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OCR00791 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Fragments of Gold"

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oh yeah. This one. Loved it back on Vgmix and love it here. Just didn't realize that was the title of it. I can't really think of anything to say about this because it's just so damn good, and usually I like to point out what's wrong with things because I take some sadistic pleasure in making everyone else's life miserable or something, I don't know. Congrats Beej. Nice work.



I'm gonna go completely against everyone here, because I really do not like this one at all. I like some other stuff by Beej, so it's nothing personal, but this almost ruins one of my favorite vg themes. Maybe it's just because I didn't envision this style for the remix, and maybe it's just because I don't like the style, but whatever it is, I don't like this remix. And I'm not sure why people say that this is the best rendition of the Darkworld theme, since there are two great ones from AmIEvil and Gux, but whatever...

(On a side note, I don't think me and Rob Saunders like any of the same vg music).


This has to be one of the best Zelda theme remixes I've heard in a while ...

The beat keeps going back and forth ... its quite impressive and consistently good from start to finish ...

Nicely done!


WOW! AMAZING! *memories coming back* :D

I've always loved the "Dark World"-theme, and now it's back, refurbished, mixed and better than ever!

Keep up the good work!

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Holy crap, I've had this mix for almost a year and I just now am listening to it. I can't believe that this is actually a Dark World remix. Excellent! Dark World is easily the best Zelda song ever (the Main Theme comes close though). This is a solid electronic arrangement that stays very close to the ogininal though manages to stay fresh and give it a surge of power. Great stuff! :D


Well, I haven't listened to it all yet, but the parts I've heard are 8) cool! Ya know, i'm glad people were born who could ReMix. Expecially ones that can do all sorts of songs. I'm hopin' to be one of those. Soooooooooooooo, keep ReMixin' and I'll get my bro to keep downloadin'! Bubye ! ;)

~Always Loving,

Lune St. Claire at yer service. :roll::idea:

P.S. I just thought of a song! Cheerio and toodle pip!

  • 2 weeks later...

wow, it seems that i'm not the only one who somehow downloaded this song and didn't even realize i had it. according to my playlist, it has been played 10 times, but i do not remember hearing it once. furthermore, i have always liked beej's stuff from vgmix. somehow, i didn't even realize he had a song on ocr until i saw his name on the remixer's list. wtf.

either way, this mix is no less than awesome. there is really nothing bad that i can think of saying. furthermore, i think djp was correct when he said that this mix was just the right length.

great stuff by beej. anyone who likes this mix should really try to get their hands on his other stuff as well.


  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

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