djpretzel Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Linearity Posted July 26, 2007 Posted July 26, 2007 Finally. I fell in love with the Guilty Gear XX soundtrack two and a half years ago, and finally it is here on OC ReMix. And in just the way that I'd have hoped: it's a broad piece that diverges from the source material. I figured that if I were to rearrange a GGXX song I'd have to do my own heavy metal version of it, but you've done what I thought too difficult: you've taken it completely out of its normal context and developed it into another strong piece of music. Congratulations. Quote
avaris Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 Great mix guys. I gotta be honest it took me a couple listens to get into it. I always loved the intro (1st movemen) it took me a few more listens to get into the others sections. The cinematic feel is def a nice tribute to all that is the complete bad assery of Guilty Gear. If I had to add one thing is that the 2nd movement could have used some nice sustained chords especially where everything starts to tail off. The dynamics of the piece are great. It always nice to hear a mix with a nice dynamic range. Harpischord FTW too. Quote
Barnsalot Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 Aside from it being a good remix, all the individual instruments sound very clear and well equalized to my ears. Nice job. Quote
Tensei Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 It's an original and well-written interpretation of the source, and it manages to retain a lot of the energy of the original heavy metallish source. I really wish the brass didn't sound so General Midi-ish though..but apart from the sample quality, even the production is very decent. It's really a smashing example of how you can make the best of what you have, without needing expensive sample libraries, good job. Quote
Mirai Gen Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 I've always always always loved Guilty Gear's music - even when it was practically chiptunes I loved the arrangement. This is a great cover of Writhe in Pain, and honestly if they were to make a Guilty Gear Anime this would be the music. Beautiful reinterpretation. Masterful. Quote
Pietro Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 This is great, I'm surprised it was almost rejected. One of my favourite pieces to appear on OCR recently, which is saying a lot considering the standard of recent submisions. The percussion in particular really adds energy to the piece, it would feel very empty without it. The harpsichord is nice, though the capabilities of the instrument aren't really exploited as they could have been. I would have loved to hear some continuo or something in there somewhere. The writing for the orchestra itself is brilliant and original. Nice work. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 As grateful as I am for seeing a different game being introduced to the list here and that the remix is in a completely different style of music of the source material, I have to say this one's rather boring. Not because it's not fast and hard like the orginal track, but because it drags on. Then again that's how alot of orchestral peices are. Quote
Prasa_U. Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 Hahaha...odd....usually I prefer orchestral pieces because they don't drag on compared to dance/rock/whatever. Good job with the piece! Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 Hey everyone. Thanks for the reviews. I'm really glad that I could get the first Guilty Gear remix on the site. I've been playing Guilty Gear riffs since the very first Guilty Gear game came out in 1998. That's over 9 years yo! Anyway, to review my own remix: I tried to make it sound kind of brutal like a metal song. The sound that I originally had was pretty heavy, but apparently the judges all thought it sounded way too fake (although, I thought it sounded freaking great). So I got James George to use his sweet sounds and do some producing work on it for me. He did a good job if you ask me. I also tried to make it vary a lot so that it wouldn't feel like it was "dragging on." The final thing that I thought about was the fact that there aren't any metal songs being remixed as orchestral songs on the site yet (at least, not any that I know of) but there are lots of orchestral ones that get turned into metal. Castlevania, anyone? Hahaha. Now that I've finally gotten my first mix accepted, I'm gonna continue to make more. I've already got a Valkyrie Profile mix in the works (hopefully it will also be a first for the site) as well as a Xenogears one. Now that I've made my debut, I want to be more active and well-known in the OCR community. So, please feel free to message me on OCR or on AIM or MSN to talk about games, remixes, whatever. Quote
Broken Posted July 30, 2007 Posted July 30, 2007 Excellent work taking this tune in a direction other than hard rock. The samples (sans the brass) all sound great. I don't really see what the problem was there. My favorite parts of this are the intro and the ending. There is an excellent build-up to the fast section. And like the arrpegios and the percussion runs at the end. I always love to hear fighting game soundtracks remixed, and GG is a game I recently picked up, so it's doubly cool. Great debut, both of you. Quote
