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DjNeTisra, you make me sad... (FF7:VotL Ripped Off)

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No ha remixiado la musica de FF7. Los jinetes del disco de www.ocremix.org han creido la musica. Usted no puede utilizar la música como si usted la creara. Es inmoral! Por favor, quita la musica del sitio. Si usted no lo hace, hablaré con su dueño del servidor para quitar su sitio.

In english: You didn't remix the music from FF7. The DJs from OCR made the music. You can't use it as if you created it. It's immoral! Please remove the music from your site. If you don't, I will speak with the owner of your server to remove your site.

It's rough...but I think it conveys the message correctly. This look okay to send? And I'm assuming you would want to send it yourself, DJP?


Wow, nice work guys, that was fast.

But for those curious, I managed to use google language tools to translate the blog post that included the music.

So, for those curious, and if you don't mind the very broken english, courtesy of google.

As I promised, this new album launches electronic music on environmental remix video; This, to my favorite "final fantasy." Let count first, from where we started. The track number 4 was inspired by news about pollution, global warming, etc. etc.. From there, I recalled a hint of this game which was called "Listen to the Cries of the Planet" and I ask Why not do another remix else? . Take my library to search for that song soundtracks with the same name, talking about the plight of our planet.I put more attention their "beats" getting a little more juice "trance" achieves bring first clue : D . From there onwards, with a lot of dedication and follow with the remaining work, wanted to cover most of the soundtracks, but unfortunately, time will allow me : (

I leave you here, the direct discharges of the 13 tracks. But affection. DjNeTisra.

The track 4 in question is, I'm assuming, Fading Entity.

Heh, he relabeled all the song's ID3 tags. Not surprised, but, he knew what he was doing.

The part in italics made me sick... But, I must admit, he's retracted his post quite fast.

Lol, nice find from the man himself.

He also had a post several days before saying he would promise a remix album of FF7.

Ok friends myself, it's time to start remixiar, this next album will be for the Final fantasy 7, so is the classic FF usual. So this outstanding. going to be a (well I hope so). This "Realease" will be one of the great and I will try to cover as much of the "Soundtrack" original. Soon, on Wednesday October 10.

For the preview, he chose Mustin's Serenity. Lol..

Ok, I didn't want to turn this post into a witch hunt.. Forgive and forget? Still, thought people stumbling across this thread might want to know what it actually was.


Don't put your guns down yet, folks. After some snooping, I found that the songs and album are still on his site- in addition to this.


Seems like he's claiming to be close with Goat, and that he has some Sonic mixes on the way. I'll bet a shiny nickel that nothing on this website is originally his.

Oh, and for the curious-


EDIT: Check this out too, the gerudo song sounds...familiar...


Also, he deleted most of the stuff on his music pages. Lol.

Damn, he's covered his ass. he's deleted all the music on the site, cept for the Smashing Live! mp3s he has. If anyone wants them, feel free to grab them. IN BULK.


Antes que nada , buenas noches, estoy escribiendoles este mensaje a las personas que llenaron mi pag de spam a dieztra y siniestra, ustedes dicen que Djnetisra les robo un material , pero no es razon para que llenen la pagina de Jugadores de mexico con spam , digo , hay que ser civilizados , ustedes pudieron poner un post en la pag y yo me encargaria que que no lo borraran , pero lo que estan haciendo ustedes es bandalismo , acaso no es contra eso con lo que estan ustedes luchando?

De la manera mas atenta les pido que dejen de hacer eso , nuestra pag solo tiene a isra como parte de la comunidad , no como dueño , dejen de hace bandalismo

Por su Atencion , Gracias.

Juan Limon , Admin de www.lantj.com


Good Night, before all, im send you this because some users of your page make spam into mi page, all because you say thay Dijinetisra make some stole to your page, i don't know anyting about that , but Israel is only a member of hour page, so you are committing disasters in a page of anothers persons, so if you are asking justice , be just and dont do any more disasters on my page.

If you want, you can put one messege in my forum about Isra , but dont use all the page for that, is like if some of your users do someting bad to another page and they owns come and make a lots of spam in your page , i think that you dont goint to like.

Per your atention , Tnks

Juan Limon "ComplotPc" Admin of www.lantj.com

Good Night, before all, im send you this because some users of your page make spam into mi page, all because you say thay Dijinetisra make some stole to your page, i don't know anyting about that , but Israel is only a member of hour page, so you are committing disasters in a page of anothers persons, so if you are asking justice , be just and dont do any more disasters on my page.

If you want, you can put one messege in my forum about Isra , but dont use all the page for that, is like if some of your users do someting bad to another page and they owns come and make a lots of spam in your page , i think that you dont goint to like.

Per your atention , Tnks

Juan Limon "ComplotPc" Admin of www.lantj.com

Clearly, this thief should not remain an admin of your forums. Whatever. Look at this bastard:



Envíos: 105

Locación: TJ- La presa.

Ingreso: 19.01.07

Posted on 10/15/2007

Only for the credits and tracks, making all this nonsense here?

Man, this website is not mine. so please dont post things about that here, Post on your own forums and websites.

About the Album, i feel very very sry about that. I mean, Really sry making all those fake credits about me and my music.

LIONTAMER, please, im very sorry.


Lol, google translation for the win.

Also, they say wwww.lantj.com isn't DJRipoff's site, but you can access his currículum via his blog where he says that he made the site.

Maybe he's trying to take credit for that too? ;)


Guys, come on. It's totally possible he's been actually doing this for months now, and it's just a freak coincidence they're the exact same.

I mean, it can happen to anyone!


Im the owner of Lantj, im make the idea from about 3 years ago, im start with a blog, then a group in google and then I make a page , but was a pour page , israel help me to do this "new" page about 1 year ago, so , he is the person who make the page , but the idea is mine, the host and domine are mine, he only help, and he stay like admin because he is a gamer and he know about php and help me with the page, he can take the credits for "work" in the page and helpme, i dont care.

He is a inteligent guy but he dont have a lot of notion about register marks and all that tings, but everybody commite a non sense accion one or two time in they's lifes

Well, tnks for reading this



Wow. That's low. Also, there is a difference between going: "oops, I posted this on my site without asking permission" & "I made this stuff because Al gore's speech on global warming inspired me."

Once again. LOW. definitely not the examplary echelon of hume nobility.

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