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hello everyone!

i've known ocremix for a while and decided to communicate with fellow gamers for once.

i am a lover of zelda, sonic, and final fantsy but am not too knowledgeable in many of the other games on the site.

nice to be here.


I'm a bit of a Nintendo fanboy, but I respect the opinions of others

Aren't all fanboys like, devoid of respect? *scratches head* :?

Anyway it's a little late in the game for me to be introducing myself (Does anyone even read this thread?) because I've been posting for awhile now (did I even post here?!).


Um...hello. I've been following OverClocked for some time now, and I (like about 95% of these other new people)finally decided to get into the forums. Lets see, what else is there...OH! My name is Sam and I enjoy a wide variety of games, but mostly the Castlevanias and Final Fantasys.

Wow, I feel like I'm in my first AA meeting again.


Hello everyone!

Well, I'm Stangg from the UK, and I'm lousy at first impressions :D

I love techno music, and eventually wish to learn enough to mix up some of my own :wink:

Games? I love games :) I play Halo PC, Counter Strike: Source, Day of Defeat and a little bit of Swat 4. If you're bored and want to have a game at some point just click below for my msn, I'm always looking for a chit chat :)

See you around the forum!


Hi. I am Audity, formerly known as Oddity, formerly known as World of Ruin, dating back almost half a dozen years. What can I say? It's been awhile since I first visited this site back in the day. My way of posting you will find does not bode well with people as it seems too wordy or conflicted (EITHER THAT OR I PERFORM ONE WRONG ACTION AND THERE IS NO MERCY FOR HOURS AS A RESULT), but hopefully people can come to get used to it or even possibly enjoy it! Enough of that.

Here's an OCR history post of mine I saved from a long time ago.


First time I started getting into music must have been when my mom got a Weird Al cassette dealing with all his songs with spoofs about food. In my drunken stupor of laughing in the car with a bunch of family members, I remember liking just about every song. All the time before, I never listened to the radio much, being raised in a super Christian household. Plus, both my parents dislike modern music (but somehow joke modern music is fun to listen to) so I never even really knew about it.

Some amount of time passed, and we thought of getting another cassette of his music. I'm sure at about this time, I was given a walkman, complete with mini speakers and headphones. I listened to that thing a lot. One day I switched off the cassette and turned on the radio to FM. Embarrasing as it is to say this, a song by Aqua called Candyman was on about the second song through, and I was really diggin' it (I wouldn't want to hear that song ever again nowadays). I kept listening but nothing really reached the "greatness" that was Candyman.

My older brother, involved in this Weird Al and walkman stuff at the same time, turned out to be one step ahead of me by being on the internet and downloading songs. Eventually, he showed me this "new mp3 format" which makes music audible and is ultra condensed in size. He was searching for random sites and somehow came across a site with the address: http://www.oth.net/

It was a short time before he and I searched for video game mixes (he seemed to be getting into techno 'n' stuff one step ahead of me). One of the first things I remember hearing in this genre was that Final Fantasy Prelude mix by "Disco Diablo". Music was so much more interesting back then when I had no sense of rhythm or of how songs worked IN ANY WAY. After giving up my search for more songs by Disco Diablo, more time was spent finding songs like djp's, whom I didn't know it was by at the time, Hyrulian mix ("Keith, you should look for mixes of Zelda").

It was time to upgrade from oth.net to Napster. It took some time, but eventually I searched for "Video Game Music Remixes". A list came up of songs with all them somewhere having "OVERCLOCED" (unexistant "K" and it being caps is the way it was). Somewhere the words Chrono Trigger caught my eye. Two of my favorite video game songs I remember were Frog's and Magus's themes. Not knowing from where the original of a song titled Revival Day Impoetus came from, I gave it a listen. The strings started up, and I was in awe of how they struck me with thoughts I don't even remember but are very nostalgic to me now anyhow. I just kept on listening. It must have been the best song I had ever heard from the duration of my birth to that moment. I listened to more songs that were still, even after hearing that, very pleasant to my ears.

I searched for OVERCLOCED on the web and got who cares what. Realizing my stupidity, I added the K in there and clicked on a reasonable result. It was the base OC Web site. I looked around the front page for awhile, not seeing anything about remixing (I don't think I even knew about control F at this point in life). I even read some comics found in that one section, and left the area even more confused after reading them. I couldn't find what I wanted...for just a day's passing, thankfully. I found its orangeness, lived through its moments, wondering how I would ever download all these mixes, saw its first downfall due to bandwidth or something, downloaded 90% of its mixes on a mirror which included a depressing gray background (no, not VGmix1.0), and witnessed the duel of the fates (OCR+VGM split). I downloaded all the mixes I could, finding, at one point, myself struggling between deleting things that were so horrifically bad sounding, and, at another point, I felt I had to have a complete set/mirror of everything including the ones I didn't care about. What can I say? The site just made me all warm and fuzzy during the latter. Many effects of excitement have worn off this site now, fallen victim to every day involvement and knowledge about anything and everything (hustle and bustle).

As an extra, when I joined the forums, I read some posts and eventually saw some posts from Spram. From then on I decided his way of posting seemed useful for me to mimic. I don't remember what my first post was.


Unfortunately since then, I've gone the way of permanent deletion in that I have made my own official OCR playlist without regard to random life passers-by's musical tastes.

