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Hello there... I'm Felipe Cotti, 18 years in this planet. Living in Brazil, more precisely in an egg called Belo Horizonte. (everybody knows somebody directly or closely indirectly, it's incredible.)

Since 1999 I had contact with the INTERNET. I passed through the ICQ fever, years later I spent almost 2 years in the extinct TotalFF Forums, it was such a nice place. Then I became a blogger, just some months before almost every brainless teenager in Brazil started having one. Then I had contact with RPGMaker, and a very basic of ROMHacking/translation... Then I met Chrono Trigger ^^', that I still think it's the best game of any style of any console ever.

I love gaming-related issues, but I never got too much deep information. And about 2, two and a half years ago, I started messing with music, my actual passion. Until I turned 15, I never payed too much attention to music. Then I watched "Wayne's World" and the car scene where the protagonists perform Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" defined me. Soon I defined my musical style, that can be resumed to one thing: I damn hate 95% of actual music in a general way ^^'. I love game music though; I think that it offers even more potential options than "normal" music.

Well, there's much more about me, but if you guys wish, I'll tell in another way.

Regards to you all,


Ps.: I visit OCR regularily for almost 2 years, but never came to the forums ¬¬'


Hey OCR, I'm Eli, a.k.a 173 and am now 16 years of age. I've been listening to OCR for a few months now but I never joined the forums. I decided to do so when i met analoq and another mixer (I forget who, sorry) at the Anime Expo in Anahiem. I felt bad because i didnt really know who they were, but im new, but they told me about themselves and they were both real cool guys.

I can't say i've ever really made music, but i love listening to it. I've been really into music for quite a while now. Some bands im listening to now are, Fishbone, Cibo Matto, Razed in Black, Bis, One Block Radius, and Buckethead to name a few.

I've been playing games for as long as I can remember, but now i've branched out and instead of only playing video games i play a good amount of tabletop games as well.

I don't know what else to say, so i guess thats it for now.


Hello, mah childrens. I am Tekk, 17 years old, and I've been coming here sporadically to get tunes for a year or two now, but I figure it would be boss to stick around this time. What got me into this site was a love for videogames and a local DJ at the college radio station in my town who plays a funky specialty show. I've been listening to music my whole life, been passionate about the drums for five years or so, the guitar for a month, and hopefully I'll be able to mix once I become more intelligent on the subject. Yeah...see ya'll around.


Hi meesa new to forums but not new to OCR I've heard most of what OCR has to offer on Radio Nintendo and enjoyed most of it ( i like the music from the games im familiar with) so dont be offended and as soon as I persaude my orhestra teacher to let my borrow his copy of Finale PrintMusic I should be good to go in the composing department and then comes the fun part trying to remix with Nero Wave Editor which i read in one of the forums to be a good program I think so you probably see a failing copmoser in acouple of months 8O

Unmod is nothing more than a cuter version of gendisc now.

Yes, unmod is CUTE now.

How revolting....

But so is your sig.


We all love you Arek.

And welcome newcomer, even if you try to take over the internet.


Hello all. Name's Eric, 20 years old. I came here under a friend's recommendation.

I'm a huge video game fanatic (who here isn't?). I love practically everything that has something to do with video games, especially the music... I guess that's why I'm here. I've been playing games since I was three... I guess that'd make me pretty experienced. I love nearly every type of game, except RTS games. Like my sig says, I'm here to critique (and enjoy some good music), not post remixes. Hope to get to know everyone!


Hey whats up guys? My name is Shaun, 25 years old, from Menomonie, WI.

I've been playing video games ever since the NES days and i bought a used atari right around the same time! :D I've loved the music of video games ever since i've started playing but never really got into collecting the music until about a year ago. I just love the OCRemixes of my favorite tunes. Some of them i dont like as much as the originals but most of them i think are great! Hope to see you all around the forums. Looks to be a very big community here!


Hey there! I have been making Game remixes since 2001.

I also became obssessed with the music from Drakengard two years ago. I mean COMPLETELY obsessed. So much in fact, that I went to my old school music teacher Mr. Burke, and asked him to help me take three songs from the game, and convert them into a composition for the school orchestra........Trust me it was a long three months. The reason I did that was because I wanted to change certain parts of the song....and to extend other parts, namely Chapter 6: In the air.......and Chapter 10: on the ground.

Aprt from that I usually make my own mixes at home.

However.....These have been all on a program called Music 2000 for the ps1 (yep still using it even today in the age of 2005.) I also started using Music Generator 3, purely because you can rip from cds to your songs.

I have ALWAYS been interested in video game music. FRom playign Super MArio World and falling in love with the forest of illusion theme (and the vanilla dome one), I've always had a clear interest in vg music. First inspirations include Super Mario bros 3, Super R-type, Mario all stars, Sim city snes, and the legend of Zelda link to a past.

