orkybash Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 Plok 'Title Jam' Oh man. This guy should just give up... it's like he's incapable of making a bad mix! Honestly, I can find nothing bad to say about this. Chalk up another one for Mazedude! Quote
Woffester Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 This rocks. I _LOVE_ the trombone. Its so quirky! Quote
ella guro Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 I haven't played Plok and I didn't really like this one when I first listened to it from his site, but I've come to like it a whole lot after listening to it, especially that trombone solo at 1:53. I still don't like some of the instruments that much, but you can tell he had a whole lot of fun doing this arrangement. I must say that this man is a very very talented remixer (and a great trombone player), as if anybody didn't already know that... Quote
PlatformerMastah Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 YAY! Plok! I always loved this game, this remix is great too! Quote
Dev Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 Holy crap, this is some good stuff. I've never played Plok, but I saw Mazedude's name, and knew I had to download it. Man, this song is just so much fun to listen to...especially the bitchin' trombone solo. Mazedude is talented as hell, and everyone should download this one right now. Quote
jeputz Posted September 22, 2002 Posted September 22, 2002 HOORAY!!!!!!!!! i requested this only a couple of weeks ago, which means it was probably in the works for the past six months. nonetheless, for me, it's instant gratification, almost. and then there's the undeniable fact that this mix ROCKS THE HOUSE!!!! hooray, hooray, hooray. boo-yaa. Quote
Hamu-Sumo Posted September 27, 2002 Posted September 27, 2002 Hoooooh! It sounds funny^^ Plok was a game which I played often but I found the music not so good as the game but this remix is easily good! If you hear it you have a good mood! Hoooooooooh! 8/10 (1=worst; 10=best) Quote
Lemonjello Posted November 1, 2002 Posted November 1, 2002 *Mad Serious Review Mode ON* No one can go wrong with the mix. Honestly, I could listen to this song alone for days on end, it's that good. First of all, the choice for base song is awesome, I loved it when I first played Plok. I like to think that this ReMix is sort of like the opening theme to Banjo-Kazooie, in that it uses a bunch of different instruments and also comes off very peppy and uplifting. The quality is top-notch, the variety of instruments is wicked to listen too, and when it drops in the middle, only to have it come swelling back with the trombone...words cannot discribe. I also liked the classic drum *chih* ending. 9.75 out of 10. DOWNLOAD THIS NOW. (First review, booyah.) Quote
Kyukei Posted November 1, 2002 Posted November 1, 2002 Had to chime in on this one, Mazedude just blows me away with this smooth^n mix. Like many other reviewers, I've never played Plok. I listened to the mix, and I was really "digging" them tunes(an appropriate word for the tone of the song, neh?). The bass line is nice and solid, the overall flow is quite melodious... and the song came to an end. Ah well, fun to listen to, I liked it... ... There's MORE? I had forgotten completely about the solo. It comes in and blows me away. I have to disagree with DjP, I don't think the richness of the un-synthed music overshadows the sampled stuff, I think it adds to it and makes it that much more fun to hear. If I had to make one suggestion, I'd say that the cymbal crashes maybe were a tad too common. I dunno, it just was one of those things that stuck in my ear. I can say nothing else bad about this mix, it immediately went on to my next CD list. Bravo. Quote
geekgirl101 Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 The ingame title tune is great - this remix is fantastic! This is one of those tunes that you just want to lounge back, tap your feet and click your fingers to. If I'm not mistaken, that's a real trumpet being played at the end. Quote
kamikazifreak Posted November 26, 2003 Posted November 26, 2003 Wow, I thought I was the only one! But to the point, this is a very good mix. It was the second one I downloaded from OC; I've got about 15 more now, and this is still my favorite (really slow [4kbps] internet + 3 weeks = 17 songs.) It's very upbeat and lively in style, the kind of thing you listen to when you need to be perked up. It moves along nicely, and the trombone part near the end is great, especially with the slowdown/pause before it. Quote
Red Shadow Posted April 6, 2004 Posted April 6, 2004 Well, today actually started out really shitty for me, but i just got this friggin awesome mix and it made everything better to the Nth degree. One of my favorite mixes from both ocr AND Mazedude. I need more. Quote
StarKirby Posted April 6, 2004 Posted April 6, 2004 This song...ROX MEH SOX!!! I love this song so much...out of the 100 of ReMixes I have, it ranks a CLOSE 3#. Wonderful job again, Mazedude. Quote
Jabberbox Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 I have plok, I love the game, PLOK FOR 3D! MUST HAVE! (but sadly, never made) the music was always a favorite! Quote
jordex Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 This song is pretty cool I'm not familiar with the music in any way but that didn't stop me from enjoying the song when that trombone or whatever instrument that is comes in, its un expected but makes the song all the more exciting Quote
DeeWhy Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 This is most definitely one of my favorite mixes. Mazedude has done some incredible stuff here. It stays true to the original, but improves on it a lot. I love it! Quote
