. I never knew that Terra's song could be manitpulated in the way you just did.

Maintenes le bon travail!

(My French is a little rusty, but you may get the gist of it)


Well, it definately gets points for originality. I'm surprised how well Terra's theme worked with that genre... it's great! As for the rap itself, well... not bad, but it sounds a little odd... maybe because of the French pronounciation? Not a lot of hard, precise sounds... either way, I couldn't pick up a lot of the lyrics myself; the only definate words I think I caught were "with me." o_o I'd like to see them written. At times, however, the vocals almost sound too seperate from the melody track, as though they were seperately recorded and added as samples. Not that that's a bad thing... ah, I don't know. I don't really like that little moan either. =P

Overall, pretty cool work tho.


All in all a great sounding, and nicely mixed.

But I do not like rap, So for originality, and sounds quality, 9ish:)

For the kind of thing, i like, only a 2. But great mix, just not my style


I'd have to say that (aside from team Gato, of course...cause that was just too damn funny to ignore,) this has got to be my favorite song out of OC Remix. I mean, sure, everything has its sound and all, but this is awesome! I'm currently taking French II, so I probably wouldn't understand some of the words without a handy dictionary, but I can conjugate! :lol: And don't get me for biased here, I really didn't think that Rap and French went together until I heard this. And with Terra's theme playing in rhythm just sounded so..*shivers*...SEXY! Anyone who needs something to listen to should PICK THIS UP. It'll get your spirits up and your mouth rollin' (from what you can comprehend anyway. Heh heh...) Once again, an awesome remix. Thanks, DJ Crono! Keep up the good and unique work!


I'd have to agree with Ginnsu... WOW. My only complaints are the vocals seem to be drowned out near the end, and that synthesized (?) electric guitar is a little too loud, but everything else is great.

(P.S. They should have done the Sonic Adventure 2 raps in French :wink: )


Well, I've disliked pretty much every rap song I've ever heard and this one is no exception so I'm not really in a psition to review this remix. However, I am a native french speaker and I'll do my best to translate what I can decipher, but I have difficulty to figure out what he's saying because of his accent. When I don't know I'll put my best guess in brackets. A lot of the lyrics are expressions but I won't adapt them, so maybe it won't make much sense in english.

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks(rocks)

Chacune des épreuves c'est ...[différent à chaque fois?]

Every challenge is... [different each time?]

J'ai ce qu'il faut dans les veines pour...[i have absolutly no idea]

I have what it takes in my blood... [i dunno]

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks(rocks)

Arrière! (or Oh yeah!) Y'a pas personne ici bas avec moi.

Back off! (or Oh yeah!) There's noone down here with me.

Y'a pas de voix(or voie), y'a pas de [femme, mort sur l'église du... I have no clue]

There's no voice (or way), there's no [woman, death on the church of... I can't even make out de syllables he's using]

Pas de [garin?], pas de carrosse... Pas de garin pas de carrosse pour [s'en aller au mail. Gareo à la rage?].

No [might be slang I'm unfamiliar with), no coach (the vehicule) to [go to the mall? Gareo has rabies?]

Musique de montagne, [les barrières sont mises à terre] Pour s'introduire ici la [glue?] s'empare des chaines.

Music from the mountains, [the barriers are pushed down?] To get in here the [glue??] gets hold of the chains (or TV channels)

Pas de porte ouverte, pas de bonne place à dégotter, rien, des [départs, les ? s'en sont flanqués?].

No open door, no good place to find, nothing, the [departures, the ? used them for themselves?].

[instrumental break]

Pas de main sur mon épaule, pas de succès assuré, pas de voix qui me dira ["petit"?] quand je vais [m'écraser?].

No hand on my shoulder, no assured success, no voice that will tell me ["kid"?] when I'll [crash?]

Pas de boss sur mon dos, pas de [mec?] à mes côté, pas de porte ouverte, pas de bonne place à dégotter, rien, des [départs, les ? s'en sont flanqués?].

No boss on my back, no [man?] next to me, no open door, no good place to find, nothing, the [departures, the ? used them for themselves?].

Pas besoin de qui que ce soit pour poser les premières pierres. x2

No need for anyone in order to set the first bricks(rocks)

[repeat mixed parts of the lyrics]

I know, it is far from perfect or complete and doesn't make sense most of the time but it's all I'm able to do. We'll just have to wait for the official lyrics.



I really enjoyed all the replies, it made my day to hear such wonderful critisism, for better or worse. As far as the translation, I'll give DJ Pretzel the "go" to use Evil's posted translation, it's about as close as it gets. I really was trying to go for something fresh and new, but don't get me wrong, I don't always do hip-hop. I tap into all styles of music, and am never biased, well, I try not to be anyways =). I compose techno/hip-hop/classical/trance/newage/rock/metal, and any other type you can think of. I love all music, and love to produce it as well. I will be submitting much more to DJ Pretzel in the near future, as I have only scratched the surface of my ammo. Please stay tuned for further remixes. Peace out-

DJ Crono "Jovette Rivera" 2002


Yeah, this is like the first rap song I've ever heard in my life that didn't have the lyrics at the highest volume and centered out. It's appreciating to actually hear the instruments.


Wow, not bad rapping, seriously, no damn ghetto ! ^_^

Im french so this is stuff i can understand, and one of my friends made me listen to the original of those vocals .. great song, and twixing it with terra's theme is one hell of a crazy idea, but sounds dreadfully nice. Dude, nice job.


I think having the lyrics in French definitely helps. I've heard some English-language VG raps on VGMix and in the WIP forums here, and you can always tell it's an amateur doing the vocals. Here, since I can't understand it, I can't tell if the guy's an amateur or a pro or somewhere in between . . . which only serves to allow me to enjoy the rhytms of his voice and the mix as a whole.

So, is this song in Canadian French? I know there's some differences between it and the dialects found in Europe.


I know next to no French whatsoever, but that's not an issue. It helps me worry less about the meaning behind the words, so I can pay more attention to the rhythm and tune. Heck, maybe it would work to rap in gibberish just for the rhythm and tune...

Anyway, I'm gonna have Terra stuck in my head all day now.

Now that I think of it, "Terra" is latin for "Earth" and "Aerith" is an anagram of "I, Earth..." Cool.

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