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I just name mine based on what's happening in the channel (eg. kick 1a, kick 1b, kick 2, snare, snare rush, pads 1a, etc). If it's too mixed up for me to be able to remember where everything is I'll give each instrument/sound/whatever its own colour (lead synths might be yellow or orange, drums could be grey or white, and so on). If the arrangement gets to the point where I can't tell where the different sections of the track are just by looking at the playlist I'll add time markers. If my mixer's getting too disorganized I'll do roughly the same thing that I do with the playlist.

Of course sometimes I just do all that because I'm bored. :)!!


ah cool, I never knew darkesword used fl

Heres what my playlist looks like when I'm not so lazy

And heres what my playlist looks like when I just don't care, I end up memorizing what all 52 patterns are somehow

I just always have problems when I want to add a pickup note

I've been using samples from songs by uploading them into the slicer. My problem is that many times I want samples/instruments/effects from the middle of the song or near the end and the slicer only has as many keys as the piano roll, so I can really only use stuff from the beginning of a full-length song. Is there another way?

get audacity 1.2.3, and just hack off the front of the song using that or any wave-editor tool. Or, you could just isolate the part and use it in an audio clip using that program. pretty easy to use, you'll see where it is.


I've got a couple of issues that has been bugging me for a while now, the first being a volume problem. Basically, even with all the volume sliders turned all the way up, the volume is still too low. How do you get the volume to be at a decent level?

The other thing is more of an issue with my "equipment", if you want to call it that. After burning some of my songs onto a CD and listening to them on a good sound system, I noticed a huge problem. A lot of the "bassy" instruments and drums were extremly loud, especially the kick drums. Unfortunately, all I have at my computer are some crappy speakers and headphones that hardly pick up any bass at all, so it all sounds fine through my computer speakers even though it really isn't okay. I'm still kind of new to the whole music/remixing thing, so I don't really know much about proper equipment. What headphones/speakers/soundcards/whatever do you guys recommend?


Basically what you need is a more decent sound system for your computer for the sake of monitoring (and maybe better sound for your music and computer games.) Look into the more pricier end of headphones (headphones normally in the 50+ dollar range) and bookshelf speakers.

Does anyone know who to get the FL5 piano roll to snap notes to the grid like it did in FL4?

See the drop bar that says "snap"? It should be in the same panel that has the "metronome" option. If it's set to "none", change it to line or cell.


This hasn't happened to me before I don't think but when I'm in FL and I turn down the Winamp volume, the FL volume goes down as well. Maybe all I need to do is restart my comp but still, what would cause this to happen?


About the overall volume being too low that I talked about in my last post, I was referring to the FL volume being low, not my speakers. I'm saying when I compare a song I've made to a professional song (or the ones off of this site for that matter), the volume is lower than those songs. The only way I've figured how to make it louder is the Fruity 7 Band EQ, but that takes a ton of tweaking that I'd rather not do if I can help it. I'm just wondering if there's another way to get the volume louder.

About the overall volume being too low that I talked about in my last post, I was referring to the FL volume being low, not my speakers. I'm saying when I compare a song I've made to a professional song (or the ones off of this site for that matter), the volume is lower than those songs. The only way I've figured how to make it louder is the Fruity 7 Band EQ, but that takes a ton of tweaking that I'd rather not do if I can help it. I'm just wondering if there's another way to get the volume louder.

Your volume in FL shouldn't be that low. I think you should pick up new drivers (eg. asio4all) and adjust the volume from there so that when you add a new instrument, it'll be of reasonable volume without tweaking. Besides the channel volume to the left of the channel itself, going to Channel Settings, the "Misc" tab, and then pumping up the volume knob will give you as much loudness as you need. A Compressor with high gain will also do the trick.


* Bump Me if this question already passed, im havin' problems with the following:

Everytime I export a song from FL to mp3 the first few steps are not being played. Do I have to start my songs 4 bars late everytime? :? Cuzz then you have to wait like 16 steps before the song starts, and thats too long for my sake :P . And starting the song after 4/8/12 steps just feels 'outta rhythm' to me. So if anyone have some kind of advice for me on this matter, it would be great :) ..

