.:Takuyuni:. Posted March 20, 2003 Posted March 20, 2003 I don't recall seeing the reqs. for FL. So, chances are, my piece isn't adequate. Anywho, heres the specs Runnin Win-dohs 98 (it says 88mb ram...but thats sounds funny to me. I'd say 64, with some foreign chip in there somewhere, which I don't recall what size it was, nothing bigger than 30 though) 633mhz (just browsing OCR it says i have 73% resources free...but when FL really starts grindin' them wheels, i'm sure it gets into the negative hundreds [i've gotten some nastee "blue screens of death" before]) Not to mention I dont have a video or sound card. Just the CRAP thats in the Compaq (aka TOOL OF THE DEVIL) motherboard. [Another colorful addition to this computer is the two v90 and one 56k modems.....NONE of which will give me at least a 44kbps connection. I think the absolute fastest I can get is around 33.3kbs. ] I wish AOL was something I could tie to a tree in the backyard, beat with a shovel until it falls over and starts twitching, then beat it s'more until I have a good amount of brain matter all over my shirt, and then BURN IT!
Beatdrop Posted March 20, 2003 Posted March 20, 2003 OW! *pulls the knife out of his chest* Well, there you have it. Your computer is highly inadequete for running FL. I'm running a 1GHz AMD Athlon with 512 megs of RAM and an SBLive! Value and I still kill FL a lot, but that's because I've got TEH M4D L33T FR00TL00P SK1llZZZZ... or maybe just because I throw a whole bunch of stuff into my songs. With each update, FL's system requirements take a slight step up. Of course, they don't have to, but if you want to use some of the new features in combination with each other as well as the older features, you're going to be building up a nice CPU usage... Your soundcard definitely has to go, you don't have enough memory, and your processor isn't quite good enough for even a relatively basic song.
StarBLaSt Posted March 20, 2003 Posted March 20, 2003 here's a question.. why in the world dont you people use reason ?
Rellik Posted March 20, 2003 Posted March 20, 2003 StarBLaSt, I know you weren't serious, but that's a pretty stupid question to ask. Why DO people use Reason? Maybe they like it. But I've tried the demo version, and although it's pretty cool-looking, I have no idea how to work it. With a little time and guidance I would definitely be able to get it going, but even once I know how to use it I doubt I'll favor it over FruityLoops, just from what I've seen. They layout in FL is far easier to work with, as you've got a little convenient window for whatever it is you need to do, and it is surely no less powerful than Reason. Perhaps in Reason it's easier to do certain things that are hard to do in FruityLoops, but the same goes vice versa. I like how in FL, the instruments and piano roll are so accessible, and how you don't have to deal with things that you don't need. I can't really compare, but I think that some could help you better than I can. At least from what I've seen, Reason is good for complicated, subtle things, and FL is good for songs with a solid beat and more in-your-face stuff (although they both can do both). I may in time see a reason to use Reason, but right now, FL is working out fine for me.
OverCoat Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 OW!*pulls the knife out of his chest* Well, there you have it. Your computer is highly inadequete for running FL. I'm running a 1GHz AMD Athlon with 512 megs of RAM and an SBLive! Value and I still kill FL a lot, but that's because I've got TEH M4D L33T FR00TL00P SK1llZZZZ... or maybe just because I throw a whole bunch of stuff into my songs. With each update, FL's system requirements take a slight step up. Of course, they don't have to, but if you want to use some of the new features in combination with each other as well as the older features, you're going to be building up a nice CPU usage... Your soundcard definitely has to go, you don't have enough memory, and your processor isn't quite good enough for even a relatively basic song. Well, they say that if you don't use those memory-hogging VSTi and DXi (which are actually the good ones ) then you must have over a pentium 200 mhz processor. I recommend over 500 mhz, and at least 256 MB of ram.
Beatdrop Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 Don't try to use the TS-404, either. That things sucks up an assload of CPU, as well...
OverCoat Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 I hope you're being sarcastic, cause it doesn't...
