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Greetings and salutations "young blood" and welcome to the world of the OCR forums.

With being new, it is understandable that you are reluctant to post, worrying about you embarrasing yourself and all, but worry not, for that is all part of 'growing' here.

The first place you guys should start is the "training grounds" known as general discussion . That is the portion of the forum where you can talk about basically anything related to the world of remixing and gaming, as long as it is work safe of course. Please do refrain from asking for any sort of "requests" in any form, be it remixes to programs to osts. OST requests, as well as anything besides freeware/shareware, are frowned upon here, considering that they are illegal, but of course if you are searching to purchase said ost or program, you are more than encouraged to do so, as long as you are polite in how you address your question :D. Also, if you wish to request a certain remix of a song to be made, you are more than encouraged to post your request here. Please do keep in mind that your request will not always be answered, so do not have your feelings hurt if your thread does not get any replies. It isn't anything personal, it is just that remixers are busy and often do not have time to do a remix for you, but you might get lucky, so don't hesitate to ever at least ask :D

Once you feel that you are ready to gain your 'sealegs' and explore the rest of what ocr's forums have to offer, you should explore Politics Philosophy and Religion, where you can find many different discussions on many of the more 'controversial' topics on people's minds. Please do keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree with it or not. It is NOT encouraged that you engage in a 'flamewar', also known as agressive arguement, with anyone on this forum, regardless of the reason. You will risk getting yourself warned and even banned. It is not worth risking your account, as well as your 'good name' tarnished over a silly arguement, now is it? :wink:

If you ever have any technical issues regarding....well....anything technical, then post your questions here *which happens to be the exact portion of the forums that we are in righ now :D*. Please do keep in mind that it is a technical assistance forum, so do not ask anything about remixing in any form or about anything random. Remixing questions and advice can be saught here. Please do refrain from asking the basic question of "how do I remix?", of course :P

Noticing those nifty little images that people have under those posts and want one of those for yourself? Well, thos are called "signatures", and there is a special place where you can go to request to get one of to call your very own! The "Ye Olde Sig Shoppe" is just the place for you, where you can request just how you would like your signature to be made. Please do read the first post of that thread in it's entirety so that no confusion may come up between you and whoever may see your sig request.

Having problems with your coding? seeing and wondering why it isn't simply hyperlinking instead? Well, this thread will teach you all you need to know about how to use the coding the forums use. At first it may be a hassle to learn, but once you memorize how each function is done, you won't soon forget them :D

Well, I hope that covers everything. If you guys ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I am always available to help out the every day new guy. I was once one, I know how it was like :D

Goodluck and happy posting!

This took too long to write for it to only be seen by two posts a page back.




hey everyone been listening to and browsing OCRemix

for quite sometime, probally started way back in '01,

then kinda stoped cause school was getting in the way x-x;

been listening to VGDJ since episode #014 :D

then finally decided to sign up xD

as for the name...


Piro <- Part of my Orginal SN

Kurasaki <- was supposed kurosaki xD;;

Overall: Bleach related xD


I tried signing up before under the name Piro-Kurasaki, but for some reason i got this werid message after i hit submit.

PHP Error Activation E-mail not sent

Debug Mode

anyway let my newbishness begin xD;;;;


awww no bleach related avatrs xD;;



hey everyone been listening to and browsing OCRemix

for quite sometime, probally started way back in '01,

then kinda stoped cause school was getting in the way x-x;

been listening to VGDJ since episode #014 :D

then finally decided to sign up xD

as for the name...


Piro <- Part of my Orginal SN

Kurasaki <- was supposed kurosaki xD;;

Overall: Bleach related xD


I tried signing up before under the name Piro-Kurasaki, but for some reason i got this werid message after i hit submit.

PHP Error Activation E-mail not sent

Debug Mode

anyway let my newbishness begin xD;;;;


awww no bleach related avatrs xD;;

You can change it to what you meant it to be in "Profile" btw.



hey everyone been listening to and browsing OCRemix

for quite sometime, probally started way back in '01,

then kinda stoped cause school was getting in the way x-x;

been listening to VGDJ since episode #014 :D

then finally decided to sign up xD

as for the name...


Piro <- Part of my Orginal SN

Kurasaki <- was supposed kurosaki xD;;

Overall: Bleach related xD


I tried signing up before under the name Piro-Kurasaki, but for some reason i got this werid message after i hit submit.

PHP Error Activation E-mail not sent

Debug Mode

anyway let my newbishness begin xD;;;;


awww no bleach related avatrs xD;;

You can change it to what you meant it to be in "Profile" btw.

interesting...! i'll check that out. :)



my name is stanley pain and i am from england. i like to write music that sounds good loud, like, in clubs.

i like the wide dynamic contrast you can achieve on a big system. as a result i feel drawned towards ebm, and electronic music in general.

i'm ready with my first remix of a computer game. ready to upload. just waiting to find out my number.


interesting...! i'll check that out. :)

Also, that error message that you received was not your fault. It occurred because someone who posted in the same thread you tried to, has the email notification on. The same will happen to anyone who attempts to post in that thread.

As for the avatar, feel free to make one and post it in this thread. I cannot guarantee that it will be accepted, but hey, it's worth a try right?

interesting...! i'll check that out. :)

Also, that error message that you received was not your fault. It occurred because someone who posted in the same thread you tried to, has the email notification on. The same will happen to anyone who attempts to post in that thread.

