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OCR00753 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Pachelbel's Ganon"

Joe Redifer

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  • 2 weeks later...

I rarely make posts on this site. You can tell next to my name. However, when I am compelled to post, it is usually for a good reason. And I can think of no better reason than to compliment what I can only consider to be a masterpiece.

I noticed another poster mentioned the tragic story of Ganondorf. There is a rather tragic story behind him, told most poignantly in the newest installment of the Zelda franchise, "Wind Waker." An excerpt from a speech he gives near the end of the game...

"My kingdom lay in a vast desert. When the sun was high, a scorching wind blew across our lands. And when the moon rose high into the night sky, a chilling gale ravaged our homes. No matter when it came, the wind always brought the same thing... death. But the wind that blew across the fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin...

I... coveted that wind, I suppose."

This piece is a perfect companion to his story, in a beautiful, melancholy way. Nothing in excess, nothing in absence. Every piece fits together into a beautiful puzzle that is matchless among its kind. Good job, Dj Pretzel. :)

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  • 1 month later...

After having listened to all of the Overclocked Remixes, I have safely concluded that this is my favourite. If perfection could be achieved musically, this would be very close to it. I love the seamless fusion of the electric piano, the violoncello, the hip-hop beat, and the beautiful melodies. This is an arrangement that can easily send a man into insouciance before the half-point of the song. David has done some splendid work here, and I applaud it fervently!

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Cool, I really like this unusual combination.... the electric piano and percussion combination really reminds me of David Usher... I haven't heard Canon, so I don't know what that bit's all about, but this is a great ReMix. :D

Edit: Okay, maybe I really should finish listening to a song before I review it :P Anyways, I love that guitar solo starting at about 1:54. especially the part at 2:10...it's very very good... the ending is also really good... quite haunting actually. :)

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At some point I felt like I had downloaded all the interesting remixes of the games I know. Then I decided to download this just because the title caught my eye. You see, Pachelbel's Canon is one of my favorite songs. :P

I don't regret downloading this, it's one of my very favorite mixes on this site. It's so beautiful, especially the parts at 1:30 and 2:30 - and the latter gets even more lovely when some other instrument joins at 2:52. The ending is pulled of nicely, it doesn't just fade out or end as if someone just cut the last part off.

This song is dripping with emotion. It's somehow sad, and at the same time, not sad at all. It makes me think of a pink-purpleish sunset. Look at me, I'm getting all poetic while listening to this.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If you're down, listen to this song, It will give your life meaning again. There's no other way to describe it. It's that good.

The different chord progression was eay to recognize, while at the same time it's relatively easy to hear the original in there. Given the mood of the song (which is a mood of its own, there is nothing that could produce something quite like it), I think it perfection. Trying to imgine the original in there doesn't seem to fit as well. A good call by DJP.

Easily one of my favorite songs by who is quickly becoming my favorite artist, a definate accomplishment of truly marvelous proportions.

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  • 1 month later...

Of the 100+ remixes I've heard on this site, I'd rate this right at the top - stunningly beautiful and clever use of the Pachelbel theme with the lovely Zelda's lullaby melody. I still get goosebumps even after hearing it a hundred times. Congratulations on this site too DJP, a remarkable achievement.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

When I was sifting through all the OoT Remixes I came across the Pachelbel Ganon song. At first I thought it would be a mix of Ganondorf's theme so I thought "Oh nice! Someone remixed it finally!" And I went to download it without reading the review.

Well... When I heard the song I fell in love with it. I've been listening to this remix on repeat for the last day, and I don't know why but it just brings tears to my eyes. It's just one of those songs that inspires me. Because of it I've been able to produce a lot of new artwork and my writing has improved. It's so beautiful I can't even describe.

I woke up this morning and put on my headphones, and immediately started it up. Now my boyfriend can sometimes barely hear what I listen to, and as soon as I turned it on he could hear (faintly) the pachelbel ganon theme playing. He turned to me with a groan, "Dell... Not that song AGAIN.. you listened to it on repeat all day yesterday!" I was immediately embarrassed and turned it down, but by no means did I take it off repeat!! I Love this song.. I've sent it to all my friends AND posted it in my journal giving thanks to DJpretzel for making it. I'm a fan now.. I truly am.

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Wow... This is what I call a GREAT remix. From this point on, all remixes should be just as great as this one. I downloaded this song a while back and it was favorite from the beginning and it still is. This song is, by far, my FAVORITE song I have ever heard and I'm not kidding. It surpasses all that crap on the radio and that's pretty hard to do since this song has no words. That's just how great this song is. Keep up the great work, DjPretzel!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It's gotten to the point that the name djpretzel in a remix is enough to make me download it. I think I have most of them now. But man, this remix was the very first I got, and I love it. Kudos to you and keep up the good work.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

To this day, this is one of my favorite mixes here on the site. I downloaded this awhile back and it still makes me grin like a maniac whenever I listen to it! :D If you're feeling down, then you should definitely grab this mix. You'll be feeling better in no time!

(Then again, you should grab it whether you're feeling bad or not-you can't miss out on getting this song!)

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