ENOUGH OF THE PAST! I now play Beatmania IIDX as a rhythm game of the ultimately superior kind (other games in the back of my mind yet always there, awaiting to come out again), listen to VGRemixes via playlists, finally decided my career as a Computer & Information Sciences major, am willing to talk to people who talk to me, and, as always, am way too nice at times and help people out in a long-timed fashion. Recently quit Wal-mart and am going to school next semester full-time+3 with no job as a result of finally figuring out my career.

I hope to learn piano one day, along with some other interesting instruments. I've already started lessons. I just need to practice more, which I haven't been doing (much) for a year+. I also hope to be knowledgeable about all things AUDio, aka remixing equipment etc. yay impossible fun.

Currently enrolled in my parents' house, I hope to retire with my own home, where my new life will be born. I will gain much more independency, and therefore not want to waste so much time. But at heart I feel I will always be as I have always been (and am now obviously), which is lazy and willing to seemingly waste time on the internet talking with very limited people (each of them close friends), ranging from nonsensical matters to the improvement of the mind in many nuances of life. Basically, if you talk to me a lot, you will end up being a close friend. If you aren't, it will start out okay but then you will run away screaming, either publically or privately. However, these may be generalizations.


First, I'd like to say "hello" to everyone in the OCR community. I've been frequenting the forums for at least a year now, but I haven't joined up until now because of extrenuating (did I spell that right?) circumstances.

I also would appreciate it if someone would rate my sig before I start posting a bunch. Since I suck at photoshop and can don't even have a photobucket account right now, I can't use any pictures. (am I right?)Anyways, I thought that would be a good explanation of my username.

Lastly, I believe it's worthy to note that this is topic pg. 69!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha...uhem

Wow, I feel like I'm in my first AA meeting again.

No shit eh?

Anyhow, welcome to all you newcomers and don't be shy about being here. Just make sure you read the stickies before you throw yourself in there posting like crazy...

Arek: Jenga is not the only one who bites in OCR, you should know that already...


Thanks for the welcome. I was beginning to think I posted here first for no reason, but now that I've gotten a response my actions feel justified.

So, about those stickies.... How long should I spend on them. They seem to get pretty in depth. I mean I don't want to seem like a complete noob (love that word!!) on the froums, but, well, I am. You know?

Thanks for the welcome. I was beginning to think I posted here first for no reason, but now that I've gotten a response my actions feel justified.

So, about those stickies.... How long should I spend on them. They seem to get pretty in depth. I mean I don't want to seem like a complete noob (love that word!!) on the froums, but, well, I am. You know?

Read them, study them, memorize them...nah just screwing with ya, but seriously if you don't want to look like a total noob and be casted away like a piece of garbage...spending ample time reading them and trying to follow what they say is a must. Other than that you could also try PMing some people in OCR...obviously the ones who've been around for quite a bit of time, they'll help you out if they are feeling generous I am sure. That is all if you don't wish to be flamed constantly and treated as an outcast. Good luck btw... :)

So, about those stickies.... How long should I spend on them. They seem to get pretty in depth. I mean I don't want to seem like a complete noob (love that word!!) on the froums, but, well, I am. You know?

Really depends on how much you already know.

If you're new to forums in general (like I was when I first started posting here), Gorveg's posting tutorial and endblink's image and sig tutorial are a must. The Quirks thread is another highly recommended read (almost mandatory if you wish to stick around UnMod and actually understand what the hell is going on).

Have fun, and as Gaea said, don't be afraid to PM any of the older members if you need any help on getting around or anything.


Wow, I feel smart, i can't believe I didn't notice this thread. XD

Time to reintroduce myself...

I'm Shawn, but most call me either Vlad or Shaggs, either works. I'm 17, male, and I live in Oklahoma. If anyone has any more questions, feel free to ask.


Whew, I guess I finally joined in to this wonder OCremix site. Hi everyone, my name's Jackson. I can't wait to chat with some of the veteran or new remixers on this site. I hope to hang around here more often, instead of just wandering about the site of countless songs. Boy, are some of these fellas good at revitilizing old game music, though not all games appear to be too old. Thank you for devoting some much time for remixing your favorite VG songs.

Look at all the members, it looks like I'm at the bottom of the list. I feel so low. Well, at least I know most of us here if not all, find game music to be "the cooliest."


'lo there all : )

Just found this site yesterday and have been downloading music like there's No Tomorrow.

I've loved just about everything I've come across, so hopefully I'll soon figure out how this board works enough to go lavish praises on the awesome remixers.

I actually don't know a Thing about remixing... games... or technology... (*runs*) ... but! I do love listening to music like this, so thanks a million to djpretzel and co. for putting this together. (I do a lot of writing and often need "inspirational" music, and having found oc remixes through a friend a couple of months ago, though not knowing it came from a site like this, I have to say... y'all have inspired probably 100 pages of writing for me.)

So apologies in advance for being the Ultimate Newb, and thanks again! : )


Hello. I am new but have known about this site dince like last year but just thought I should join to see what the lowdown is on all of this stuff. I used to think it was weird to like music from video games, but I guess not. I like Sonic the Hedgehog a lot. Also, can't wait for Chrono Symphonia.



Hey, hello there!

So I registered a few months ago, posted in this topic, then promptly disappeared. But I'm back and I'll hopefully post in a few other topics this time.

Still loving the remixes here, and tell Rayza and Aurora that their postcasts are great!


Hello all. I'm Goten X, new to the remixing scene. I'm currently working on some songs for submission, and I can't wait for oyu all to critique them! I've been coming to the site for about 2 years, and I've listened to alot of different remixes. I hope I'll enjoy it here, as well as learn alot from the established remixers.


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