Green-Gesus Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 ok, try this, in each pattern, you can use the roll more than once, one roll per channel. BUT, if one channel has 1 measure of notes, and another 5 measures of notes, then the cycle on all lesser piano rolls will BE!......5! That is why for question 2.
captcapper Posted March 25, 2003 Posted March 25, 2003 okay here's something that should be easy to answer. is there a way that i can change they the sound of say a drum or something so that it sounds like its being hit harder or lighter?
OverCoat Posted March 26, 2003 Posted March 26, 2003 Dude, that's easy just change the velocity on the step sequencer or the piano roll.
skulkrusha Posted March 26, 2003 Posted March 26, 2003 How would one get a sound to stop playing when another sound on a different channel starts playing? For instance, I have a sample of a high hat being hit while it's open, and another while it's closed. I want them to cancel out each other when they starts playing something (or at least the open hat to stop when the closed hat plays). How would I accomplish this?
Beatdrop Posted March 26, 2003 Posted March 26, 2003 I'm pretty sure that what you're trying to do is only possible using the Step Sequencer (in other words, no piano roll). It's not very difficult to do this: The Cut and Cut By numbers allow you to have one channel get cut off upon the triggering of another channel a la TR-909 hi-hats. For both channels, hit "Cut Itself" to assign a cut number to the channel, and then change the Cut By number of the channel you want to cut off to the number of the other channel by which it will be cut. For example, you have one sample that currently reads: CUT: 6 CUT BY: 6 and another that reads: CUT: 7 CUT BY: 7 In order to get the first one to cut off when the second one triggers, you would change either one to read: CUT: 6 CUT BY: 7
.:Takuyuni:. Posted March 26, 2003 Posted March 26, 2003 Well, I'm not going to let my handicap stop me from making music. I'm starting out easy, trying to mimic whatever music I have a pretty good memory of, for instance the SpyHunter theme(something yall could probably sit down and do in about 30 minutes). But I find that the "samples" (not sure if thats the correct terminology for whatever they are) don't quite make the right sound, no matter how much I fiddle with them. If you've ever heard the Spyhunter theme from NES you know its got an elementary drum sequence (which isn't my problem, I got that down in about 10 minutes) but once I tried to start on the melody I ran into a wall, I cant make a bass (guitar) or that cool flute sound....not to mention that strange bass-accentuating high end *Nnye* sound. To my knowledge the samples are the "ready to go" instruments, as in all you do is open it in a new channel, and work yer magic. Am I gonna have to go get a job so I can BUY FL and the free updates option? Or is there a way I can get some decent sounds to come out of this pile. Oh...another thing...if I cant get the tempo right...with the default settings, should I speed it up, and stretch out the step sequencer? Or should I just do everything in the Piano roll (which seems to be more work than its worth just to mimic the damn Spyhunter theme)
Beatdrop Posted March 26, 2003 Posted March 26, 2003 Am I gonna have to go get a job so I can BUY FL and the free updates option? Or is there a way I can get some decent sounds to come out of this pile. While, the answer is NO (unless you're using a demo), I'd still suggest buying it. If you're using a demo, you can't save your work, and that's extremely crappy. Oh...another thing...if I cant get the tempo right...with the default settings, should I speed it up, and stretch out the step sequencer? Or should I just do everything in the Piano roll (which seems to be more work than its worth just to mimic the damn Spyhunter theme) Use both the piano roll AND the step sequencer. The SS is good for drums and hits, while the piano roll should be used for almost everything else (including drum rolls).
skulkrusha Posted March 27, 2003 Posted March 27, 2003 But I find that the "samples" (not sure if thats the correct terminology for whatever they are) don't quite make the right sound, no matter how much I fiddle with them. If you've ever heard the Spyhunter theme from NES you know its got an elementary drum sequence (which isn't my problem, I got that down in about 10 minutes) but once I tried to start on the melody I ran into a wall, I cant make a bass (guitar) or that cool flute sound....not to mention that strange bass-accentuating high end *Nnye* sound. If you mean you can't get the instruments (easier to call 'em that) to sound like the ones on the NES, you should download some VSTs. The guys who made the demo songs on FL know how to use it to a very full extent, which is why they can get the default instruments to sound so good. If you don't want to become a black belt in Fruity Kwon Do, however, you can save a lot of time simply by downloading VSTs. There's a whole load available at http://www.kvr-vst.com, most not only easy to use but great sounding, too. Oh, and Beatdrop: KTHX
.:Takuyuni:. Posted March 27, 2003 Posted March 27, 2003 There should be a FL mentoring program going on for us less fortunate youngsters. If anyone has some spare time, I could really use some input. I'm doing one of the most pointless things imaginable, and trying to get the SpyHunter theme down in fruityloops manually. Sure I wanna learn to RMX but I figure that making music in its most basic form would probably be a better starting place. The link to what I'm shooting for ishttp://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/pgunn.mid and I could easily send you a copy of what I have so far. So if anyone is interested in helping a poor helpless noob, drop me a line. I'd be very grateful.
