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Hi all!

Since long time I'm listen to musics of this site (like lots of people), it's time to speak with the OCRemix's community, right?

So... I'm called Loyi or Guile, mostly Zarmakuizz. It is true that it is a strange name...

I am 18, I live in Antibes... Yes, I am french. Antibes is in south of France.

I'm bad in english, of course. So, never speak me in french, I need to use english easily. However, if anyone want a training in french, I accept to speak french just in private (msn, private messages...)

The last remix I love is made by Darkesword, for a music of Metroid Prime 3. I don't have the game, but it's wonderful. I have listen to many musics of Darkesword, so I think that it's quite normal.

Recently I saw that there are only two musics for Pokémon, it's few... I would like to make a remix, but it's more a dream than anything else... why not? I can try...

I write like a quiche? Thanks to tell me what is false!

See ya!

PS: I use Google Translator for just 5 words... It's true! Next time, I hope I don't need it.

If you need any help with any sort of translating from english to french, I am sure that our resident Frenchman will be more than happy to help.


Hey, I have listened to a few of the remixes and they are realy good. :) I play a decent amount of video games but am not addicted to them like some. I do play the piano but have never realy got ahold of composing at all yet. I thought that this was a good spot to start "composing," even though it is just revising another's work it is almost the same thing. I thought I might just introduce myself here before I just jumped out and started doing things. I am mainly a sony and nintendo player since I don't have an Xbox or 360. So ya. : )

i laugh to see a french expression like this translated word by word. Anyway welcome on board Zarmakuizz, and pianoplayer too .

I hope I will say another thing than "quiche".

Welcome Pianoplayer!


Hi! I've been listening to the song here for a while and figured I'd join the forums. I listened to a lot of the works in progress, and there's some pretty good stuff down there. I'm a big fan of Megaman games, as well as Sonic and Kirby. That's pretty much it for now!


Hi everyone, long time OCR visitor and listener here, I've been keeping tabs on most submissions for about 4-5 years now, I never really got around to signing up online until this point 8-O

Thankfully that's all changed and I'm ready to become a productive member of society!

I have no remixing practice and no immediate plans to get involved in making my own submissions, but it is a distinct possibility in the future. Some of my favourite soundtracks stem from the first major system I owned, the NES.

Some of my favourite classic game soundtracks would be Final Fantasy (most games up to 11, generally most Uematsu tracks), Super Mario 2, most of the original Bun Bun megaman soundtracks, and Mechwarrior 2, TIE Fighter, and various other pc games.

I look forward to getting involved in threads in the future rather than just reading the discussions!


Hi everyone. You've probably heard the story before, a friend showed me the website, I listened to the remixes everyone else was doing, and decided to try it out myself. Whatever.

I'm a big tactics game fan, so games like ffta and fire emblem. I like metroid games, and castlevania, starcraft, a lot of final fantasy games, in the groove, UT 2004, soul calibur... the list goes on.

I have played the piano since i was little, and i took up trumpet in grade school. i haven't done much for composing, but i've done enough to get started. So that's what i'll do.


Hey there everyone! I'm a long time fan of OCR, but I only recently figured I'd join the forums. I can't say for sure how much I'll be around, but I figured I'd at least register and have a looksie around.

Anyway, as you can probably guess I'm a big gamer. I'd classify myself as something like a Nintendo fanboy/RPG enthusiast who also likes Mega Man and other various bits of this and that.

Although I have plenty of ideas as far as games/tracks that should be remixed, I don't actually have the musical talent or equipment to actually remix myself (plus I'm a total cheapskate, so it'd be hard to justify buying anything like that), so I can't help anyone out on that account.

As for other stuff about me, I'm 18 and will be going to college in a month or so, so age-wise I think I'll fit in just fine. I live in Wisconsin and geographically that's all I'm saying in the interest of privacy. I'm typically pretty laid back and easy-going and I hate drama and conflict (civil debate is okay, but I tend to shy away from controversy typically), so it's doubtful I'll be starting any flame wars or anything of that sort.

Anyway, I think that's it for the time being. I'll ask around if I have any other questions, and feel free to ask me anything you want to know about me.


Hey OC Community,

Nice to finally be a registered member after considering it for a while! I've been a regular visitor for a few years and I'm interested in working on my own stuff and with other artists.

I've just finished a degree at university in Media Studies and Music (Sonic Arts) and am also an international-level barbershop singer (if you know what that is ;) )

Anyway, haven't figured out how to do everything yet so i'd better get back to it.

Great to be a part of the community,




My name is Max and I've been writing music on FL Studio since 2006 and hopefully soon I'll be able to post my work on here for everyone to listen to.

