zircon Posted September 14, 2007 Author Posted September 14, 2007 Dhsu: Simply put, most people already have a decent BT client capable of just DLing the MP3s - or they can just get the MP3s off the mirrors. However, FLAC is not a widespread format yet. Simply because you "care about lossless" (which may just mean you want to burn files directly to a CD) doesn't mean you automatically have a FLAC decoder. Doing it in that format would have inconvenienced a number of people for the sake of a small minority. Saving 1GB on the torrent isn't worth that, IMO. Jorpho: Again, you don't HAVE to download the WAVs. While a few people have posted here unaware that you could deselect them, the overwhelming majority of people I have personally spoken with had no problems doing that when they only wanted the MP3s. I don't consider learning the ins and outs of your BitTorrent client an "inconvenience"; I do consider forcing anyone who might just want to drag and drop WAVs into WMP for burning to download extra software an inconvenience. Anyway, there's really no point in arguing about this further since the decision has already been made. Quote
Dhsu Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Doing it in that format would have inconvenienced a number of people for the sake of a small minority. I think the number of people complaining about the WAVs conflicts with your stats. Not a single person except you has complained about FLAC. The real inconvenience here is needing to spend hours downloading an extra 1GB, especially when so many people have monthly download caps, as opposed to the 15 minutes at most it would require to get and use a FLAC decoder. Anyway, there's really no point in arguing about this further since the decision has already been made. Like I mentioned, this discussion is so future coordinators don't make the same mistake. Quote
djpretzel Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 Anyway, there's really no point in arguing about this further since the decision has already been made. Ditto that. Also, you're really not telling us anything we didn't know... though we appreciate the feedback and I think the intentions are good, we DID have this discussion internally, and weighed the pros/cons of a larger distribution vs. a somewhat esoteric file format. That Winamp has FLAC support built in now is great, but a lot of folks are using (gasp) WMP or whatever, and say what you want about WAV, it's definitely foolproof. I could have gone either way on this issue... I'm not convinced the wrong decision was made, either - if we'd gone with FLAC, we might be getting an equal number of confused emails. Those folks would be less aggressive/visible as they'd be less likely to post on a thread because of the noobish nature of their confusion, but... hindsight's always 20/20. It's a little disappointing that folks always assume we gave zero thought to the issue, or went with WAV to inflate bandwidth statistics, or try to graft the worst possible intentions onto what amounts to a technical decision that was weighed and duly considered. It's definitely worth talking about this for future projects as the optimal solution to me remains elusive. However, we're ALWAYS gonna have folks pushing OGG who don't appreciate the accessibility of MP3, we're always gonna have people pushing FLAC who don't appreciate the accessibility of WAV, and dumbing down the issue or oversimplifying it and demonizing us seems immature. Then again, this is the Internet, so perhaps I'm being naive... Quote
Dhsu Posted September 14, 2007 Posted September 14, 2007 or went with WAV to inflate bandwidth statistics My comment was made in jest BTW. Anyway, if in the future a coordinator still sees a need to use WAV, at least ZIP them beforehand. And if someone starts telling me about the inconvenience and obscurity of ZIP files, I tell you no jury in the world will convict me of what happens next. Quote
Shadow Wolf Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Okay. So, um... this fucking owns, completely and totally. Every last inch of it. I have to specifically call out BGC for the most amazing Bombing Run remix I could have ever imagined, but if a group of mixers can make the CHOCOBO FARM music sound awesome, all I can do is bow and stare. Excellent work guys. And girls. Quote
Dyne Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 My comment was made in jest BTW.Anyway, if in the future a coordinator still sees a need to use WAV, at least ZIP them beforehand. And if someone starts telling me about the inconvenience and obscurity of ZIP files, I tell you no jury in the world will convict me of what happens next. A link to the nearest zip file program? Winrar for that matter? Quote
Dunnowhathuh Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Good thing I'm not fussy, I just unchecked all the WAVs and walked away...anyways, great job the lot of you who contributed. Still only about half way through the album but I like what I hear so far. And damn I just love it when Sixto breaks out and starts shredding that guitar. Quote
The Joker Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 S'pretty good. I dig it. I'll even go as far as to say to some of the songs: Oooh, you touch my tralalala, my ding ding dong. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 I'm finding it hard to believe that you guys thought this would go so unnoticed that you had to send out e-mails and beg forum members to spread the news. <sarcasim>Cause news about FF7-ANYTHING is just that slow.</sarcasim> Quote
Knives Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 There have been a few tracks that made me go "Yeah. Okay, this is pretty good," but they've been greatly outnumbered by tracks that were either mediocre or downright bad (Jovette Rivera, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?) "A good job" would be the correct answer to that question. I thought Rivera produced one of the more awesome tracks for the album. But hey, to each is his own, right? Quote
Disposable Hero Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 "A good job" would be the correct answer to that question. I thought Rivera produced one of the more awesome tracks for the album. But hey, to each is his own, right? I'd say it was more of a travesty and an abomination unto the ears, but yeah, to each his own. Quote
Dhsu Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Don't make me drive from Houston and pee in your mouth. Quote
Disposable Hero Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Don't make me drive from Houston and pee in your mouth. You'd just be led on a merry chase up to IronKnuckle's abode up in Fayetteville for the meetup next week. But seriously, I liked your track, dude. It was mostly the "this will be dark and brooding yet epic watch how awesome i am also guitars whoo" stuff that got on my nerves. Quote