I've also been following this community since 2002. Love that Street Fighter 3 Mcaffee theme! And...so many others. I've seen so many other music sites come and go, such as vgmix.com, and that midi game music website....in fact that was my first ever music site that i went to regularly. Good to see you haven't kicked the bucket and are still alive and kicking! (Personally I liked it when it was more blue around here, but hey.)

Yeah so I@m just saying hi to the ocremix community. Hopefully I@ll be able to upload some songs in the future. I would have uploaded my Drakengard orchestra remixes....but they use real insntruments....and I@m not sure if they're allowed. So I guess I'll have to start trimming my music 2000 and music generator songs fit for public use!

Once again.....thanks everybody! For contributing to video game music and helping it stay alive!


Hello all! My name is Jason, A.K.A. JSMc. I'm 23 and I live in Orlando, Florida. I've been a big fan of the OCR site for three or four years now. I just started listening to VGDJ about two months ago, and since have become interested in the community. I've even gained interest in creating my own remixes; something I've never thought of before. I'm no stranger to forums, so I know all the rules that apply. Anyway, I hope to get to know everyone and become involved in the community.

One more thing, I've noticed that most people use punctuation and correct grammar on this site. It's very refreshing to see that on the internet.


So Hi everybody!

I've been frequenting OCremix for about a year now, and I thought now would be a good time to sign up, given I'm about to submit some of my own work :roll:

I'm from Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, so please refrain from any remarks about legal drugs and hookers. :P:wink:

Well, hope I'll have a good stay here 8)


Err... hi. I'm K-Star. I'm an 18 year old Nintendo fangirl and I love the music on this site! I first discovered OCR when I was searching for the background music from when the save/load robots do their thing on Mario Paint and I ran across the remix for that music when I googled the song. That particular music used to scare the crap out of me but the remix here helped me overcome that fear. (I was searching for a rendition of the music just so I could try overcoming my fear without hooking up the SNES and playing the game because I didn't know how to hook it up, nor did I have my parents permission to do so.) Since then I've downloaded many other remixes and I've made a remix of my own that I'm considering submitting but I doubt it's good enough at all.



I'm Aaron, a 24 year old computer composer, I don't actually play any instrument. I just "draw" my tunes on Propellerhead Reason :D I found this place today, by accident, when I googling for copyright policies on remixing game tracks. I have 2 remixes finished, so I thought I'd sign in. But I don't where to upload my tracks to..

P.S. Great site!!


Hi, I have been a long time downloader and just thought I get into the community. I registered a few months ago, but I was too busy to do anything. Heres a little about me. I am a gamer, not a big one because I have some other stuff I need to do. I help manage a gaming clan, and im part of the call of duty 2 division. Im currently going to college and starting my business in a few weeks. Im a programmer, web designer, and graphical artist. Im studying computer science in college and will get my business completed after I graduate.

I love this site, the music, and just looking around I like the community. This site is really awesome, I do not know how I came here, but i am glad I did. Expect me to donate a few times later in the year.

If you ever need help with computers, programming, web design, or anything else you can always ask me. Ill be looking around in the community and posting too so ill find a few tech problems there. Thanks for the awesome site and remixes. You guys are really great!


Hey sup. I've been coming to this site for ages now. Really I love the music thats made here. Its just good fun and its interesting to see the different styles of music that are out there and what certain songs can be remade into. I like when a remix surprises me though where I'd go "whoah I'd never think of that". I joined really cause I'd like to share my opinion on some things and well maybe make a few requests. Also my interest in remixing someday myself would be another. But thats enough of that and once again hi.

Err... hi. I'm K-Star. I'm an 18 year old Nintendo fangirl and I love the music on this site! I first discovered OCR when I was searching for the background music from when the save/load robots do their thing on Mario Paint and I ran across the remix for that music when I googled the song. That particular music used to scare the crap out of me but the remix here helped me overcome that fear. (I was searching for a rendition of the music just so I could try overcoming my fear without hooking up the SNES and playing the game because I didn't know how to hook it up, nor did I have my parents permission to do so.) Since then I've downloaded many other remixes and I've made a remix of my own that I'm considering submitting but I doubt it's good enough at all.

Interestingly enough, that music used to freak me out too. I really have no idea why.

You never know about your remix, try posting it in the WIP forum first to guage peoples reactions.


Hello everyone! My name is Blake, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! I'm a new fan of OCR (just discovered it a few days ago), but I've been enjoying video game music for the last 4 and a half years.

I'm a fan of video game music, I watch anime (specifically Kamisama Kazoku, and I'm a Dragon Ball addict) on a irregular basis, I'm learning a bit about the powers of Wikipedia (heh heh), I like hockey...and I'm 14 years old. That sums it up.

I'm not much of a rearranger sadly at this state (though I want to try Propellerhead's Reason), but I'm interested in learning the art. Mostly I'm here to have a great time!

Well, I hope I have a cool time here and get to know everyone all right!


Welcome to OCR! I hope you enjoy your time here and maybe learn something new about the remixing community!

Oh, and be careful what you click in Unmod. Just a warning.

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