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Megaman influenced?

Actually, no. At least not intentionally. Megaman is probably my favorite game series of all time. So all my work is probably slightly influenced by it in one way or another.

Woah, trippy, you've got about 3 different perspectives going on in there. Great job on the guitar, objects like that can be really tough to get right =]

heh, just means i need more practice. :-)

Thanks on the guitar, it was a PITA to do, but I think I got it pretty good, I spent the most time on it, that's for sure.

I started adding values, and I cleaned up a few perspective issues/lines. She's a little overly totted-up, so I'll do some reductive surgery once I start doing color.

Let's get some sprites going here, people!

I was thinking about it. A fighting game would so totally rock.

Also: we got OCRv2-tan yet?

I've been trying to work on one. That's why there hasn't been anything from me for a little while. I'm just trying to get the best design that I can before I post it.


Well, before I get too far along on her, I figure I should obtain some feedback from people on what I have so far. I've really based her outfit on Bonus's original 4-Tan designs, because a lot of people (myself included) liked it.


As you can see, I also threw some basic colors on her just to give the impression. I'm also not quite finished with all her clothing designs, but as I mentioned, I feel I need some feedback to see if I'm even headed in the right direction. Thanks in advance.

(OCR2TanWIP pic)

If you kept her upper torso and drew a table where her arms appear to be resting against, she'd fit right in at a bar. If she's putting on the dance moves, she needs more flexibility overall (her belts can be wider, too, to give her more space to move around). The bottom tip of her hair (bending out from her back) looks out of place, whether she's at rest or in motion. And I'm sure you already notice how odd her right leg looks.

Clever choice with the red eyes; it goes with the pretzel and center of her headphones, plus it references the red eye / button on OCR2's front page. Her expression, I think, could show more focus and determination, whether she's checking out that eccentric drunkard or teaching a n00b how to tear up the dance floor. To me, her eyebrows and mouth project a "meh" sort of emo.

If the grays contrasted more, her collar would be more visible behind her semi-folded arms (Nice Work reference?). Contrast livens up stuff, too.


wow, ocr-tan, that is pretty cool. and seeing jill dress up = major amounts of awesome in one year. something how it all worked out. and you cant beat a modded guitar like that one.

Neat. Looks like a Cave Story character.
OCR-tan Story, anyone?

Yeah, she really does look like she'd fit in Cave Story. She's not going to have white skin in the end though. I just wanted to throw something together before I posted and coloring the skin would take a little too much time.

If you kept her upper torso and drew a table where her arms appear to be resting against, she'd fit right in at a bar. If she's putting on the dance moves, she needs more flexibility overall (her belts can be wider, too, to give her more space to move around). The bottom tip of her hair (bending out from her back) looks out of place, whether she's at rest or in motion. And I'm sure you already notice how odd her right leg looks.

Clever choice with the red eyes; it goes with the pretzel and center of her headphones, plus it references the red eye / button on OCR2's front page. Her expression, I think, could show more focus and determination, whether she's checking out that eccentric drunkard or teaching a n00b how to tear up the dance floor. To me, her eyebrows and mouth project a "meh" sort of emo.

If the grays contrasted more, her collar would be more visible behind her semi-folded arms (Nice Work reference?). Contrast livens up stuff, too.

This is what I was looking for. Thanks.

Firstly, she's actually going to be resting on her instrument (a giant NES controller synthesizer), but the bar scene works too so I'll have to keep that in mind as I continue. Her hair was really an experiment. I was considering changing it, but I decided to see what people thought first. Thanks for confirming that for me. I think I'll just have it swoosh to the side a little bit instead. Yeah, her right leg is funky, but she's still in sketch form at the moment. Won't be too hard to fix.

The eyes (and the red color in general) was definitely a reference to the "button" on the page's header/sidebar. I'm glad someone noticed it. I've been having a hard time getting the right subtle expression on her face, as you noticed. I eventually gave up to continue along further down. I guess I'll have to go back to it again. Hopefully, I can get it right.

Again, thanks for the comments. I'm glad I posted before I got too far.

No love for OCR blue version? Back when the site used to look good??? :(

Actually, there were two blue versions. 2 was a greenish-gray blue, and 3 was dark blue with the slightest hint of violet. I'm pretty sure you're talking about version 3. Also, OA and I seem to be the only people doing any kind of drawing so you can't expect only two people to do all of them at once. Thirdly, 3-Tan was one of the very first ones designed. I turned the 4-Tan I was working on into 3-Tan after Blackmyst's design became semi-official. I've got plans to alter the design a little bit as I feel some of the elements seem too tacked-on, but here are a couple images just to give you the idea.


I'll also be changing her bass to make it match her outfit a little more.

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