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This is just me, but the ages attributed to the 'chans' looks odd in spots. OCR4 would be the youngest (left), OCR3 would be the next youngest (mid-left), OCR2 would be next in age (mid-right, since she looks like she's a little older than the one to her right), and OCR1 would be the oldest (right). It's not intended as nit picky garbage, it's just something I noticed.


Heh. Have OCR1 be about 65, OCR2 in her early 40s, OCR3 in her late teens, and OCR4 at about 9 years old :lol:

Well, I really had considered that at first, and then entertained the idea of doing it based on the site's maturity. But when I thought about it, the OS-Tans aren't that way at all. For example, ME-Tan is very young, however, 2000-Tan and XP-Tan are older than her. 95-Tan is older still. With the OS-Tans, it would seem that their age is based on the System's "personality" which they, themselves also carry. Since you can't really put a singular personality onto a community-based website, I decided to just do whatever age and personality seemed to fit the website's visual look.

The vibrant oranges and yellows from V1 seemed, to me, to reflect a more vibrant personality. Here, 1-Tan seems full of life; quite fitting of a young child (And even works as a metaphor for the website's maturity! Bonus!). The cold, metallic blues of V2 related a tougher, quieter demeanor, thus the sort of detached amusement shown in 2-Tan's expression. V3 was still blue, but of a warmer hue, so I made 3-Tan somewhat quiet, but cuter and gentler than 2-Tan. Finally, 4-Tan was designed by Blackmyst, but seems to follow similar guidelines. The vibrant orange gives her a lot of "spunk" but the cooler silver lends a slightly older, more professional feel.

That's just my take on it. Others may feel differently, but as Dhsu so eloquently said, "They're as old as the artist says they are!" And since I'm drawing them, I get to decide. :<

Oh! As far as wallpapers go, that enlarged size I posted earlier is actually only 50% of the image's actual dimensions, so this should work really well for wallpapers. When (if) I finish, I'll probably give out each girl's image individually at full resolution so people can use them to make their own wallpapers, OCR album art, signatures, or whatever else. An office cubicle might not be so far off the mark!

This is just me, but the ages attributed to the 'chans' looks odd in spots. OCR4 would be the youngest (left), OCR3 would be the next youngest (mid-left), OCR2 would be next in age (mid-right, since she looks like she's a little older than the one to her right), and OCR1 would be the oldest (right). It's not intended as nit picky garbage, it's just something I noticed.


Heh. Have OCR1 be about 65, OCR2 in her early 40s, OCR3 in her late teens, and OCR4 at about 9 years old :lol:

actually it's the correct way if you look at the OS-Tans. Usually DOS is dipicted as a little girl. while the more recent ones are older, with bigger boobs hehe.

Gotta say that pic is awesome though, good job on it Bean :D


Yay! 3-Tan is ready for your coloring enjoyment. If you don't have a good image editing program, you can print her out and use good ol' crayons! Just like when you were a kid, only this time you get to color boobies!


Just give her a little click, and you can get the full size!


4-Tan's lines are complete and ready for colors! 2-Tan's lines are up next, followed by 1. Then it's coloring time for me.


Go ahead! Click her and see what happens!


I noticed a color mockup of 2 tan a couple pages back, and I couldn't help but realize that I have NEVER seen what OCR 2 looks like. I've seen 1, and I showed up back when 3 was still around, but 2 not so much. Does anybody have a site backup from way back when so I could see what it looked like?

I noticed a color mockup of 2 tan a couple pages back, and I couldn't help but realize that I have NEVER seen what OCR 2 looks like. I've seen 1, and I showed up back when 3 was still around, but 2 not so much. Does anybody have a site backup from way back when so I could see what it looked like?


What better way to start the day then with OCRv4?

Lightning quick coloring... which I haven't done since I drew anime and posted it on the sold solace (soltice?) forums. Blazed through the hair, cuz I didn't feel like doing it right :)


I think both OCR3 and OCR4 need to spend a bit more time in the sun =P.

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