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I found http://www.vertexguy.com recently, and his music is something I tend to hear on OCR. I asked him if he heard of this place, and he told me he submitted in the past and was rejected.


His music isn't outside of anything I've heard on OCR before, and he meets the rearrangement requirements.

Could it be he was talking about Dwelling of Duels? If so, he's had at least one track that I know of featured there. I know, I have almost a full archive of DoD music. Also, if he's so offended that he was rejected, why didn't he just talk to the Judges Panel instead of you coming here and starting this thread? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do himself?

Could it be he was talking about Dwelling of Duels? If so, he's had at least one track that I know of featured there. I know, I have almost a full archive of DoD music. Also, if he's so offended that he was rejected, why didn't he just talk to the Judges Panel instead of you coming here and starting this thread? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do himself?

This was answered way back. WAAAY back. :lol: Look for my first post.


Sorry Larry, I didn't really read the rest of the thread, I assumed it was the same stuff repeated over and over again. I'll look over it again before I make another post.

I actually answered your accusation of this last time in the DarkCecil13 judgehate thread. Maybe you didn't see it (it was part of a massive response to several people), but I still have the whole thing. But indeed, we can't help that we receive more submissions from various franchises. Those are the more popular games, and, statistically, they will always receive more attention from submitting artists.

I can't speak for other Js, but I know that personally, I love receiving submissions (and especially passable mixes) from games that receive little to no coverage. You'll never believe it, but I'm just as bitter as you are. I work here every day, and I see the disparity firsthand. I would love to see Sonic Spinball, and Treasure Master, and California Games, and Spider-Man & The X-Men, and Res-Q, and Breath of Fire V, and World Heroes, and Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, and Duke Nukem. If we got nothing ever again from the most popular games, I'd be ok. But of course I don't truly mean that. And here's why:

One great part of being on the panel is hearing even the tired and true "overdone" themes getting reimagined in ways I didn't think were possible. Shnabubula's SMB "Mario Likes Thorazine" and ambient & Skrypnyk's CT "Back 2 Skala" renew my interest in the old hat themes just when I think I've burnt out on them. They don't impress the most jaded of jaded, but I'm always amazed by what the artists here are coming up with.

Keep it together, though. Some of the lesser known games/soundtracks are gonna get the treatment. We've got a Syberia mix coming up from Prasa U. that I've very glad we got. On the direct post side, Danimal Cannon of Arm Cannon has made sure that Blaster Master hasn't been forgotten around these parts. Anyone interested in Wild ARMs performed by a real, live symphony orchestra? And Top Gear 2 will be here eventually by an old school legend (you can probably guess). Every time we expand the database with a new game listing, with new composers, with new source tunes, that's meaningful progress to me. I always want to see more.

Convince Ryan8bit to submit his Sierra game mixes. He's got this amazing King's Quest V mix that I've been badgering him about ever since I heard it in DoD, and even at MAGFest 5 he was talking about how unsure he was about it. And I'm a judge (and fan) asking him to send it in. There's only so much one man can do! :lol: If you really wanna help, If there's an obscure game arrangement you like, and you think it could make it, as the artist to send it. I will personally thank you for the effort.

I'd like to see what Danimal Cannon has done with blaster master, but I can't find it. I love his solo work even more than Arm Cannon.

I'm still saddened that Electric Concerto tried to assemble a Legacy of the Wizard project, and it fell apart due to a lack of interest (he could've done better advertising, but some of the big guys could've jumped on the bill and sparked interest) - but maybe it will happen again one day.

As far as submitting a track myself, I know two under-mixed games that are in need of attention. Well, more than that, but only two my group of musicians would be fit for in musical style. As soon as I am finished with my album, I will put some extra studio time aside and get it done - that way I can say that I at least tried.


I did a Legacy of the Wizard song medley once. Let's just say it was experimental... But hey you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

That Blaster Master mix is floating around but I'll wait for it to get posted on the site sometime this next year. The main difference between my solo stuff and Armcannon stuff, is that I don't have to worry about pulling my solo stuff off LIVE.

Convince Ryan8bit to submit his Sierra game mixes. He's got this amazing King's Quest V mix that I've been badgering him about ever since I heard it in DoD, and even at MAGFest 5 he was talking about how unsure he was about it.

Ryan8bit has always been very serious about his production - and the better you get the more you realized your previous stuff sucked (trust me, I'm not too proud of some of the songs I wrote a while back). It also makes you concerned about your new stuff, because it's hard to make a "perfect" piece in terms of production. There will always be something you don't like about your piece - especially if you're a very talented artist. This is why it's hard for anyone to convince him that his stuff is good enough. (btw - he's a great guy to work with)

I realize this is very off topic BUT:

We have some songs that will be coming out hopefully soon. We've re-established communication (for like a year of solitude) and we may start on some new mixes. As mentioned before, 3 pieces that we've produced that have never been on ocremix will be submitted before mid fall.

As far as the judges go - you know how I feel. They're doing work that will always be controversial, they put their reputation on the spot every time they judge on a piece as their comments are put into the judge thread, they have to let the musician who put their whole heart into it that they didn't make the snuff (which is so hard to do), multiply this process by like 100 songs a month, and it just really is discouraging after all their hard work to get a thread that publicly disagrees with their decision. IMO it's a free site, lead by people who vote for free, to provide quality free songs, so that you don't spend your own free time trying to find quality free remixes. The fact that they do so much work for us is just awesome.

And also, not only do the judges on ocr do the work, the judges on ocr do a great job at it - keep up the good work.

Vertexguy is the jam. But seriously who HASN'T been rejected by OCR?


But that's because I never submitted a mix to this place because I know it won't get any YES votes. The only thing what could be interesting is that my mixes get a NO-Override or just 3 NO votes. Even OLR is hard for me, but I have one song there.

I don't think Vertexguy should submit because we want him to do. He must decide himself, he's free to submit the way he wants.

IMO it's a free site,

You're right. And it's to this end that, while the judges do not enjoy seeing threads disagreeing with them, they realize that it is not their right to stop them. I don't think the dude's stuff was good enough to make it, and I still like the mixes and agree with most of the judges decisions. But I'll defend mine and everyone else's right to actually disagree with them until I die.

You're right. And it's to this end that, while the judges do not enjoy seeing threads disagreeing with them, they realize that it is not their right to stop them. I don't think the dude's stuff was good enough to make it, and I still like the mixes and agree with most of the judges decisions. But I'll defend mine and everyone else's right to actually disagree with them until I die.

"Free site" as in the site's content is free, not that we're a haven for free speech. We're not. :-) You don't have a right to free speech here at this privately owned and operated website. But that doesn't mean all judgehate is shuffled under the carpet. The standards get questioned, so we answer.

"Free site" as in the site's content is free, not that we're a haven for free speech. We're not. :-) You don't have a right to free speech here at this privately owned and operated website. But that doesn't mean all judgehate is shuffled under the carpet. The standards get questioned, so we answer.


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