I've always been nervous to join because of fear that my music is of poor quality, but I have enough confidence to finally show everyone my work.



I love listening to the music on OC Remix and have finally decided to start creating some of my own. If you have any advice let me know. Come and friend me, send me messages, just dont hate.


Hello~ heard about this site and wanted to check it out. I've always wanted to create music for movies/games/commercials and thought this might be a great way to try that.

Still trying to figure things out with this site...I'm sure eventually I'll get the hang of things. :)



Hey, guys. My real name is Nick, but my internet aliases are Nikolaos The Dark and Hooch. My favorite genre of music happens to be jumpstyle/hard dance, although I'm capable of just about any genre of electronic music. I'm participating in a VG remix collab at flashflashrevolution.com, and a friend of mine suggested that I submit my song here as well. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy it. I'll get to updating my profile and such in a moment.


Hey guys, I'm new to the forums here though I've been visiting ocremix for a few years now. Recently I discovered the streaming radio ormgas and it has resparked my love for vg music.

I spent a good 20 minutes searching the forum for the answer to this question but unfortunately I couldn't find it. I'm sure this is a very old and tired question but why the 6 mb limit?

Could someone point me to a thread that's explained this or perhaps rehash it for me?



Hey guys, I'm new to the forums here though I've been visiting ocremix for a few years now. Recently I discovered the streaming radio ormgas and it has resparked my love for vg music.

I spent a good 20 minutes searching the forum for the answer to this question but unfortunately I couldn't find it. I'm sure this is a very old and tired question but why the 6 mb limit?

Could someone point me to a thread that's explained this or perhaps rehash it for me?



its basically just a matter of the hosting as far as i know

if there was a larger limit or no limit hosting could get pretty ridiculous

also they dont want songs to be tooooooo long

remixers are also free to release higher bitrate versions or loseless versions of their mixes in whatever matter they see fit, it just wont get hosted on this site

also yosup


Hello. I'm new around here. Actually, I had stumbled across the site just last night, and have gotten, admitedly, addicted. It's quite an interesting coincidence, actually, as I've just taken on a project involving the remixing of some VG music. Anyway, I thought I should probably say hello. For all intents and purposes, you can refer to me as Hero or AAH.


Hey folks! I've decided to finally join into the forum of OCR, as I've been going to this place for about a year, maybe two or three. I'm not sure, although i can tell you right now my computer has about 3 to 4 gigs of OCR (I am that bad. Don't worry, I do listen to non-video game music as well).

Although i don't do any form of music myself, I do hope to lend some criticism and support, and perhaps explore other possibilities, that could be helpful or just fun XD.



Finally Registerd on this site!!.Whats up OC? Names bryan and I love doing music(especially remixing vgm's at that.favorite is ff6) If anything ALOT and I mean ALOT of people on this site have infuenced me to start getting involved in music(though i have been doing music for a year i decided to give remixing a shot)With that being said i hope to help out where and when i can and post my stuff up as well..

Nice to meet all of you!


Salutations, I'm pitseleh. I'm from Minnesota, USA. I've been playing piano for about 10 years and guitar for 4 now, as well as playing around and knowing the basics and a little more on various other instruments. I've been writing music for about 5-6 years now, and I've never really given much thought to remixing anything before, but I've been listening to the work hosted here and it has sparked my interest. For software I generally use Sonar Cakewalk, but am slowly working on familiarizing myself with Reason better. I hope to make some great contributions to the site, and I look forward to getting to know you all around the boards.




Hi OCR folks:

My name is Paulie and I have been part of a very interesting project for the last 4 yrs. called The AC Thundertones. It is an INTERNET ONLY band where my brother and I wanted to see how far we could go with the band and it's music on the internet ONLY. (No live gigs, etc.)

The results have been amazing. We've sold over 14,000 downloads of our signature tune called MISSIN YOU and have won a ton of awards at garageband.com and more recently placed first in Blues for the month of June at Ourstage.com which is fast becoming our favorite site.

Anyway, we wanted to say hi and let you guys know what we're about and who we are and that we welcome any suggestions or feedback. If you want to check us out go to Ourstage.com and type our band name into the searchbar OR go to our main band site at: http://www.freewebs.com/thealbanycountythundertones/

Thanks and have a great day.

Paulie Fingers & Johnny Zeee ~ The AC Thundetones


Hey all, new to OCR, been making music with Acid for about 2 years now but I am just starting to get a good handle on it. I came to this site because a friend of mine said some of my stuff was good enough. I have yet to listen to anything on the site, still figuring out the navigation and interface, I learn quick if I take the time. Drop me a line and let me know what you think of the myspace. I will be attempting to upload some tunes as well…. Thanks - Crafty

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