Zellfreid Posted March 29, 2003 Posted March 29, 2003 I just DLed the Demo version of Fruity Loops 3 today and I need help on a LOT. But for now, I'll only go a little at a time... First off, what is a generator. Meaning, how do I use it, what is it for and the like... I know that it has something to do with channels or they're channels or something, but what are they used for?... Second, how do I use Peak Controllers? Same as the Generators...How do I use them, what are they for? (I know that they are used to change the quality or the sound of an instrument or something...) See how sad this is? I would appreciate any help I can get. Any help that you can give me! PLZ, I am considering purchasing the Fruity Loops 3 program, but I would like to know how to use it! P.S.-I know that you can't save with the demo, but I want to get a feel for the program. Maybe even His Highness DJP could help out with the basics, and that's all it really is that I need...The basics of FL... Thanks in advance if this post gets an answer!
lazybum Posted March 31, 2003 Posted March 31, 2003 How do i change the tempo at a certain period of time in Fruityloops assuming i'm using the playlist editor? The topic on automating and changing tempo does not exists, so i asked this question
Beatdrop Posted March 31, 2003 Posted March 31, 2003 How do i change the tempo at a certain period of time in Fruityloops assuming i'm using the playlist editor?The topic on automating and changing tempo does not exists, so i asked this question *sigh* Go back a few pages and you'll find it. Automation is covered numerous times in this thread. First off, what is a generator. Meaning, how do I use it, what is it for and the like... I know that it has something to do with channels or they're channels or something, but what are they used for?... Generators are any tracks in FruityLoops that generate sound. This includes the TS-404, 3xOsc, WASP, Simsynth, and sample tracks. You use them to create music, silly. Second, how do I use Peak Controllers? Same as the Generators...How do I use them, what are they for? (I know that they are used to change the quality or the sound of an instrument or something...) See how sad this is? There is a tutorial in FL specifically to illustrate how to use the Peak Controller. Please look through the Tutorials folder for it to find the answer to your question.
Zellfreid Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 There is a tutorial in FL specifically to illustrate how to use the Peak Controller. Please look through the Tutorials folder for it to find the answer to your question. I looked, and I didn't find one. There is no "Peak Controller" catagory or whatever, so I looked under what I thought were related topics and couldn't find it. What is it under? Now, How do I make a sliding effect on my instruments (or generators)? P.S.-Thanks for telling me what a generator is.
Beatdrop Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 I can't give you the filename of the tutorial I'm talking about right now because I'm at school (away from FruityLoops). The "slide effect" you speak of is called portamento. There should be a knob for it in the track properties window.
Patriarch K Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 I downloaded som samples from this place http://www.thesoundsite.net/ , but when i should save my track, then i couldn´t do that because a message appeared....."Warning some of the samples may be deleted because it is only demo samples" or something. So i lost my belowed samples ...how can i get similar samples that will work forever????
Span-Kofficus Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 You'll have to buy them. You know, with your money. Or your parents.
Patriarch K Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 You'll have to buy them. You know, with your money. Or your parents. But cant i get some free samples somewhere????
Zellfreid Posted April 2, 2003 Posted April 2, 2003 The "slide effect" you speak of is called portamento. There should be a knob for it in the track properties window. Cool, but how does one make the knob turn (like, automatically). I've seen the example tracks and some of, no, a lot of their knobs are constantly turning. How do they do that? I must once again remind u of my FL impared mind. Thanks in advance (and to your other replies).
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