As for the avatar, feel free to make one and post it in this thread. I cannot guarantee that it will be accepted, but hey, it's worth a try right?

ah thanks for the info, and i'll give the avatar thread a shot. :)


Hiya. I'm new to sign up, but, like almost everyone here, I've been an avid game freak and downloader forever. I feel so helpless as a newbie here after being the administrator of another website, but I guess nobody can be leader everywhere. Watch out for me in the future, fellows.


Hey all,

I've been downloading music from this site for years, but I didn't decide to become a member until now. I tell people all about the awesomeness of this site everywhere I go. Videogame music is the only decent music out there right now to me....except Slipknot and maybe Rob Zombie.

Anyway, I'll be around, See ya.


Welcome everyone, enjoy your stay.

I quote Arek's faqs for emphasis;

Greetings and salutations "young blood" and welcome to the world of the OCR forums.

With being new, it is understandable that you are reluctant to post, worrying about you embarrasing yourself and all, but worry not, for that is all part of 'growing' here.

The first place you guys should start is the "training grounds" known as general discussion . That is the portion of the forum where you can talk about basically anything related to the world of remixing and gaming, as long as it is work safe of course. Please do refrain from asking for any sort of "requests" in any form, be it remixes to programs to osts. OST requests, as well as anything besides freeware/shareware, are frowned upon here, considering that they are illegal, but of course if you are searching to purchase said ost or program, you are more than encouraged to do so, as long as you are polite in how you address your question :D. Also, if you wish to request a certain remix of a song to be made, you are more than encouraged to post your request here. Please do keep in mind that your request will not always be answered, so do not have your feelings hurt if your thread does not get any replies. It isn't anything personal, it is just that remixers are busy and often do not have time to do a remix for you, but you might get lucky, so don't hesitate to ever at least ask :D

Once you feel that you are ready to gain your 'sealegs' and explore the rest of what ocr's forums have to offer, you should explore Politics Philosophy and Religion, where you can find many different discussions on many of the more 'controversial' topics on people's minds. Please do keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree with it or not. It is NOT encouraged that you engage in a 'flamewar', also known as agressive arguement, with anyone on this forum, regardless of the reason. You will risk getting yourself warned and even banned. It is not worth risking your account, as well as your 'good name' tarnished over a silly arguement, now is it? :wink:

If you ever have any technical issues regarding....well....anything technical, then post your questions here *which happens to be the exact portion of the forums that we are in righ now :D*. Please do keep in mind that it is a technical assistance forum, so do not ask anything about remixing in any form or about anything random. Remixing questions and advice can be saught here. Please do refrain from asking the basic question of "how do I remix?", of course :P

Noticing those nifty little images that people have under those posts and want one of those for yourself? Well, thos are called "signatures", and there is a special place where you can go to request to get one of to call your very own! The "Ye Olde Sig Shoppe" is just the place for you, where you can request just how you would like your signature to be made. Please do read the first post of that thread in it's entirety so that no confusion may come up between you and whoever may see your sig request.

Having problems with your coding? seeing and wondering why it isn't simply hyperlinking instead? Well, this thread will teach you all you need to know about how to use the coding the forums use. At first it may be a hassle to learn, but once you memorize how each function is done, you won't soon forget them :D

Well, I hope that covers everything. If you guys ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I am always available to help out the every day new guy. I was once one, I know how it was like :D

Goodluck and happy posting!

This took too long to write for it to only be seen by two posts a page back.


Greetings, fellow Video Game Remixers.

My name is Mario Murderer (aka MM). I have a huge interest in music in general. I am a HUGE Deep Purple fan ever since when I was 2. I'm 15 and I play a guitar, I can also play Drums, Keyboards/Piano, Bass, or any other rock instrument. I don't know how to read music, though, I teach myself songs.

Some Bands that I currently like are:

Deep Purple




Led Zeppelin

Metallica (are OK)


Marilyn Manson


Drowning Pool

Crush 40


Axel Rudi Pell

My favorite Guitarists are

Ritchie Blackmore

Steve Morse

Joe Satriani

Dave Mustaine

Marty Friedman

Angus Young

Darrell Abbott

Mick Tompson

Jun Senoue

Ritchie Blackmore is my hero.

I have a lot of favorite bands, but they're all too many to list. I recently saw Deep Purple live for the first time in May in Sydney (my home town). They were absoloutly amazing! I'm in a band, and we might post up remixes sometime. Hey, if you wanna chat about music or anything, just give me a PM and we can become buddies.



Howdy M&M! (actually, I just wanted to say that.)

So, It looks like all we have in common is..

Some Bands that I currently like are:
My favorite Guitarists are

I'm a percussionist! :P

Hey! We should start a band!

Whats up peeps,

I've been a lurker here for a really long time now (since the Blue OCR days), and I finally decided to join up and maybe start remixing.


i noticed you in unmod, be careful in there


Hi, everyone! My name is peristalsis and I've been following the site on/off for a few years I think. I've been wanting to get into ReMixing since who knows when, but studies and other stuff's gotten in the way. I believe that's about to change, since I currently have lots of ideas and, hopefully soon, you'll be hearing about me in the ReMixing world.


Hi, I'm new. <--- kinda obvious... And I'm terribly sorry if I allready did something wrong now ^^;.. Anyway I'm Evanatt, I like mostly drawing pictures, but plays a little keyboard, (even though I don't really read notes ^^).. I still kinda confused. But I think it will all come-*I hope*-...

And I hope I get to know some nice people here :D eh hehehe ;)


Hello and welcome to the boards.

Make sure that you read the tutorials, especially Gorveg's. It'll teach you the basics of posting (and expected behavior, I think).

One little tip though: try to avoid using copious amounts of emoticons. They tend to clutter a post.

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