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Okay. This is just to get to know you guys a little better, mmkay?

For me, it took a long time to actually become a gamer, if you could even call it that. Way back in '87 or '88, my brother and I were gifted with a Nintendo, brand new and oh so shiny. We played old classics like TMNT, the arcade version. Unlike my brother, I never got too far on any one game, save for Rampage.

I wasn't a good gamer, no matter how many hours I put into practice. Even Sonic kicked my ass when my parents got me a Genesis. It wasn't really until about 11 years back when I got a 64 for my birthday. I was truly born as a gamer that day, when I put in Mario 64 and I was actually -good- at it. Then there was OOT. God, the memories. Those two put me on the map in the gaming world, it brought me into a whole new world filled with the most gorgeous music, and I wanted more, which brings me to OC. Thank God for you guys. Thank God for plumbers and mute, angst-filled elves.


It wasn't a game so much as a series. I was hunting for various music from Legend of Zelda pretty regularly. My friend knew that, and took the liberty of making me a mix CD. Most of it was hip hop stuff that he thought I'd like, but one of them was hyrulecastledarkworld by Po!. The tag happened to read ocremix.org. Now I didn't give it much thought for a while, but when I got around to checking out where this song had come from, I found this place. I've been here ever since. And since then LoZ has really held me here too because there are a lot of good remixes from the series.


The little blue dweeb. A while ago, there was a remix from MMX2/3 (I can't recall at the moment) called RZX Zero floating around - - to this very day, I'm not certain if it was accepted as an OC Remix, but I tried to locate that song on this site. After coming up short, I just decided to just find other interesting Remixes.

Then I found "Steve's Freaky Bass" from Revenge of Shinobi. Sure, it was just a GYM rip with a few adjustments, but I listened to that track religiously.

But to answer your question, seriously, it would have to be Super Metroid. My mom and I are both insane metroid fans and when she let me have a listen to "Braving the Flames", that's what dragged me onto this site more and more often.

But to answer your question, seriously, it would have to be Super Metroid. My mom and I are both insane metroid fans and when she let me have a listen to "Braving the Flames", that's what dragged me onto this site more and more often.

You officially have an awesome mom.

I have no idea how I found the site, but I think it was around the time I started getting into the Zelda series. Tailcave Beatdown was one of my favorites.


I got here the same way I imagine a lot of people did.

Saw Legendary Frog's Final Fantasy tribute video, and followed the link here to get the music that played during it, Chocobo ROBOVOICE.


This thread is having me confused. Are we talking first games or first visit to OCR? Cause I'll just answer both.

My game history is kind of fuzzy. My family didn't own our own system, but one, maybe two times a year, we would rent one for about 1 week along with any three games we wanted from the store shelves. Those were the golden age of gaming, where we all sat in front of the TV can, encouraging the one who was in control while arguing which one of us who would inherit the hot seat. I can vaguely remember some old NES games we played, such as Ducktales and, I think, Super Mario, but the best period was definitly when the SNES came out on the market.

The Lost Viking, Indiana Jones, Aladdin, Donkey Kong and other titles I cannot remember are so crammed with memories that I can't help but smile while playing them now. The N64 contributed with much joy as well, since it introduced us to the sheer goodness that is Legend of Zelda, but other than that, the SNES truly was our system of choice. When we moved into town, we actually came around buying the N64, along with Mariokart, Donkey Kong 64 (great game, I should start playing it again someday) and of course Legend of Zelda. Even though we may not appreciate the luxury of having a game system at home as much as we used to, which makes me sad, it opened up the doors to gaming, since we eventually got a PS1 and PS2 as well, amking me a Sony fanboy with the help of Final Fantasy.

I was introduced to this site by my older brother and sister though. I just strolled into our computer room, with them leaned over the computer screen while an outmost peculiar tune filled the air. That was Chillout by SEDUCTiON, the moment I could identify the melody from Wily's fortress, I became completely thrilled and literally begged them to ask where it came from. I later on started to listen to various remixes from MM2, and continued through all the other games I had played. However, I was under the impression that only remixers could join the site, but when I discovered that there was no such thing and that it was open for everybody, I banged my head towards the desk and got hooked to the site immediately. I started out on the remix review boards, but slowly yet securely, I wandered into UnMod and started to become the terrible little twerp I am today.

also I am not checking this thing for typos

The question this thread poses is 'what was the definitive video game that made you want to seek out video game music?'

Oh. Well my family were kinda already into that before the discovery of OCR. I own a couple of OSTs myself: Zelda OoT and MM, and FF7, 8 and 9. My sister took the initiative to learn some of those songs on piano, and I just followed her example. There aren't many I know completely, but I know them good enough to use them for entertainment in the evenings with a piano and a few buddies around.

The question this thread poses is 'what was the definitive video game that made you want to seek out video game music?'

Various Final Fantasy games, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Streetfighter II, and many of the Zelda titles, particularly Ocarina of Time.

Wow. These are some awesome stories I'm hearing, fellas. The question this thread poses is 'what was the definitive video game that made you want to seek out video game music?'

Legend of Zelda, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Mario, Mega Man & X and The Metroid series, (particularly Super Metroid.)


Metroid. Way back in 2002 I had about a million screens of this neat new game called Metroid Prime. I was just learning to use Powerpoint, so I wanted some Metroidy music for a slideshow. A quick search brought me here. in June 02, and I downloaded Bluebase Incidental, a 30 second Brinstar mix that I'm pretty sure got removed in a mix lockdown at some point. At any rate, that was the first.

Then in October of 2002 I just wanted some music, so I came back and downloaded Sunken Suite. After hearing that, I decided it was worth downloading the entire damn site if there was a chance I could find more music like that, and thus began my adventures. I've pretty much visited the site every day and downloaded everything posted since then. Every. Last. Mix. Still awesome. Aaah, the memories.


Uhm... A friend actually was giving me links to songs from here, but he asked which game I loved as a child, and found songs like that, so I guess, indirectly, it was Zelda: LttP... Then I just joined up.


Eric Mylonas (sp?) was one of the editors at a gaming magazine known as GameFan (Previously Diehard Gamefan). In one of the last issues of that mag he commented on being happy that djp had mad a remix for MUSHA (an old Genesis shmup, awesome game), I was curious as I'd just recently discovered the joys of the internet, having recently bought my first PC, and had been looking for video game related music. Because of that, I found my way here.

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