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Yes, you can use swing in the piano roll, but not in the same way as the step sequencer. You can either attempt to write it in yourself (you might need to change the snap settings in order to get the notes to land in the right places), or you can try to quantize the notes (select all/ctrl+a > alt+q, and find a quantizing pattern that works with what you're doing. In my experience, though, it's difficult to find one that works well). Hope that helps.

So what do you normally do?

I usually write it in myself, if I really need to. I typically don't write much jazz/syncopation, though. Even then I prefer to use other programs for that sort of thing (Finale does it well, but I do prefer the piano roll to manuscript).

SSB: What jordex said, although you can also use automation clips if you like.

jordex: Vibrato is fluctuation in pitch, and tremelo is fluctuation in volume. What you want is autopanning. http://www.kvr-vst.com/get/794.html - VST autopanning effect, although you could just link an lfo to any channel's panning to get the same effect.


Thanks, I'll try it out. What I'm aiming for is an effect like the EP Keyboard under FL keys or that cool panning effect thing in SpacePony's - Mariocean

There should be a whole board for FL...this is too long

Noted. I'll suggest it to DJP for when ztnet switches over to PHP 5.0, and when phpBB supports subforums. Don't expect it to happen any time soon (like, even within a year from now), but it's still a good idea. I'll pass it along.

There should be a whole board for FL...this is too long

I've been seriously debating going through and compressing this whole thing into a bunch of compact info sections, and starting a new FL thread with them. Like, only one thread, and first post is your basic stuff, then the next one is on clipping or something, then going from there. I've only got a 56k here at home though - is there any way someone can get this whole thread into a PDF or HTML file or something so that i can work on it offline? If someone can load each page and save it, that would work too - just something so i can access it offline at home. I'll go from there.

EDIT: clarity and spelling.


I'm having problems getting my MIDI keyboard to work in FL. its an M-audio keystation 49e and it works with Anvil Studio, but no notes are recorded when I try to use it with FL. any suggestions?


when i start a new project, how do i get it so there is only one default channel (Sampler) instead of 4 (kick, clap, hihat and snare) and keep it that way?


I'm not sure if this qualifies as a FruityLoops or Reason question, but this board seems more active so I'll try my luck here.

I've got a FL file I've made that I want to be able to transfer to Reason, as I really don't want to have to write it all out again. Is it possible to do this?

I dont know about that but my friend has truble with his MIDI files when I got FLstudios5 my MIDI stoped working. What do i do? can you help?

Likely your settings reset. When I upgraded to 5, I just had to re-select the correct MIDI and audio devices. Try that.

If you need more information, then provide greater detail about your problem.


1. Keyboard Controller's just like any other thing you can link a control to (like the peak controller, X-Y controller etc). Just link it to any control the same as you would for any other controller. You can then write patterns for it in the piano roll, or use an external keyboard to control it (probably what it was intended for in any case). Check the help file for more info.

2. LP = Low pass (filter). It's a frequency filter designed to allow low frequencies to "pass" and cut out others according to how it's set.


I would suspect the Fast in Fast LP stands for a fast roll-off in the low pass filter which gives the sound a harsher sound which can be desirable for harsher and colder sounds. Good for cheap acid sounds.


Hello, how exactly does the online download system for flstudio 5 work? If a hard drive crash were to occur, would fruity loops be able to be reinstalled? Is the download some kind of file that could be backed up on a cd? Thanks very much. I am highly considering fl via download and would just like to know. Has anybody had negative experiences with this? positive? Again, thanks. :D

Hello, how exactly does the online download system for flstudio 5 work? If a hard drive crash were to occur, would fruity loops be able to be reinstalled? Is the download some kind of file that could be backed up on a cd? Thanks very much. I am highly considering fl via download and would just like to know. Has anybody had negative experiences with this? positive? Again, thanks. :D

You get a regcode and username. Write it down. Input it every time you want to re-download the regkey for the software, really pretty simple. I've had to do it about a dozen times and have never had any problems.


All I have to say is, FL Studio 5 is awesome. If you have the plan with free upgrades get this now. If you have the money, order it. This version is awesome. I just got it today and I'm already noticing some much better samples. Guitars that sound like guitars, drum kits that sound real. It is great.

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