Mustin Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 You can always hear how much fun Mazedude is having when you listen to one of his arrangements. Plus I just love that it always sounds like it's a video game. Mazedude has an uncanny ability to create VGM remixes that sound like they should replace the game's original audio. Kinda like what the companies do when they put out arranged albums. It didn't used to be orchestral arrangements and stuff. There was a lot of simpler stuff like this on those arranged CDs - Chrono Trigger, Nintendo samplers, and so on. But anyway, if you played Plok! that makes it even better because the game was so damn weird that this music is the only thing that makes sense out of it. I personally wasn't too big of a fan of the game OR the music, but I do love this mix. Quote
watkinzez Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 The pause and trombone restart at 1:54 totally makes this song and is so Mazedude. The solo over the already impressive improvisational music is just so bouncy and fun. One man band style. That's where this mix excels. Plus, it's a Follin tune, and that can only mean good things. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted June 13, 2008 Posted June 13, 2008 What an unfortunately titled game. :/ The samples in this one haven't really stood the test of time, but the arrangement is still hot out of the oven. Great sequencing; the piano is really nice, and the rotary is super fast, but I like how it is used. The lead up to the Trombone and chiptune solo section was really well executed, and the whole song gives a great feeling of fun and exuberance. I think some updated samples for this one, and maybe some live acoustic guitar would really make it be a standout. As is, it's still pretty good. Quote
Martin Penwald Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 I never played the game; in fact, back when it was new and I read about it in the video game magazines, I hated it. However, I have been listening to this particular remix time and again over the last few years. It's a quirky, funny tune, and lifts your mood instantaneously. Mazedude always delivers quality stuff, and this remix is no exception. Also, this song not only makes me look forward to the upcoming Tim Follin tribute album, but has also made me want to finally play Plok. Good job. Quote
Polo Posted April 24, 2009 Posted April 24, 2009 For me, these elements make the mix: Dual electric guitars (start) - Simultaneously mellow and upbeat. Clapping drums (0:06) - Seriously, these drums sound like claps. Weird but cool. Cross-panned drum quotes (every so often) - Gotta admire how they fuel the mix's momentum. Bass (0:12) - A vibrant, balancing heart. Golden synth (0:36, 2:16) - It sounds like it came from an electric guitar touched by King Midas. Crashing Boom Bang attack (1:17, 2:59) - a.k.a. drum+cymbal clash, it's a welcoming bomb to drop out of nowhere. Piano (1:25) - Such icicle-cool improv. And these are the things I can't get into: Unharmonica (0:11) - Something about the way it warbles loosely makes me feel icky. Brass (1:00) - Despite its noble intentions, it plays its notes in a plain/tacky manner. The breakdown into slow silence (1:46 - 1:52) - It saps the mix of energy and drags my mood down with it. Trombone (1:53) - There's a slight breath right before it starts playing, which is obvious in the silence of the false ending it follows; a risky first impression. It also gets overpowering, especially near the end. The arrangement on the whole - This isn't the ReMixer's fault; I never got into Plok's Main Theme to begin with, and if the ReMixer wants to keep/expand upon the feel of the source, you can't argue with his choice. Quote
Marmiduke Posted November 16, 2009 Posted November 16, 2009 Mazedude once again exels at spinning a rainbow of instruments and curiosities our way, all culminating into one hyperactive bundle of win. Flawless in design and execution. The samples are pretty crappy most of the way through, but I kinda like that about this. Mazedude almost seemed prepared for that, making this extra candy-coated and hard-edged to transcend any dated sounds. Of course, the trombone and piano must be mentioned, as they are as excellent as I'd ever ask anything to be. I love the hell out of this, so much so that its flaws become points of praise. Pure, uncensored fun all for the sake of kickass music. Long live Mazedude. Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 Very weird title for a game, never played it either. Samples are a little rough and a little dated, but it doesn't really take away from the track a lot. The piano and the trombone are the true stars of this piece, and really give the feeling of a party happenin' on the streets of New Orleans. It's Mazedude, and it's fun. Quote
K.B. Posted January 6, 2010 Posted January 6, 2010 *Toothy grin* This just might be the happiest remix on this site. I love every second. I know the source, so this was no less than a treat. The added accompanyment, the true-to-the-source yet refined sounds, and, of course, the trombone... well done, sir. The keyboard and trombone sections were highlights (love the breakdown before the trombone!), and everything was brought together to an innovative, adroit climax. This was made in 2002? Ha! Just as fresh today as it ever was. That should speak for itself. Quote
Tetz Posted July 13, 2010 Posted July 13, 2010 I registered just to say that I absolutely loved this! It put a big wide smile on my face, it really took me back. Just wonderful, thank you! Quote
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