Ronyn Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 Gratz Jahan! ^^ I guess mixing this thing like a dozen times paid off lol. The comments have been educational. I'm surprised many aren't liking the brass. Contrary to what some have guessed, they are professional VSL samples. I'm going to have to look closer at the sequencing to see if I can improve the realism. I actually just upgraded to the epic horn package and the performance tool that comes with it, so hopefully that will solve some of the sequencing and ariticulation issues for future mixes. I have to apologize to Jahan for losing some of the original assets of this after the 1st submission; I could only correct the volume issues with some subtle compression (big no no for orchestral imo). I personally loved the original broad dynamic range, kinda felt we neutered it. Oh well, glad it was enough. Good feedback thanks. Quote
TaVeRnErO_RuDd Posted September 6, 2007 Posted September 6, 2007 you've done great justice to the millia rage theme! as a player i must say: REALLY well done! Quote
The Legendary Zoltan Posted September 8, 2007 Posted September 8, 2007 I don't know if I'm aloud to post a reply to a review in the review forums or not, but I'll go ahead and do it and see what happens. James George, dude, your production job was totally sweet in my opinion. While it indeed lost some heaviness, you don't have to apologize, man. It never would have been passed without you. And yeah, I thought it was pretty cool how it went from freaking quiet to pretty dang loud. It's that OCR Pop factor. Tavernero, thanks, man. I too love playing Guilty Gear and Millia is one of my favorite characters and has one of my favorite themes. I'm happy that you approve. Quote
Ranch Doritos Posted February 1, 2008 Posted February 1, 2008 Very beautiful... I'm loving the incorporation of the Flute... Please make one of Dizzy'z theme - Awe of She I'll be all over that lol Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 21, 2008 Posted March 21, 2008 Very subtle rendition of the theme, and pretty well executed, though I think I'd have preferred some additional counterpoint lines in some of the sections. I like how there are several distinct sections, though I think the transitions were a bit weak between them. some of them seemed to be a bit too abrupt, specifically the transition the the fast segment. I think a bit more buildup would have done it good. Overall a pretty liberal mix, but it works well, and I think it is within the bounds of the site, as the connections are apparent throughout. Nice work guys. Quote
Marmiduke Posted January 3, 2011 Posted January 3, 2011 Excellent orchestral writing, but its for a source I am completely unfamiliar with. I have no idea what is original writing and what is adapted writing, so I'll just say this: Whoever did whatever rocks. Admittedly, I'm not a fan of the sound of this mix. The samples don't pull the weight of the talent that lies elsewhere, which is often the case with orchestral pieces. Though as far as they go, they still probably come out sounding above average. I also thought things felt a little sparse, like a whole background track had been removed. There is definitely something cohesive that seems to be missing from the flow of the mix. Having said that, this is still one I come back to. The arrangement, though a little all over the place, is still of utmost quality and that's all you need to win me over. Quote
ProjectSpam Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 I remember when I first heard this ReMix. I was so surprised that it was an orchestral mix with a name like "Destroy Movements"; for some reason, it made me think I was about to hear some ridiculous super-electronic song. But it's orchestral, and really awesome orchestral at that. The instruments are beautifully written into the arrangement, although the song itself is pretty stressful (in a good way)! The writing is so intricate and brilliant and the sounds come together very fascinatingly. Many parts of this remind me of the final battle music for Asellus in SaGa Frontier. The sound quality in this better, but it's a good comparison to have in my book. Pretty good orchestral ReMix! Quote
Crulex Posted September 5, 2021 Posted September 5, 2021 Such an awesome orchestral arrangement of Millia's theme. She quickly became one of my favorite characters to play as, and her music always seemed just under Ky's for old-school regal sound, so hearing this ReMix kinda expand on that aspect of beauty that was always present behind the rock was pretty sweet. I will say, I feel like the ReMix was at it's best when the tempo picked up and brought that energy in, so I wish there was more of that, but it wasn't enough to bother me really. Pretty decent mix, fellas, I liked it. Quote
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