I hope to hear from you soon..

thnx in advance :D ..


In the Piano Roll, how do I change the unused roll's(the ones with the pitch, pan, filter res etc.) I'm trying to change them to Filter cut on a midi out channel.


Okay, i'm having this weird technical problem with FL studio 5.

Everytime i use FL, a rewire text file always appears in My Documents. I keep deleting them, but they'll keep on coming. Is there a way to fix this?

* Bump Me if this question already passed, im havin' problems with the following:

Everytime I export a song from FL to mp3 the first few steps are not being played. Do I have to start my songs 4 bars late everytime? :? Cuzz then you have to wait like 16 steps before the song starts, and thats too long for my sake :P . And starting the song after 4/8/12 steps just feels 'outta rhythm' to me. So if anyone have some kind of advice for me on this matter, it would be great :) ..

I hope to hear from you soon..

thnx in advance :D ..

* Erhm... Guys? anyone? I Really need help with this one :roll:

* Bump Me if this question already passed, im havin' problems with the following:

Everytime I export a song from FL to mp3 the first few steps are not being played. Do I have to start my songs 4 bars late everytime? :? Cuzz then you have to wait like 16 steps before the song starts, and thats too long for my sake :P . And starting the song after 4/8/12 steps just feels 'outta rhythm' to me. So if anyone have some kind of advice for me on this matter, it would be great :) ..

I hope to hear from you soon..

thnx in advance :D ..

* Erhm... Guys? anyone? I Really need help with this one :roll:

check to make sure the pattern starts when you want it to start, as well as check for any instruments muted or controllers off in the very beginning.


Is there a tutorial for someone just starting FL? I tried the links on the page but most of them were dead. Like I need a tutorial for the total newbie, I don't know what half the stuff means tried the FL page wasn't much help :o Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


I was wondering if anyone has anymore of the files that FL uses to cut stuff in piano roll (whaddayacallit? cutting thingie...er...@_@...)or is it called chop...whatever...I was wondering if there was a way to get different ones. (yes, I know it's better to cut it yourself but I'm lazy)


Hi! new here, and something's up with my fruity loops. I dunno if this is the right place to ask?

When I try and open the program, it says there's an error and must close. I'm then prompted a second time saying quote:

Exception ERegistryException in module FLENGINE.DLL at 00064BBE

I tried reinstalling it but it gets to about 10 seconds remaining and says I need to reinstall it as an administrator. I also tried repairing it.

What's the deal?! :?

haha, thanks!


actually it isnt noob friendly.

I remember the 1st time my friend tried to turn me onto it. it was version 3 and was so stuck and everything sounded horrible. i couldnt figugre anything out so I gave up. then I tried digital performer and cool edit and mxwaver. they all failed. So tried reason and faled too, so i went back to FL and 4 came out so i decided to learn it. and it took me a year to figure out basically 95% of it.


I'm working on a file, but now whenever I open it up, I get this message:

An error occured while reading the FLP file.

It may be corrupted, or some plugn caused an error while opening.

After pressing the "OK" button, I can still nagivate the file with few errors. However, when I try to play it, no sound is produced. If I press the exit button, FL Studio stalls.

I've trade saving to a different file, deleting all the effects, and deleting all channels except for 3x OSC. The same problem is produced.

Any suggestions? I wasn't terribly far along, but it'd be annoying if I would have to begin again.



Uhh, is this thread still alive, because the links are dead, and I'm pretty clueless working with fruity loops, ive got the bare basics but thats it :?

Cracking/stealing programs is frowned upon in Remixing.

You're damn right. Posts deleted.

WBS: Don't ask about that shit in here. You want a good remixing program? Buy FL, or find a good free equivalent. Don't ask for information about piracyhere. It isn't just frowned upon; it's forbidden. :whatevaa: End of discussion.

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