DarkeSword Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Downloaded, but why does the Torrent contain both MP3s and WAVs?I don't get it. For those who don't have utorrent or ones where you can choose what you can download thats kinda weird. I really don't see a point in downloading both wavs and mp3s. Pretty much any modern BT client worth using these days allows for multiple file selection. If a person is using a client that doesn't support that feature, they should update their BT client. Quote
Monobrow Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Some tracks I like, some I don't. Honestly I think I expected better or something, like the second coming of Christ in a remix? Some of these are superb, one or two really do move me, don't get me wrong, but I'm not feeling it quite as much as I think I should. I wonder why? This is a first impression though, maybe I will give this a few more listens. Quote
Scars Unseen Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 A link to the nearest zip file program? Winrar for that matter? http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/windowsxp/default.mspx Built into Windows since XP. Opens up just like a folder too. On the other hand, I still can't download the torrent file from either the ocremix site or the soundtempest mirror that Zircon was kind enough to provide. Quote
ddrace Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Not a regular poster here, but damn good job on this. I just started listening to this album, and it's easily one of the best =D . Also, I have done what you asked in the email you sent me by posting info about this album on 2 sites now . I'll be sure to get this some notice. It's the least I can do. Once again, rock on for doing this thing ^____^; Quote
XiaoXiaoNeo Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 After downloading each individual track, adding the respective album art, and putting the resulted tracks on my ipod, I finally can enjoy this album! Big thanks to everyone for working so hard to make the awesome project come to life! Quote
Brushfire Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 There is no limit to how awesome is album is. These guys obviously don't need any instructions to know how to rock. Great job everyone!! Quote
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 O.o........ Ok, I refuse to believe that you all weren't on drugs as you made your respective tracks. Quote
Lotd2242 Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Wow that was a lot to listen through. Well I guess I came at this a little more critically than some of my fellow posters since I'm not salivating over its rich goodness, but not quite so critically as Disposable Hero there... I thought some tracks were really good and some were pretty big misses. But that happens with every project. I just want to dish out some general reward points here since it's tough to come into a forum like this and criticize a piece when you don't do much in the way of remixing yourself. And it would be a monster post to take them each individually in any detailed way. If anyone is actually interested in a critical discussion of a mix/mixes that won't be "ZOMG WTF", I'll be happy to help provide that, but for this post, I'll just put up some of my personal highlights. The first piece that stood out for me was Materia Junkie. It was a definite win in my opinion. It took the original to the next level. If I have to go slumming I hope it sounds like that. I liked Short Skirts. It was a groovy rhythm that fit really well. It makes me think of how things would be if Tifa and Cloud had met and grown up under different circumstances. Valse Aeris was perhaps the biggest pleasant surprise for me. I'm always apprehensive about Aerith's theme being done because it's a uniquely beautiful, yet entirely morose theme. I never thought I'd ever hear it in such a way where it actually sounded happy without turning it into something goofy, but Mr. Robson managed to accomplish that quite impressively. Alien Exploration and Golden Feathers were also very nice surprises. I spent so much time in that damned Saucer that almost every piece of music in the place grew to grate on my nerves. I thought for sure I'd be hitting the "next" button here, but I was impressed at how well both managed to get out of that obnoxiously happy amusement park feel. And lastly, The Golden Ivories of Gaia I really enjoyed. Good arrangement and a nice way to close everything out. So congratulations to all of you for all of your hard work. Hopefully, FFVI is next. Quote
ut2k4master Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 The album art looks amazing, and as soon as I've downloaded the MP3 part, I'm listening to it. I'll seed for as long as I can, the game and movie were both great, I can only hope that this album will reflect that. Quote
Paratha Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Oh man, this is just amazing. Time to fire up FFVII PC and replace the regular MIDIs with these. Quote
dilbert627 Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 The album is awesome. Definitely the best OC Remix project. Quick Question: Disc 4 Track 2 - Collision. Is this meant to be a tribute to David Crowder Band? Because it's VERY VERY similar to the song 'Do Not Move' from the album... 'A Collision'. Far too similar to be a coincidence Quote
Imasock Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 I don't even know where to begin. This is one of the most amazing sets of music I've ever heard. I simply cannot express how much in awe I am at the creative abilities and the amount of time and love put into this project. The music is all tastefully done, and it's all excellent quality and sounds immaculate. I can't believe you remixers did this for free. There were only one or two tracks that I was slightly bummed about, but I suppose my expectations were set so high after listening to the other songs, and even so, it's still all good. I don't think I can say anymore without sounding like a suck-up, but truly, this is superb work. Well done, everyone who worked on this receives my utmost respect and gratitude for everything they've done towards this, it's amazing. Don't let any naysayers get to you, this deserves all the positive praises it's been given and more. Man, I wish I could thank each and every one of you personally, dang. Keep up the amazing work, this sort of thing makes me wish I could do something this fantastic. Quote
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