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Hmm, the original is one of my favorite songs anywhere, really wish you would have done more with it instead of simply ripping the spc/midi and rendering with hq synths and a beatloop, oh well, I wish on. I suppose I can thank blind for a better version of the original, though I didnt like the lead.



Actually, there was no "ripping" of anything. I started from scratch with EVERYTHING, even the instruments. I spent a lot of time remaking it and I never even looked at the midis because they were all wrong notation anyway (thats cheating) and the whole purpose was to improve the orignal, i didnt "remix" it this time...


This is arranged well, but it's still too close to the original and probably more thought should've been put into this, because there's a fair amount of remixes that sound almost exactly like the original. Granted, it's a wonderful piece to start with and the quality of this remix is good too, I just think it should be a little more original (but that's just me)...


Ahhh such a lovely song. I am torn with my opinion though. It doesn't wander from the original much, but then again I don't think that one could change the original composition and maintain the same atmosphere the song resonates. Very good choice of instruments. Good production quality.


Hey, I dunno about all of you, but I LOVE the fact that it doesnt stray too far. I like Mixes that improve, rather than near-replace a song.

Mixers who do this VERY well are

1: AilSean

2: Rimco

3: OrkyBash

Listen to the mixes Terra in Black, Geno's Woods, and Winds of Time to get an understanding of what I mean.

In any case, this mix totaly rules, great work!


Beautiful... it may not stray far from the original, but nonetheless is brilliantly executed with the perfect atmosphere and charm of the original.

You made a great track better!


i dont get it fyrewave...did i do something wrong with this thing or what? ambient gemini was very plain, and i noticed the notation in some of the riffs were off a midi i listened to (same mistakes). The whole idea was to make an arrangement, something that was worthy of a donkey kong country soundtrack, but wutever...


Yes! I like it very much because it's close to the original but with good elements. I can hear it a long time non-stop. This isn't by many remixes! Great work bLiNd!

9/10 (1=worst; 10=best)


To be quite honest, I've been floating around for a while, but finally decided that Blind wasn't getting the credit he deserved for his work.

It's an excellent remix and I love how it sticks very closely to the original song, seeing as it is a remix of an original tune. Very well done and a definate reccomendation to anyone needing some relaxing music that feels even more aquatic than the original.

Keep up the excellent work Blind!

Now where's my submarine.......


Okay first of all, I just want to say that I can understand where a lot of people are coming from when they complain about arrangements/dubs as opposed to remixes. Second, I'd like to say that this becomes a slightly different issue when significant changes are made in timbre and when production quality is very polished. Blind's version of the theme has very high sound quality and very interesting timbres (it makes me feel the need to step up my own production skills a notch.) As such, I think that the mix deserves more credit than it is getting. Good luck Blind. Maybe next time you'll do a straight out remix and please everybody. :-)

[Authors Addendum: Apparently not everybody would be pleased by a straight out remix either, so... : -)


I much preferred this song arranged instead of remixed and I'm incredibly happy with the results here. EXCELLENT work lad... Very nice and soothing atmosheric mood, I really loved the nice catchy ending you added. I quickly downloaded this song once I read the "Blue Vision" name part and thought it could be a reference to the underwater level, which to me was the absolute best theme in the game.

I guess the whole Remix vs. Arranged argument will be around for a long time to come but it's my belief that not all game tunes lend themselves to being remixed well as opposed to being arranged well. Somethings I just think shouldn't be changed so much and should fall into a image album/arranged territory.. I guess the only time I really like something remixed completely is if the original game theme wasn't so hot to begin with and the remixer has an idea of how to save that particular song with a remix.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Mad props to Jordan for once again putting me in awe of his... er... awesomeness. I would have never guess that this song could be remixed so well. I can see an arrangement, easily. But a full-blown remix? I wouldn't have seen it coming. The ambient feel really pushed the watery feel into every note of this track. Seriously, this is the kind of song you could play in your car and pick up chicks with. The bassline gave it a reggae-ish feel, while the synth with the melody keeps the song moving along as you let yourself drift into the placid realm this song creates. The layers upon layers of harmony are simply amazing, and I couldn't imagine this being done any better. Absolutely wonderful and an instant favorite for DK Country fans and trance lovers alike.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

This song was already good. But bLiND made it sound better. It almost sounds the same. I love the slow rhyhtm plus some of the instrumention sounded good. Perfect 10/10.


Ahhhhhh... Nice, pretty, beautiful, peaceful... You'd have to make a new word to describe this one. Possibly "Tranquilizers in Music Form?" That, because this IS tranquil. Piano, drums, and many other instruments unknown to me that just make me relax. If you don't like slow stuff, then stay away. Well, you might even like it then.

  • 5 months later...

I have been frequenting ocremix for about 7 months now, and as a huge Donkey Kong Country fan this was on of the first songs that I downloaded. Even now after downloading countless pieces of great music from this website, this song is still hands down my favorite. I always found the music in the entire DKC series thoroughly enjoyable, and the music from this underwater level especially enchanting. While the original piece still holds great listening appeal despite its relative simplicity, Blue Vision captures all the original "floating" ambiance of the piece, and adds to it ornate trance-inducing articulations. This piece would lose its aquatic-based flowing structure with heavy interpretation and improvisation. Therefore, I give props to Blind for maintaing its original integrity, and creating an excellent remix. Well done.

  • 2 weeks later...

I personally think there is nothing wrong with the arrangement. The song has a nice ambiance to it and the whole song is done nicely with synths and other instumental qualities. It's surely better than the original. Keep up the good work bLiNd

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