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OCRA-0009 - Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream

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Heh. I didn't even get an email - my girlfriend did and I nearly wet myself. Immediately started pulling it down. Been listening to it, and I'm enjoying it quite a lot.

My biggest issue has been that 4-09, the One-Winged Angel track didn't download correctly. Neither the .wav nor the .mp3 file will play for me - I'm wondering if this is an isolated incident, or what. I'll grab another version of the song, but I figured I'd throw it out there in case I'm not the only one.

Well done, guys.


Never played ffvii and i still like the soundtrack a lot...er at least most of it.Good job guys and gals.My favorite happens to be the redxiii mix.That guitar simply rocks. Pixies vocal remixes are also worth noting. Good job putting it all together for us zirc.

My biggest issue has been that 4-09, the One-Winged Angel track didn't download correctly. Neither the .wav nor the .mp3 file will play for me - I'm wondering if this is an isolated incident, or what. I'll grab another version of the song, but I figured I'd throw it out there in case I'm not the only one.

It's due to the filename being so bloody long because of all the contributors' names in it. If you're saving it to a directory buried particularly deeply in your hard drive then the name/path ends up being longer than your OS can handle. Try putting the download directory right at the top level of your hard drive.


Dear listeners, could someone point me to any classical or orchestral pieces? Not to offend the remixers, but I have a strong distaste for anything electronic or metal. Combine that with a really slow internet connection and you get electronic-russian roulette.


The only strictly orchestral pieces are Jeremy Robson's "Valse Aeris" (2-02) and Steffan Andrews' "Jenova Returns" (4-07). However I really think it's silly to limit yourself like that. There are tons of other genres on here besides metal and electronica, and even within those, that are a lot of subgenres that you might enjoy. Just listen through, you won't be disappointed.

Dear listeners, could someone point me to any classical or orchestral pieces? Not to offend the remixers, but I have a strong distaste for anything electronic or metal. Combine that with a really slow internet connection and you get electronic-russian roulette.

Get the torrent going, turn off the wav's, and go to bed. Then listen to everything in the morning and see what you like :)

However I really think it's silly to limit yourself like that...Just listen through, you won't be disappointed.

I have been picking a few at random and except for the tracks you've mentioned, I have been disappointed. I'm not saying any song is bad per se, its just not my thing.

Get the torrent going, turn off the wav's, and go to bed. Then listen to everything in the morning and see what you like :)

Unfortunately this would cost a lot since I would exceed my bandwidth cap.

Thank you for your time, I've got what I wanted.


Is there some reason there's no torrent with just the MP3 files? The WAV files are basically useless to me, and I'm betting they take up 90% of that 2gb. I don't care about minor compression that I won't even notice, and I don't want to spend more time getting these than necessary. I'll be listening to them on my MP3 player more than anywhere else anyway.

I suppose I'll just download the songs individually, but that defeats the purpose of having a torrent.

Is there some reason there's no torrent with just the MP3 files? The WAV files are basically useless to me, and I'm betting they take up 90% of that 2gb. I don't care about minor compression that I won't even notice, and I don't want to spend more time getting these than necessary. I'll be listening to them on my MP3 player more than anywhere else anyway.

I suppose I'll just download the songs individually, but that defeats the purpose of having a torrent.

the torrent has both mp3 and wav versions of the 4 CDs, so just choose what you want to download. smart guy.

WAV and MP3 are there because some people want lossless. Doing two torrents would be silly when any decent client lets you deselect what you don't want (or prioritize what you do). This way, if you only want MP3, you deselect the WAVs. Plus, even if you only want lossless, it's nice to have ALL the 45 songs uniformly tagged and encoded. That took hours for me to do.

WAV's are much appreciated. Voices of the Lifestream will be one more group of songs I can have as OGG (through WAV encoding). The music is also good too, haha.

If you have a half-decent torrent client, you can choose to only download some of the files instead of all of them :)

Whoops. Guess I don't have a half decent torrent client then. I didn't even know you could do that with a torrent.


Wow cool I can't believe you guys did this.

I never go on OC Remix, and only downloaded Kong in Concert (which is awesome btw). I only made this account to compliment the KiC guys, and here I am complimenting you guys who made this album. I'll definitely listen to these tracks!

Keep up the good work guys!

After listening to the soundtrack, I must say it's pretty sweet. However, a disliked a few tracks, mainly the ones with lyrics added. Adrenalyne Kick is OK though would be much better without the guy talking. The Crossroads I just despise like totally (sorry). I just dislike how you guys just had to add vocals to the songs despite them never being there. Ruined the songs for me because of this. Other than these two tracks the soundtrack is awesome. 4.5/5 on the album.


Wow. Having listened to the entire album, I must say that this was well worth the wait. I pretty much dug every track, my early favorites being Hy Bound's Mark of a Beathsmith, Scenes from a Memory, Short Skirts, Chasing the Storm, Alien Exploration.. actually I could go on and on. Kudos to all involved!


I wish I could seed at the moment. But I'm almost at my download limit, so I'll have to stick to track-by-tracking the whole thing ftm.

I'll seed as soon as my download limit isn't so boned.

3 Discs completed...

I have been picking a few at random and except for the tracks you've mentioned, I have been disappointed. I'm not saying any song is bad per se, its just not my thing.

If nothing else, you need to at least listen to "Stone Eyes" and "Midnight at Club Corel." Hearing Shnabubula in action is a life-changing experience.

WAV and MP3 are there because some people want lossless. Doing two torrents would be silly when any decent client lets you deselect what you don't want (or prioritize what you do). This way, if you only want MP3, you deselect the WAVs. Plus, even if you only want lossless, it's nice to have ALL the 45 songs uniformly tagged and encoded. That took hours for me to do.

Why not FLAC? Not accessible enough. A lot of players don't support it, and if you're trying to reach the widest number of people, it makes more sense to go with a format that *everyone* can use. After all, the main reason people ask for lossless is for CD burning, and if you have to go through another step to do that (FLAC->WAV) then isn't that kind of silly?

Don't you find the slightest bit of irony in eschewing FLAC in the name of "accessibility" and saving a couple button clicks, in the same breath that you are telling people to download a "decent client" to get the torrent?

Sure, any experienced BT user will have a client that allows file selection. Likewise, any person who cares in the least about lossless in the first place will know about and have a FLAC player. Furthermore, the time it takes to extract FLAC to WAV is practically negligible compared to the time that would be saved by downloading compressed files. We're talking potentially hours here, multiplied across the hundreds of people downloading the torrent.

I suppose it's all pretty moot at this point for this particular release, but it's something future project coordinators should keep in mind. But in the meantime, I guess the WAVs are doing a good job of inflating the bandwidth stats. :nicework:


I've listened to about half of the project and so far I have been pretty underwhelmed. There have been a few tracks that made me go "Yeah. Okay, this is pretty good," but they've been greatly outnumbered by tracks that were either mediocre or downright bad (Jovette Rivera, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?)

Why not FLAC? Not accessible enough. A lot of players don't support it, and if you're trying to reach the widest number of people, it makes more sense to go with a format that *everyone* can use. After all, the main reason people ask for lossless is for CD burning, and if you have to go through another step to do that (FLAC->WAV) then isn't that kind of silly?

Supplying WAVs is an inconvenience to the vast majority just to save trouble for some tiny minority that wants to listen to lossless audio but doesn't have a player that supports FLAC (wtf?) and/or wants to burn an audio CD but doesn't have a burner that supports FLAC. And MP3 is quite accessible for enough people already.

To paraphrase Mr. Babbage, I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke this course of action.

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